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The impact of Instagram Influencers

on purchase attention.

Dr. Sami Al Smadi
Malak Hasan Alshabah
Hadeel Yousef Daraghmeh
Chapter 1. Introduction
Interesting topic! Instagram influencers can have a significant impact on purchase attention
because they have a large and highly engaged audience that trusts their recommendations.
The visual nature of the platform also allows influencers to showcase their products in an
engaging and compelling way.

Many influencers build a following through their expertise in specific areas, such as beauty
or fashion, and followers often turn to them for advice and recommendations. If an
influencer promotes a product, followers are likely to take notice of it and consider
purchasing it.

However, it should be noted that the effectiveness of an Instagram influencer depends on

several factors, incl including the influencer’s reputation, the relevance of the product to the
audience, and the credibility of their commendations also so important to approach
influencer marketing with transparency and integrity order to maintain the trust of both the
influencer's audience and your audience.

1.1 background of the problem

With the rise of Instagram and other social media platforms, a new type of marketing
strategy has emerged that utilizes "influencers" who have large followings on the platform.
Companies and brands are partnering with these influencers to promote their products and
services to their followers. However, there is a lack of research on the effectiveness of this
marketing strategy and how it affects consumer behavior. Therefore, further study is needed
on the impact of Instagram influencers on purchasing decisions.
1.2 definition of the problem
Due to the great change caused by social networking sites in decision-making and the role of
influencers in the growth of online purchasing, which depends on the trust of followers. In
this research, we will talk about the influence of influencers on the purchase intention on
Instagram. And the difference in gender and its role in the behavioral differences between
males and females. and the effect of the EWOM and trust concept.

Many applications have been produced recently, and social media applications help in
communication, content sharing, and so on. They also play an important role in the economic
interests of small companies. Therefore, the process of purchasing through social media can be
an advantage and easy.
The Instagram application these days is one of the most rapidly growing applications, and it also
gained one million users two months after its launch, and it has not stopped growing.
Social media have led to the appearance of influencers who have many followers on social
media, and they communicate with them through stories, pictures, and videos, and publish ads
through them.
Social media has led to the emergence of influencers who have many followers on social media,
and they communicate with them through stories, pictures, and videos, and publish ads through
them. Influencers get paid for these ads.

Usually, people believe their friends and influencers in their opinion and judgment on things as
more credible than any other sources. Therefore, a lot of research has been done to discover
consumers' perceived credibility of influencers.
Therefore, the issue of credibility among influencers is important for company owners and brand
owners, because through influencers they can sell a larger number of products when influencers
talk about these products and their uses, and in this way, they reach a larger number of the target
group for this product. (Rebelo,2017).

1.3 Structure of the current study

We prepared an introduction involving the influence of influencers on electronic
purchase attention,

Chapter 2: problem definition

2.1 statement of the Problem
Consumer interactions with products and brands have changed. Consumers have become more
confident in the word of influencers and the promotion of products they do. It has become easier
for companies to advertise through influencers because of its wide advantages, such as achieving
a greater and faster return than the old methods. In this way, the influencer can also explain more
and cover more information and details about these products in smooth ways.
Instagram is one of the most suitable marketing applications and helps consumers to make
purchases. But the problem here is the influence of influencers on consumers to persuade them to

2.2 Research objectives

1. This research looks at the role of Instagram influencers in influencing purchase intent.
2. looking at gender differences in purchasing through corporate ads on Instagram.
3. The Role of EWOM and trust concept.
2.3 research questions
Q1. Are consumers affected by Instagram influencers?
Q2. Does word of mouth and trust influence purchase intent?

Chapter 3: approach to the problem

This study relies on the deductive approach. This research attempts to develop the relationship
between the aspect of trust and word of mouth to clarify the influence of influencers on
customers in advertisements on Instagram.
The study uses qualitative data collected through interviews with Instagram users.

3.4 Importance of the problem.

The aim of this method is to collect selected information from specific individuals.

Chapter 4: Literature review

Online Purchasing intention
Recently, there are few studies related to influencers on Instagram, while previous studies were
mostly about influencers on social networking sites in general.
Other than that, a few of the studies that were taken were related to the influencers on Instagram
and the interaction of consumers with them
Social networking sites enhancing purchasing through them to facilitate the access of
stakeholders to the target group. It depends on the credibility of the owners of social networking
sites and the interaction of consumers with them
Ease of use of technology helps influencers enhance purchase intent
The concept of purchasing intentions differs according to social gender, and here each of the two
types has been studied and analyzed.
Where the authors examine these differences, most notably: innovation, ease of use, awareness
of safety, and also perception of benefit
The researcher believes that purchase intentions are affected by attitudes, as males care about
safety, while females tend to the easy to use, and both are attracted to interest and innovation.
Influencer marketing
Not only celebrities and stars have large numbers of followers, but also influencers have a large
number of followers on social networking sites, especially the Instagram application.
Influencers share their content with the public and interact with them, so many of them are now
using this platform for ads.
Influencers are known to direct people according to a certain direction regarding purchases or
concepts that are of great importance, opinions and great discussions.
Influencers enhance the audience's buying methods through attractive and different
advertisements that draw the attention of the target group, which works to give reactions to these
products. The method of displaying advertisements for these products affects the customer's
purchase intention, and a large number of them gather whenever the work is perfect. Their
demand for products decreases if users are not interested and do not like them.

trust and Word of Mouth and Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM)

It is important to build a relationship of trust with people because it has a positive effect on
advertising and works on great interaction on products. This theory relies on being neutral and
transparent with the target audience as a marketer to build a friendly relationship with them.
Positive comments on a product increase customer confidence before purchasing, so consumers
have more confidence when viewing influencers' posts about these products.
Trust in influencers plays a big role in influencing purchase intent. Therefore, bloggers strive to
gain the trust of a large number of followers.
Word of mouth is a different type of speech and is necessary to guide customers and change their
opinions about products. And if the information spread is of high quality, it will play a role in
increasing trust among customers.
In the event that services cannot be felt, electronic word of mouth helps a lot in creating
relationships between consumers and expressing their opinion and experiences regarding this
Word of mouth is useful in increasing interaction between consumers and sharing their opinions
with each other’s, makes them more persuasive.
Word of mouth positively affects purchase intentions and the application of Instagram benefited
as it was able to market a large number of products that are developing rapidly at the present

Conceptual Framework
(Amin; Hussain and Kellawi.2022)
4.2 Previous studies

Research Author Purpose Place Methodology Findings

Understanding the 1- Brian J. The aim of this study USA Qualitative It was found
relationships Taillon is to facilitate and modeling that the
between social 2- Steven M. understanding of path analysis influencer's
media influencers Mueller influencers’ words, word of
and their followers: 3- Christine M. relationship with mouth, and
the moderating role Kowalczyk followers and how intention to
of closeness. 4- Daniel N. influencers manage purchase had a
Jones their brands positive effect,
and proximity
reduced the
effect on

Attractiveness, 1-Klaus-Peter To evaluate the Germany On-line survey The most

trustworthiness and Wiedmann importance of the included 288 important
expertise – social 2-Walter von influence of on requirement
influencers’ Mettenheim influencers on attractiveness, was
winning formula? encouraging online trustworthines trustworthiness,
purchases. s and then
expertise. attractiveness
and the last one
is expertise
which was nil.
HOW MARTA REBELO The aim of this study Indicates that
INFLUENCERS` is to understand the
CREDIBILITY ON consumers' attractiveness
INSTAGRAM IS expectations of and
PERCEIVED BY Instagram influencers. trustworthiness
CONSUMERS The extent to which of the
AND ITS IMPACT these consumers are influencers
ON PURCHASE influenced by the repeal the
INTENTION influencers' credibility consumers
and their buying purchase
intent is studied intention and
the female
affected more
in the
4.1 literature overview
With the presence of social media applications, it has facilitated the buying process through it,
and influencers have enhanced this feature, as it has become easy for stakeholders to reach a
large base of the target group through the use of influencers. Also, eWOM has a significant
effect. According to Taillon, Mueller, Kowalczyk and Jones.2020 they demonstrating in their
study that that the influencer's words, word of mouth, and intention to purchase had a positive

Advertising by influencers is achieved when they have a large audience that trusts them and
trusts these ads. The most important requirement was trustworthiness, then attractiveness and the
last one is expertise which was nil. ( Wiedmann, Mettenheim. 2021).

Studies have shown that women believe influencers more than men. According to Rebelo. 2017 the
attractiveness and trustworthiness of the influencers repeal the consumers purchase intention and
the female affected more in the trustworthiness.

4.2 Critical analysis

According to the studies and researches we have read we found that the eWOM It greatly affects
the purchase intention, and the more positive it is, the stronger it will be, and it will bring profit
and a great return to stakeholders.
Customers' trust in influencers is affected by the influencers' credibility. Also, the large number
of followers of influencers has a major role in increasing people's trust in them. This method
makes it easier for stakeholders to resort to influencers for their advertisements, because it is an
easy and fast method, as they place advertisements through their publications or stories.
Studies have also shown us that women are influenced by influencers more than men. And their
interests are bigger and broader. And women's confidence in influencers is greater, as it is easier
for women to be attracted to offers and other advertisements.
Chapter 5: Hypotheses of study
5.1 conceptual model

Dependent Independent
Purchasing online. Gender

5.2 Development of hypotheses

1- Gender: Trust in influencers and advertisements varies according to the person, but
gender sometimes plays a big role. Studies have shown that women are highly attracted
to advertisements and influencers, as women repel this kind and their purchasing
intention is affected more than men.
2- Attractiveness: The most important requirement was trustworthiness, then attractiveness
and the last one is expertise which was nil. ( Wiedmann, Mettenheim. 2021).
3- Wom: It bears two types, positive and negative, where people comment about their
experiences, and it comes in great benefit when they share their positive opinion. And it
is negative when they complain and share their negative opinions about a particular
4- Trust: Trusting influencers is an important factor, as people trust influencers and follow
them to see everything new and all new trends. And the influencer must be keen to be
honest in order to gain a large number of followers.

H1: there is a relation ship between gender and purchasing intent.
H2: there is a relationship between attractiveness and purchasing intent.
H3: there is a significant relationship between WOM and purchasing intent.
H4: there is a relationship between trust of influencers and purchasing intent.
Chapter 6: Research Design

6.1 Approach to this study

The current study takes an exploratory research approach to investigate the effect of
influencers on purchasing intent on middle east customers. To achieve the objectives of
this study we . This study will be conducted between June 2024 and
August 2024 in the middle east. We will collect the data during 3 months according to
this method:

6.2 Population of the study

The experiment will conduct on more than one initiator from different sectors and
communities, inside and outside Jordan. It will include 300 consumers and it will be on-
line questionnaire.

6.3 Sampling: Samling procedure

An on-line questionnaire will be published, to asses the influence of influencers on
online purchases and to assess consumer trustiness in influencers, and the most 300
questionnaires representative will be selected.

6.4 Study tool: Survey

6.5 Statistical Procedure

Different statistical techniques will be used to analyze the data collected.
Chapter 7: References

Amin, L,. Husseino, S,. and Kellawi, N. (2022). The Impact of Instagram Influencers
on Consumer Purchasing Intention.

Fakhreddin, F. (2022). The Importance of Social Media Opinion Leadership in

Corporate Branding and Influencing Consumers’ Behavioral Intentions. The
Emerald Handbook of Multi-Stakeholder Communication, 101–127 , 2022 Farbod
Fakhreddin Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited

Pick, M. (2020). Psychological ownership in social media influencer marketing.

European Business Review Vol. 33 No. 1, 2021 pp. 9-30 © Emerald Publishing Limited
0955-534X DOI 10.1108/EBR-08-2019-0165.



Taillon, B., Mueller, S., Kowalczyk, C., and Jones, D. (20). Understanding the
relationships between social media influencers and their followers: the
moderating role of closeness. Journal of Product & Brand Management 29/6 (2020)
767–782 © Emerald Publishing Limited [ISSN 1061-0421] [DOI 10.1108/JPBM-03-2019-

Wiedmann, K., and Mettenheim, W. (2020). Attractiveness, trustworthiness and

expertise – social influencers’ winning formula?. Journal of Product & Brand
Management 30/5 (2021) 707–725 Emerald Publishing Limited [ISSN 1061-0421] [DOI

Study of the impact of the influencers marketing on gender and buying behavior .


a. Male
b. Female

Age: ………………….

1. Which platform of social media influences you?

a. Snapchat
b. Instagram
c. Facebook
d. Other…………..
2. Which platform of social media you prefer to make purchase from
a. Snapchat
b. Instagram
c. Facebook
d. Other…………..

3. If your favorite influencer talk about specific brand would that impact your buying behavior?

a. Yes
b. No

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