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Broader assumptions;

- Gods oversee the world.

- Much of the world is untamed
- The world is ancient.
- Conflict shapes the worlds history
- The world is magical
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Gods;
* A tight Pantheon; the wild and untamed Gods of Mans past were subsumed into me
re aspects of an upstart tribal patron god of the last great era. This God was t
he patron of a tribe/people that came to rule great swathes of land, and used th
e spread of his peoples power to dictate a dogma that was forced onto all conque
red lands. By restrucring the worship of their people and using a great series o
f rituals the other gods were subsumed into him, now treated as aspects of his p
ersonality and power.
This god worked intially through a prophet that went onto become the first king
of this new empire. Although it was a coercive and destructive act the conquest
and centralization did bring about some positive aspects, such as wide spread la
w and order (though harsh) and technological progress (from low dark age to prerenisannce or high medieval).
His empire has now collapsed through a great series of catastrophes, but his Dog
ma survives in a powerful church that still has much influences and with that in
place and the ritual seals unbroken the old gods are still a part of him. But t
he thoughts of the Old Gods are stirring and their followers are now coming out
of their long hiding and a storm gathers. The catastrophe that ruined the empire
also seemed to muddle the Usurper God's ability to directly influence the world
, namely his ability to speak directly through his prophet kings as they were pa
rt of a special blood pact with the prophet's line, now he may communicate indir
ectly through signs and what not like the rest of the gods once did.
* The gods are a shared thing across the world, though demi-humans may recognize
them in different fashions.
* The gods derive some sort of sustenance from worship, there are "dead" gods
* The usurper once communicated through prophet-kings, now like the others befor
e he communicates through signs, symbols and divinations but this method is uncl
ear at best.
* There are varying levels, the gods do not physically manifest but some of thei
r messengers may.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Starting locale;
Go with a region level hex map, about what a party can travel in any one directi
on in a single day. Have an sketch outline of the larger region.

1. Province Scale in detail

2. Kingdom Scale in sketch
Details on Regional History;
- The starting kingdom is the center of what was once a proud empire. This is th
e empire of the Usurper God, and his prophet Kings. It is the head of the now we
akened but still powerful church.
- The actual starting area is a border area (barony, diosece?) that juts agains
a region that is now lawless wilds.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tensions Church vs State
Old gods vs Churh
Lawlessness vs Order(state)

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