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"They shall lmow that Iam Jehovah:'

·Ezekiel 3!>:15.
NOVEMBER 15, 1939

SN.ARES ·······-············--·.................................... 839
Religion ...................................................... 339
Fear ............................................................ 342 1t
Froward ...................................................... 343 .~ .' • f
, Tongue ........................................................ 344 "
. :.; f
Millions Ensnared .................................... 344
Means of Escape ...................................... 345
:·/ I
The Theocracy .......................................... 346 '!
1 -*
Avoids Pitfalls .......................................... 347
~ Great .......................................................... 348
SATAN NEVER IN HELL ................................ 348
LETTERS .......................................................... 351
FIELD EXPERIENCES ...................................... 352

"KzNaoox NEws" No. 5 ............................ 338 Ir
uw ATCHTOWER11 STUDIES ............................ 338
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WATCH TOWER BIBLE b TRACT SOCIETY HIS journal ts published for the purpose of enabling the
117 Adams Street Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.A. T people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publislles Bible instruction speclfically de-
Ol'l'IOERS signed to aid Jehovah's witnesses and all people of good will
J. F. RUTHERFORD, President W. E. VAN AMBURGH, Secretcrry It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shall be tau~ht of Jehovah; and supplies other llterature to aid in such studies. It publishes suit-
able material for radio broadcasting and for other means of public
great shall be the peace of thy children." - Isaiah 54:r3. instruction 1n the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
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THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, ls from everlasting to or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
everlasting, the l\Iaker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
to hls creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of his creatil)n, King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina·
and his active agent 1n the creation of all things; that the Logos tlon of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power iu dulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect ruau YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION PRICE
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man wlllfully dis-
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THAT JEHOVAH'S ORGANIZATION is r.. Theocracy called Zion, A.ustralasian .................... 7 Beresford Iloat!, Strathf1cld, N. S. W., Australia
and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the right- Soun. A/1 ican ········-··-·····-··········· Boston House, Cape 'l'own, South Africa.
ful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful followers of Please address l hC' Society in every case.
Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of Jehovah's organiza-
tion, and are his witnesses whose duty and privilege it is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind (Tramlations of tM1 JouT11al appear in several languages.}
as expressed in the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom
before all who wlll hear.
THAT THE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ bas All ~incere students of the nible who by rea~on of infirmity, poverty or
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"WAR OF VINDICATION" TESTIMONY PERIOD against the move to entrap all people to th<"ir destruction, under
December marks the "War of Vindication" Testimony Period. the guise of religion. Companies of Jehovah's witnesses desiring
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Now released I Excellent for general distribution from house Weck of December 24: "Snares,"
to house, in conjunction with your rc>gular house-to-house testi- 111-24 inclusive, The Watchtower November 15, 1939.
mony work or otherwise. This new issue publishes the feature Week of December 31: "Snares,"
"Ensnared", by the president of the Society, warning the people 11 25-49 inclusive, The lV atc11tower November 15, 1939.
VoL. LX Novr:l\UlEH 15, 1939 No. 22

"Thorns and snares are in the way of the froward; he that doth keep his soul shall be far from tlzem."
-Prov. 22:5.

J EHOVAH duly warned his typical covenant peo- also to the scriptures which point to the way of the
ple concerning the snares that endangered their only means of escaping such snares.
lives. In the face of such warning the typical peo-
ple fell into snares, and the nation was destroyed. RELIGION
Jehovah's words of warning were recorded for the 'A snare that stands at the head of the list of those
specific benefit of those upon whom the ends of the prepared and set by Satan the Devil is religion. Any
world are now come, meaning the end of Satan's form of worship that gives adoration, praise or
world and the beginning part of the world of right- reverential recognition to any object, creature or
eousness. (1 Cor. 10: 11) Surh warnings were "writ- thing or image is properly designated as religion;
ten for our learning" (Rom. 15: 4) and for the pro- and religion is a snare. !<-,or this reason Jehovah com-
tection of the people of Goel, who are today in a mantled his covenant people: ''Thon shalt have no
covenant with him, to the end that they may give other gods before [above, besides, in the place or
heed to such warnings. "See then that ye walk cir- stead of] me." (Ex. 20: 3) Jehovah God is the source
cumspectly, not as fools, but as wise." (Eph. 5: 15) of life, and salvation belongs to him alone. (Ps. 36: 9;
To "walk circumspectly" means to look carefully Ps. 3: 8) He grants salvation only to those who obey
round about and to see to it that one is moving in him. A creature that claims to serve God and who
harmony with the way the Scriptures point out and at the same time gives reverential honor, worship
is doing at all times that which is strictly in harmony or praise to any creature or thing in connection with
with and in the interest of the Theocracy. such worship, is practicing religion. Jehovah God
A snare is a noose, a net, a hook, or a trap, into commands all to worship Christ.Jesus because Christ
which the creature is liable to fall, and especially in Jesus is the express image of his Father, Jehovah,
danger, when he is not watchful and diligent in doing and because he is the Executive Officer of Jehovah
the will of God. Snares are laid by Satan, the wicked always carrying out J eh ova h's purpose. (Heb. 1: 3-6)
one. In placing snares the Devil uses the wicked Bnt any creature performing a ceremony of adora-
spirits and wicked men, all of whom are mortal tion or worship, in which reverential honor, praise,
enemies of the covenant people of God: "'l'he wicked or worship is given to a man, to woman or any image
have laid a snare for me; yet I erred not from thy or thing, is hereby ignoring God's commandment
precepts." (fs. 119: 110) Mrhe proud have hid a and is practicing religion in direct violation of the
snare for me, and cords; they have spread a net by command of the :Most High. The setting up and use
the wayside; they have set gins for me. Selah."- of images of anything, claiming the same to be a part
Ps. 140: 5. of the worship of Goel, is wrong because in violation
a The chief work of the wicked one, the Devil, is to of God's commandment: "Thou shalt not make unto
destroy creatures who have made a covenant to do thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing
the will of God. This the Devil does in his endeavor that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth be-
to carry out his challenge to Jehovah that he, Satan, neath, or that is in the water under the earth: thou
could turn all men away from God. (Job 2: 5) There shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them;
are many snares or nets laid now by the Devil in his for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting
endeavor to entrap the covenant people of God, that the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the
is, both the remnant and the Jonathan class, which third and fourth generation of them that hate me."
will form the "great multitude". To enable God's -l<~x. 20: 4, 5.
people to detect and to avoid such ::mares The Watch- & Knowing this, the Devil shortly after the flood set

tower calls the attention of the covenant people of forward Nimrod as one before, above and in the place
God, and of all who desire righteousness, to the and stead of Jehovah God to be worRhiped by the
scriptures which give warning of such snares, and people. Nimrod was a mighty hunter and slayer of

animals and men and always did so in violation of call thee, and thou eat of his sacrifice." (Ex. 34: 10-15)
God's everlasting covenant. In worshiping Nimrod God thus gave his law to his people to safeguard
the people entirely forgot the Creator, Jehovah God. them from religion, the snare of the Devil, in order
Nimrod was the beginning of organized religion. that they might be as a people ready to receive Christ
The people were induced to worship Nimrod while when he came.
he lived and also after his death. He was made a ' Shortly before reaching the promised land J eho-
"god" or mighty one, whom the Devil induced the vah caused Moses to deliver to the Israelites His
people to worship. (Gen. 10: 8-10) The Devil en- commandment concerning their proper conduct, and
snared the people of many nations by leading them in this He specifically pointed out religion as a snare
to worship the various wicked spirits called "gods" of the wicked one into which the Israelites were liable
or mighty ones. Religion was thus used as a trap to to fall and which they must be diligent to shun: "And
ensnare the people of all nations. Long thereafter thou shalt consume all the people which the Lord
God chose Israel, the descendants of "his friend'' thy God shall deliver thee; thine eye shall have no
Abraham, as his people and made a covenant with pity upon them; neither shalt thou serve their gods;
them and led them out of Egypt and started them on for that will be a snare unto thee. If thou shalt say
their way to the promised land. Thereafter he used in thine heart, These nations are more than I; how
that people to make pictures foreshadowing things can I dispossess them T Thou shalt not be afraid of
that would come to pass in the end of the world. To them; but shalt well remember what the Lord thy
safeguard the Israelites from the Devil religion, and God did unto Pharaoh, and unto all Egypt." "The
to thus enable them to escape the snares of religion, graven images of their gods shall ye burn u·ith fire;
God gave the Israelites specific commanrlment con- thoit shalt not desire the silver or gold that is on
cerning religion or the worship of gods, spirits, or them, nor take it unto thee, lest thou be snared there-
human mighty ones. Note the specific commandment in; for it is an abomination to the Lord thy God." -
of Jehovah warning the people against such snares: Deut. 7: 16-18, 25.
"Thou shalt not bow down to their gods, nor serve 8
Here God warns specifically against the snare of
them, nor do after their works; but thou shalt utterly religion and also against the snare of fear: ''Take
overthrow them, and quite break down their images. heed to thyself, that thou he not snared by following
And ye shall serve the Lord your God, and he shall them, after that they be destroyed from before thee;
bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sick- and that thou inquire not after their gods, saying,
ness away from the midst of thee." "They shall not How did these nations serve their gods 1 even so will
dwell in thy lanrl, lest they make thee sin against me; I do likewise. Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy
for if thou serve their gods, it will surely be a snare God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he
unto thee."-Ex. 23: 24, 25, 33. hateth. have they done unto their gods; for even their
The people that inhabited Canaan and the coun- sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire
tries round about practiced the Devil religion. These to their gods. What thing soever I command you,
included the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Hittites, observe to do it; thou shalt not add thereto, nor
the Perizzites and the Jebusites. In making a cove- diminish from it."-Deut. 12: 30-32.
nant with the people of Israel and giving them warn- 9
Joshua succeeded to the place occupied by Moses.
ing against religion, God said to them: "Behold, I Both Moses and Joshua were types of Christ Jesus,
make a covenant; before all thy people I will do and their words delivered to natural Israel applied
marvels, such as have not been done in all the earth, specifically as commandments given by Jehovah
nor in any nation; and all the people among which through Christ Jes us to those now on earth who are
thou art shall see the work of the Lord; for it is a in a covenant to do the will of God. They both spoke
terrible thing that I will do with thee. Observe thou God's commandments to the people, warning them
that which I command thee this day; behold, I drive against the snare of religion. ,Joshua delivered to the
out before thee the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and people God's commandment: "Take good heed there-
the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the fore unto yourselves, that ye love the Lord your God."
J ebusite. Take heed to thyself, lest thou make a cove- "Know for a certainty that the Lord your God will
nant with the inhabitants of the land whither thou no more drive out any of these nations from before
goest, lest it be for a snare in the midst of thee: but you; bitt they shall be snares and traps unto you, and
ye shall destroy their altars, break their images, and scourges in your sides, and thorns in your eyes, un-
cut down their groves: for thou shalt worship no til ye perish from off this good land which the Lord
other go·d: for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a your God hath given you." "vVhen ye have tran.s-
jealous God: lest thou make a covenant with the in- gressed the covenant of the Lord your God, which
habitants of the land, and they go a whoring after he commanded you, and have gone and served other
their go<ls, and do sacrifice unto their gods, an<l one gods, and bowed yourselves to them; then shall tl1e

anger of the Lord be kindled against you, and ye worship of Almighty God. The Pharisees or other
shall perish quickly from off the good land which he teachers who led in the practice of religion made the
hath given unto you." (Josh. 23 : 11, 13, 16) By his claim that they were serving God, even as the Papacy
angel God delivered this further message to the peo- makes that claim today, but Jesus told them that
ple of Israel: "And an angel of the Lord came up they drew near to God with their mouths only, but
from Gilgal to Bochim, and said, I made you to go their heart devotion was not to Him and therefore
up out of Egypt, and have brought you unto the land they were serving the Devil and had become the
which I sware unto your fathers; and I said, I will children of the Devil.-Matt. 15: 1-9; John 8: 42-44.
never break my covenant with you. And ye shall 18
Saul of Tarsus was a Pharisee and a practition-
make no league with the inhabitants of this land; er of religion, which religion originated with Satan
ye shall throw down their altars; but ye have not and was supported by the traditions of men and
obeyed my voice; why have ye done this T Wherefore taught by them, yet the claim was made that such
I also said, I will not drive them out from before you; was the worship of Almighty God. (Gal. 1: 10-14)
but they shall be as thorns in your sides, and their The Lord revealed to Saul the truth concerning him-
gods shall be a snare unto you."- J udg. 2: 1-3. self and opened Saul's understanding, and he imme-
At the present time and for some time past men diately thereafter abandoned religion and worshipe<l
have been made mighty ones in the eyes of the peo- God in spirit and in truth. Thereafter he was known
ple. These include the pope, the cardinals, and bish- as Paul, the apostle of Jesus Christ, and henceforth
ops and others of the Hierarchy; and images are served God and Christ, proving his faithfulness and
used in connection with their worship, and while the devotion to the Lord to the end. (Acts 9 : 1-20;
people are induced to believe they are worshiping 2G: 1-21; 2 Tim. 4: 6-8) Saul was a zealous Pharisee
God they give honor and praise and adoration to and persecutor of Christians and was caught in the
creatures, in direct violation of God's law, and thus religious snare of the Devil. Because of his honesty
they practice religion, which originated with the of heart the Lord delivered him from that snare of
Devil and which constitutes a snare into which many religion and made him the true servant of Christ
people are caught. Jes us. The foregoing scriptures prove beyond any
Although duly warned of the snares which the question of doubt that religion is a snare of the
Devil had laid for them, the Israelites forsook their Devil; and when religion is practiced in the name
covenant and practiced religion, recognizing and of God and· Christ it is even a greater means of
bowing down to the wicked spirits: "And they for- deception and is an abomination in the sight of God
sook the Lord God of their fathers, which brought because it is fraudulent and hypocritical and subtly
them out of the land of Egypt, and followed other turns the people away from Jehovah.
gods, of the gods of the people that were round about Let it be assumed that the Papal church system
them, and bowed themselves unto them, and pro- was organized originally by sincere men. Early in
voked the Lord to anger. And they forsook the Lord, the existence thereof the teaching of men was sub-
and served Baal and Ashtaroth. And the anger of stituted for the true worship of Almighty God. From
the Lord was hot against Israel, and he delivered then till now images have been employed in connec-
them into the hands of spoilers that spoiled them, tion with the religions practices of the Papal sys-
and he sold them into the hands of their enemies tem. In that church system men are honored and
round about, so that they could not any longer stand praised, and to such men others bow down. Images
before their enemies. Whithersoever they went out, are used and prayers are made to creatures, con-
the hand of the Lord was against them for evil, as trary to God's \Vord. Great reverence and devotion
the Lord had said, and as the Lord had sworn unto are shown to creatures. The Papal religion is clearly
them; and they were greatly distressed." "And yet and openly a violation of God's law. It is proved to
they would not hearken unto their judges, but they be one of the most subtle snares of the Devil. Mil-
went a whoring after other gods, and bowed them- lions of sincere persons have been caught in that
selves unto them; they turned quickly out of the way imare, and the result is that millions of persons
which their fathers walked in, obeying the command- ignorantly worship creatures and images, in defi-
ments of the Lord; but they did not so." ( J ndg. ance of God's law. Religion has become a political
2: 12-15, 17) "And they served their idols; u·hich organization, carried on in the name of God, and by
were a snare unto them. Yea, they sacrificed their religion the men who practice it are enabled to carry
sons antl their daughters unto devils."-Ps.106: 36, 37. on the worst racket known amongst men. It is not at
When the Lord Jesus came to the earth and went all necessary to find that all who are practicing re-
about preaching the truth to the people he found that ligion are dishonest. On the contrary, many sincere
religion had been adopted and was being practiced persons have been caught in the snare of religion,
by that people in the place and stead of the true even as Paul was ensnared. Many are the victims of

the religious racket, and these are repeatedly robbed Devil. Often one is heard to say: "If I go into the
of their material substance by the false claims of witness service, going from house to house and
religious leaders who take their money upon the pre- speaking the gospel message, what will the people
text that they are getting for the people favors with think of me?" It is the fear of men that leads one
God. to such conclusion, that is, fear that human crea-
In the present day God has rev(>aled to the hon- tures will not think well of the one who goes into
est seeker after truth that religion is a snare of the God's service. God commands his covenant people
Devil, and one who has received such knowledge to sound the doom of religion and the warning to
from the Lord has laid upon him the ohligation to the people of the means of escape. One who has made
tell others about that snare in order to aid others in a covenant to do the will of God, and who then re-
gaining a knowledge of the truth, that they may flee frains from sounding the message of Jehovah
from religion and find the true way to life. Therefore against religion because he fears to receive the re-
Jehovah's witnesses and their "companions" pro- proach of others for so doing, is thereby led into
claim to the people the \Vor<l of God, that "religion Satan's snare. One who refuses to tell the truth of
is a snare and a racket". This is done not for the God's \Vord by announcing that religion is a snare
purpose of holding up creatures to ridicule, but for and a racket thereby refuses to speak the truth of
the purpose of aiding honest and sincere persons to and concerning the Roman Catholic Hierarchy as
escape from these snares of the Devil and to learn set forth in the Scriptures. Or if he refuses to speak
what it means to worship God in spirit and in truth, the truth concerning other religious practices, or if
and to find the way to life. The sounding of the mes- he puts on the soft pedal concerning religion and
sage of truth today is a warning to the people, and does so because of a desire to escape adverse criti-
such warning should be sounded with firmness and cism of men, such person is the victim of fear aud is
yet with kindness, because God has commanded such thereby caught in the snare of the Devil.
warning to be given. The purpose is not to offend The great issue is God's kingdom, the Theocracy
anyone, but to aid sincere persons to see the danger by Christ Jesus, against Satan's organization. All
into which they have fallen and the only means of of God's covenant people are commanded to proclaim
escape. It is now fatal to be caught in and remain in the kingdom message as his witnesses, and anyone
the religious snare. At the same time there are other of ~uch covenant people who fails or refuses to pro-
snares laid hy the Devil and which are closely allied claun that message against Satan's organization and
to religion, and into those snares many are caught in favor of the Theocracy as commanded, and so
and held and which lead to their destruction. Atten- fails or refuses because of fear of receiving adverse
tion is here called to some of these snares. criticism of men, is thereby led straightway into the
Devil's snare. The professed Christian who desires
FEAR and seeks approval of men cannot be faithful to
It is written in the Word of God: "The fear of Jehovah and to his King. The man who desires to
man bringeth a snare." (Prov. 29: 23) This text, of be highly thought of amongst men, and refr_ains from
course, means that to have a dread or fear of men bold service to the Lord for that reason, is ensnared
leads into a snare; but the fear that men may do one by the Devil. When Paul rereived the truth and be-
an injury is not the only fear included in this text. came the apostle of Jesus Christ he no longer sought
The word "fear" has a much broader meaning than the approval of men, but proclaime<l the kingdom
merely to anticipate that you are about to receive gospel in spite of all criticism and persecution that
some physical injury. The word here used means were heaped upon him. As the apostle of the Lord
"to tremble", means "inciting reverential adoration Paul wrote: "Do I seek to please men! for if I yet
toward others"; hence it is seen that fear is not pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ."
limited to anticipated bodily injury. It also means (Gal. 1: 10) It was because of his boldness and faith-
the fear that one may not have the approval of men fulness in preaching the gospel concerning Jehovah
or receive the plaudits of men. One who is anxious and his King and Kingdom that he not only was re-
to receive the approval of men is therefore the vic- r,roached but suffered all manner of cruel perseeu-
tim of fear. To dread to be disapproved by men even bon at the hands of men. In this he rejoiced because
as }ie pomted ' faith-'
out, such was necessary to prove
for doing one's duty is fear that leads into the
Devil's snare. If one is commanded or commissioned fulness under persecution in order to have a part
by the Almighty God to do and perform a certain with Christ Jesus in his kingdom.-Col. 1: 24.
thing, and then fails or refuses to carry out that com- 18
The man who claims to have consecrated himself
mission because of fear that the performance thereof to God and who then seeks to be what is generally
would call down upon himself the disapproval of called "a good fellow" amongst others, and craves
others, them he is thereby led into the snare of the the favor of men, proves himself thereby to be a

man-pleaser, which is an abomination in the sight do show that there have been many persons who
of God. (~Jph. 6: 6; Col. 3: 22) If a man claims to be claim to be in a covenant to <lo the will of God, und
consecrated to God and is a lawyer and appears in who not only have shown their unwillingness to be
court as counsel for another consecrated person, and obedient to God's commandments but have caused
then conducts himself and the case on trial in such divisions amongst God's people by evil speaking and
a manner that he might receive the approval of other by speaking against the manner and means through
men in the court, such lawyer is a man-pleaser and which God carries on his kingdom work. Concerning
proves his unfaithfulness to God and to the kingdom. such it is written: "Thorns and snares are in the
The treatment of one of God's children is the treat- way of the froward; he that doth keep his soul shall
ment of the Lord Jes us Christ, as Jesus himself de- be far from them."-Prov. 22: 5.
clares: "Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily 22
Thus it is seen that the disobedient one, the mur-
I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of murer and complainer, is led straightway into the
the least of these, ye did it not to me." (Matt. 25: 45) trap of the Devil and becomes the enemy of God's
One who fails or refuses to look well to and def end kingdom . .Moses prophetically wrote concerning such
the interest of a Christian, and does so in order that as vowed to do God's will and then took a perverse
he might appear as a good fell ow in the eyes of other course: "And he said, I will hide my fuce from them,
men, is therefore the enemy of Christ. ·what God I will see what their end shall be; for they are a very
requires of his servants is to be wholly devoted to froward generation, children in whom is no faith.
him and his kingdom. There can he no proper course They have moved me to jP.nlonsy with that which is
of compromise 'vith any part of Satan's organiza- not God; they have provoked me to anger with their
tion. To receive the Lord's approval one must be vanities; and I will move them to jealousy with those
wholly and entirely for the Lord. Fear of receiving which are not a people; I will provoke them to anger
the disapproval of men is due to self-pride, which is with a foolish nation."-Deut. 32: 20, 21.
also fear, and which leads into Satan's snare and z& From time to time there are some who claim to
ends in destruction. "Pride goeth before destruction, be God's servants, and who be<'ause of fear of re-
and an haughty spirit before a fall. Better it is to ceiving the disapproval of men have become offend.
be of an humble [obedient] spirit with the lowly ed, then murmur and complain, and withdraw from
[the followers of Christ], than to divide the spoil God's organization and his service and return to
[honor] with the proud."-Prov. 16: 18, 19. worldly vocations. In order to find an excuse or justi-
Those who practice religion seek the approval fication for such action such persons indulge in per-
of others and thus attempt to make others believe verse speech concerning the Lord's organization on
that they are exceedingly of good character, and earth and murmur and complain and speak wickedly
this they do because of fear, that is to say, fear that against those who are endeavoring to serve the Lord.
others may not think so well of them. In this they Such is a froward or perverse person within the
fail to be obedient to God's commandment and are meaning of the Scriptures, and concerning such it
led into a snare. Because of his imperfection no one is written : "Likewise also these filthy dreamers de-
can develop himself to perfection that God would file the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of
approve him, but he can keep his heart perfect and dignities. But these speak evil of those things which
his devotion wholly to God, and such is required in they know not; but what they know naturally, as
order to receive Go<l's approval. brute beasts, in those things they corrupt them-
Reverence exhibited toward men, such as that selves."-J ude 8 and 10.
shown toward the pope and other otlicials of the
" Such perverse persons seek a personal reward
Hierarchy, is induced hy fear and leads into the or gain by posing in the presence of others, hopi11g
Devil's snare. The heiling or hailing of men and
to be classed as approved critics of God's organiza-
praising men is induced by fear of man, is an abomi- tion by reason of their feigned goodness, but arc
nation in the sight of God, and leads into the snare hypocritical; and concc>rning such Jude further
of the Devil and ends in destruction of such fearful says: ""\Voe unto them! for they have gone in the
ones. way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of
FROWARD Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying
Within the meaning of the Scripture:;;, the word of Co're. 'l'hese are spots in your feasts of charity,
"froward" means "being perverse", and therefore when they f<1ast with you, feeding thC"nrnelvcs with·
means that one is disobedient to God's appointed out fear [of Godj; clouds they are without water,
way, not willing to obey instructions from the Lord, carried ahout of winds; trers whose fruit withercth,
but is one who seeks the approval of men an<l be- without fruit, twice dead, plncked up by the roots.
comes a murmurer and complainer against God's These are murmurers, complainers, walking after
organization. The indisputable facts have shown and their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great

swelling words, having men's persons in admiration 29: 13) Thus it is shown that their fear is due to tlw
because of advantage."-Jude 11, 12, 16. teachings of men. That is exactly the condition of
many religionists today; and the leaders in these re-
TONGUE ligious organizations having proved their unfaithful-
The tongue of the evil speaker becomes a snare, ness to God and to their covenant, Jehovah then
of which Satan takes advantage to entrap the one commits his "strange work" to his humble and ohe-
who claims to be devoted to the Lord and who in- dient servants on the earth, and hence he uses them
dulges in evil speech: "A fool's mouth is his destruc- 'to do a wonderful work'. (Isa. 29: 14) Such priv-
tion, and his lips are the snare of his soul." (Prov. ilege is denied religionists.
18: 7) Such persons hope to make themselves of good Today the fear of men controls almost all who
reputation among men by falsely accusing God's or- are a part of or under Satan's organization. The
ganization and his servants, and, thus indulging in entire world is "jittery". The people of the world
false and evil speech, they find themselves ensnared fear what men may do to them and what others may
in Satan's trap. One whom the Lord favors with a think of them, but they do not fear God, and are
place in his organization, and which person occupies hence against him and his kingdom. The Lord Jesus
a position therein of confidence toward his organi- pointed out specifically that this condition would
zation and has in charge confidential matters, and exist at the end of the world, and all the facts prove
who then assaults the organization with false and that that prophecy is in course of fulfillment. (Luke
evil words, shows himself to have been ensnared by 21 : 26) And what is the end of such fearful ones f
the wicked one. He discloses that he has ignored 'l'he answer is found in the Scriptures, and the fol-
God's Word and has been led by fear that he will lowing are some of the texts: "I have laid a snare for
not receive the approval of others unless he follows thee, and thou art also taken, 0 Babylon, and thou
the course of evil speaking. Such a person shows that wast not aware; thou art found, and also caught,
he has no fear of God, but that he does fear men, de- because thou hast striven against the Lord. The Lor<l
siring their approval. He likewise shows that if he hath opened his armoury, and hath brought forth the
ever had a vision of the Kingdom he has entirely weapons of his indignation; for this is the work of
lost such vision. Having once started to serve the the Lord God of hosts in the land of the Chaldeans."
kingdom, unless that one has a vision of the Theo- (Jer. 50: 24, 25) "Fear, and the pit, and the snare,
cratic government and then wholly and completely shall be upon thee, 0 inhabitant of .l\foab, saith the
devotes himself to and endeavors to promote the Lord. He that fteeth from the fear shall fall into the
interest of the Theocracy, he is certain to be en- pit; and he that getteth up out of the pit shall be
snared by the Devil. Being thus insincere, he in- taken in the snare; for I will bring upon it, even upon
dulges in evil speech against God's org·anization, Moab, the year of their visitation, saith the Lord."
showing his offense against the Lord. 'Vhat is the (Jer. 48:43,44) "Fear, and the pit, and the snare,
result of such¥ Jesus answers: "The Son of man shall are upon thee, 0 inhabitant of the earth. And it shall
send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his come to pass, that he who fieeth from the noise of the
kingdom all things that offend, and them which do fear shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out
iniquity." (Matt. 13: 41) The facts show that such of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare;
persons generally return to the religious organiza- for the windows from on high are open, and the
tion and indulge thereafter in religious practices by fouuda tions of the earth <lo shake."-Isa. 24: 17, 18.
reason of being completely in the snare of the enemy. 28
The ungodly and the wicked do not fear Jehovah,
but they do fear men. "'fhere is no fear of God before
MILLIONS ENSNARED their eyes." (Rom. 3: 18) "But it shall not be well
There are numerous snares which the Devil has with the wicked, neither shall he prolong his day::;,
set for men, but without a doubt it is the religion which are as a shadow; because he feareth not before
snare that has caught the greatest number. Fear has Go<l."-Eccl. 8: 13.
led almost all of the people into that snare, who have 20
But what of those who have made a covenant to
thus been caught in the organizations. Millions have do the will of God and who because of fear of crea-
allied themselves with religious organizations, being tures fail or refuse to serve God faithfully T
induced to believe that they are thereby serving the 10
Suppose one claims to be in a covenant to do the
Lord for self-protection. Concerning such it is writ- will of God and has then committed to him service of
ten in the 'Vord of God: "\Vherefore the Lord said, a confidential nature in God's organization and whi<'h
Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their confidential relationship he occupies and serves in
mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have for a time, and suppose such person suddenly con-
removed their heart far from me, and their fear ceives the idea that he must forsake the service of
toward me is taught by the precept of men." (Isa. God's organization and return to worldly pursuits,
NOVEl\IBER 15, 1939 1ffieWATCHTOWER 345

and in doing so he is moved by some selfish reason, his trust in the Lord shall be safe." (Prov. 29: 23)
such as fear of what men might think of him, that is,Thus it is shown that one's only safety is to put his
what his reputation might be amongst men if he con- trust wholly in the Lord. Fear of man leads into the
Devil's snare and into destruction. Fear of God is
tinues in his position of service with God's organiza-
tion, or because he does not like and approve some- the way of escape from the Devil's snare and leads
one else in the Lord's organization. As an excuse forto life. One who undertakes to serve God must love
him, which means to be unselfishly devoted to God
returning to worldly pursuits he then writes and files
with the Society a paper in which he makes many and to his service. That man who has unselfishly de-
accusations against others who are serving in God's voted himself to God's service is pursuing a wise
organization. Desiring to have the approval of other course: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of
men as to his course of action in leaving God's or- wisdom; and the knowledge of the holy is under-
ganization, he notifies men in advance of his return standing." (Prov. 9: 10) Otherwise stated, the man
to worldly pursuits and that he intends to do so be- does not begin to be wise until he fears God. He be-
cause of his disapproval of the Society's methods of gins to see and to appreciate the relationship of man
carrying on the Lord's work and of his disapproval to Jehovah the Creator. He learns that God is the
of certain servants of the Society. \Vhat is his posi-
fountain of life. (Ps. 36: 9) Only those who fear God
tion with the Lord T (Rom. 14: 4) The moving cause ran receive the blessings of the fountain of life. "In
for such action is a failure to fear God and having athe fear of the Lord is strong confidence; and his
fear of men, that is to say, fearing that he will notchildren shall have a place of refuge. The fear of the
receive man's approval. Such a course of action Lord is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares
shows a lack of love for God and hence a failure to of death."-Prov. 14: 26, 27.
perfect love and practice perfect love. "There is no 34
The man who fears God does not give heed to
fear [of men or devils] in love; but perfect love what other men may say about him. The wise man
[of Jehovah and his kingdom] casteth out fear; be- is one concerned altogether about what God may
cause fear hath torment. He that feareth [men] is think of him. He craves the approval of God berause
not made perfert in love."-1 John 4: 18. he knows that he must have God's approval before
One who has "put his hand to the plow", that is,
he can obtain life. To have the disapproval of Jeho-
has undertaken to serve God and the people of his vah God means destruction. As the fear of God is
organization, and who then turns back to worldly the beginning of wisdom on the part of man, it fol-
pursuits, shows a failure to fear God; and of such lows that man must ever thereafter continue to fear
the Lord Jesus speaks: "And ~Tesus said unto him, No God and particularly to fear that he might not re-
man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking ceive God's approval. The only means, therefore, of
back, is fit for the kingdom of God."-Luke 9: 62. escaping the snare of the Devil is the fear of God
It is not for man to judge, but the judgment ofand to have no fear whatsoever of man. The ap-
the Lord has been written and it is man's duty who proval of man by the Lord God means everything.
serves the Lord to call attention to the same, in Jehovah therefore said to his typical covenant peo-
order that others may be warned of the snares and ple, and his words with far greater force now apply
pitfalls in the way of those who are in a covenant to his covenant people on earth, to wit: "Sanctify
the Lord of hosts himself; and let him be your fear,
to do God's will. In the following text it is shown by
the Lord Jesus that the fearful and unbelieving and and let him be your dread. And he shall be for a
abominable are all in the same class, and other textssanctuary."-Isa. 8: 13, 14.
of the Bible show that the fearful are those who fear That sanctuary is the holy place and the place of
they will not receive the approval of men, and con- safety from the snares of the wicked one. For a
cerning such the Lord Jes us says: "But the fearful, Christian to manifest fear of man, even the fear that
and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, he would not receive the approval of man, is an open
and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and and direct insult to Jehovah God, and God permits
all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burn-
him thus to be led into the Devil's snare.
eth with fire and brimstone; which is the second 30
This is the day of evil, the time of wickedness,
death." (Rev. 21: 8) One who has a vision of the and wickedness has gone to seed. It is the time of
kingdom now, and who loves the King, fears God, peril. For a Christian to have fear of man means lack
and thus continuing to fear God he will never turn of faith in God. 'riwrefore says the Lord: "Let [ J e-
back to the world. hovah] be your fear, and let him be your dread."
He is the God of battle, and he will destroy the
MEANS OF ESCAPE enemy, and all who ally themselves with the enemy
How can a man escape the snares of the Devil T will suffer destruction. Therefore the Christian at
"The fear of man bringeth a snare; but whoso pntteth all times craves the approval of Almighty God and

fears that he might come short of that approval. tirely devoted to God and to his King. He sees that
''Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us all who receive life and the attending blessings there-
of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to of must have the approval of Jehovah, and therefore
come short of it."-Heb. 4: 1. he gives heed to the admonition: "Study to shew
The Christian must devote himself wholly to thyself approved unto God, a workman that neecleth
God's service and completely trust the Most High. not to be ashamed"; nor does he fear what man might
For a Christian to fear that he might not have the say about him. ((2 Tim. 2: 15) He desires to have
approval of others is certain to result in his dirnp- no part in the things of this world, and therefore he
proval by the Lord God. His fear of God is the be- does not covet anything that the world can possibly
ginning of wisdom, and if he continues to be wise he give, including the approval of men. "Let your con-
will continue to fear Jehovah and particularly to versation [course of action] be without covetous-
fear that he might fail to receive Jehovah's approval. ness; and be content with such things as ye have
"In God I will praise his word; in God I have put [temporal things included]: for he hath said, I will
my trust; I will not fear what-flesh can do unto me." never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may
(Ps. 56: 4) "The Lord is on my side; I will not fear; boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear
what can man do unto meT" (Ps.' 118: 6) "Hearken what man shall do unto me."-Heb. 13: 5, 6.
unto me, ye that know righteousness, the people in 39
One in a covenant with the Lord may be working
whose heart is my law; fear ye not the reproach of in His organization by the side of one who does not
men, neither be ye afraid of their revilings."- please him. He may think that he has cause for
Isa. 51: 7. offense because of the action of others of the Lor1l's
organization who are serving; but if he has a vision
THE THEOCRACY of the kingdom he will not permit that rlislike of
Jehovah's government by Christ .Teims is The others to be an excuse for separating himself from
Theocracy. Set over against the Theocracy is Sa- the Lord's organization and the service therc0f.
tan's world, which soon shall be completely de- which he has undertaken by the Lord's favor. He
stroyed. The conflict between the Theocracy and will have in mind that God is conducting his own
Satan's organization is therefore a deadly one. There affairs according to his own sovereign will, and that
can be no compromise. At the end every creature will the Lord alone chooses his own servants. (llom.
be on the side of one or of the other. Only those who 14: 4) He knows that God alone is right and right-
are of the Theocratic government, and those who eous, and if he has a vision of the kingdom he loves
find refuge under that Theocratic government, can God and loves his law and so he continues in peace
hope for life. All opponents of the Theocracy are and contentment to serve in the place where he is
certain to be destroyed. The desire to have or seek- put, and that without offense: "Great peace have
ing to have the favor of any part of Satan's organi- they which love thy law; and nothing shall off encl
zation, or to have the approval of men of that organi- them."-Ps. 119: 165.
zation or outside of it, means that such person does • Having a vision of the kingdom, which is made
not have a vision of the Theocracy, or else he is de- possible for him by reason of the love of God and his
liberately and knowingly opposed to the Theocracy. King, that person fully determines that nothing shall
In either case the result will be the same. The man separate him from the love and service of God and
who now has a vision of the kingdom with apprecia- his King: "Nay, in all these things we are more than
tion sees that everyone who is not for the kingdom conquerors through him that loved us. For I am per-
is against it. "He that is not with me is against me; suaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor
and he that gathercth not with me scattcreth abroad." principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor
(Matt. 12: 30) Either one must be working for the things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other
kingdom or else he is against the kingdom. If a man crenture, shall be able to separate us from the love
has a vision of the kingdom, which God has now re- of God, ·which is in Christ J esns our Lord."-Rom.
vealed to those who love him, that man loves the 8: 37-39.
kingdom and will permit nothing to turn him away u The man who now has a vision of the kingdom
from a full devotion to and service of the king<lom. and who loves the kingdom beholds the glorious high
He sees that the kingdom is the means of the com- 'l'hrone thereof, and he knows that !';UCh is the sane-
plete vindication of Jehovah's name and is the only tuury of all who hope for life, and that there is none
means of salvation for man. He sees that the Theoc- other. He knows that wh<.>ther he lives or dies at the
racy by Christ Jesus is the hope of humankind. hand of the enemy his hope is in that glorious 'l'h<'oc-
(Matt. 12: 18-21) He sees that one who enters into racy and that it is the hope of all spiritual brae!,
and becomes a part of the kingdom, or who finds pro- and of the "great multitude" that shall "fill the
tection under the kingdom, must be wholly and en- e>arth". He appreciates the prophetic words recor<lf'1l
by Jeremiah and which apply to those who now trust Lonl'~ commendation: "But he that glorieth, let him
Jehovah: "A glorious high throne from the begin- glory in the Lord. For not he that commendeth him-
ning is the place of our sanctuary. 0 Lord, the Hope self is approved, but whom the Lord commencleth."
of Israel [God's faithful people], all that forsake -2 Cor. 10: 17, 18.
thee shall be ashamed, and they that depart from me '~ The man who now has a vision of the kingdom
shall be written in the earth, because they have for- and who has his heart fixed upon it casts away from
saken the Lord, the fountain of living waters."- him all fear of men or devils. He loves God, and he
Jer. 17: 12, 13. serYes him wholly and continuously: "And we have
known and believed the love that God hath to us.
AVOIDS PITFALLS God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth
The man who has a vision of the Theocracy, and in God, and God in him. Herein is our love made per-
whose hope is centered therein, walks circumspectly, fect, that we may have boldness in the day of judg-
fearing God, lest he fail to receive God's approval. ment; because as he is, so are we in this world. There
(Heb. 4: 1) Therefore he watches out for snares or is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear;
pitfalls and is diligent to avoid them. He shuns reli- because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not
gion because he knows that religion is one of the made perfect in love."-1 John 4: 16-18.
most fatal snares set by the Devil. He refuses to have •s He who loves God does not fear that he might
anything to do with religion, but, on the contrary, fail to receive the approval and commendation of
is diligent to warn those who will hear that religion men, because he knows that such fear opens before
is an abomination in the sight of Almighty God. He him a pit into which he is likely to fall. He does fear
knows that, once having been enlightened concerning God, knowing that by fearing God he begins to be
God's purpose and his kingdom, to then turn again wise, and he desires to forever pursue a wise course,
to the "beggarly elements" of the world means com- that he may receive God's approval. Like the faith-
plete disapproval of God, ending in destruction. ful apostle, he obeys God rather than men. (Acts
(Gal. 4: 9) "For it had been better for them not to 5: 29) Free from fear of the opponents of the Theoc-
have known the way of righteousness, than, after racy, he goes forward in obedience to his divinely
they have known it, to turn from the holy command- given commission, proclaiming the good news with
ment delivered unto them. But it is happened unto a light and joyful heart. He has entered into the joy
them according to the true proverb, The dog is of the Lord and craves to have a part in the vindi-
turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was cation of Jehovah's name.
washed to her wallowing in the mire."-2 Pet. 2 :21, 22. • A man who covenants to be obedient to God's

"To him who visualizes the kingdom the full-time law may awake to the realization that he is tied in
service to the King and kingdom is dearest to his marriage to a woman who opposes the kingdom and
heart, and he fears to lose the opportunity of service, who attempt~ to force her husband to cease serving
and he will not voluntarily withdraw himself from the King. Even the wife may be also consecrated to
that service for any reason. the Lord but attempts to control her husband in the
"The man visualizing the kingdom hates flattery, course of action 'vhich he takes. The mun who yields
because he knows that flattery is a net into which he to such influence walks right into the pitfall or net
is liable to be caught and destroyed. "A man that set by the adversary. The one who has a vision of
flattereth his neighbour spreadeth a net for his feet." the kingdom recognizes that his first obligation is
(Prov. 29: 5) He yields not to flattery of one, even to Jehovah God and to his King, Christ Jesus, and
the one nearest to him, including his wife, because he gives full consideration and obedience to the
he believes, as it is written, "A flattering mouth words of the King, to wit: "If any man come to me,
worketh ruin." (Prov. 26: 28) He refuses to give and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and
flattery to men, knowing the danger resulting there- children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own
from. Elihu, who pictured the faithful me1nbers of life also, he cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14: 26)
the body of Christ, with authority from God said: His love must be for God and against all who are
"Let me not, I pray you, accept any man's person; against God's government. Likewise the woman may
neither let me give flattering titles unto man." (Job find herself bound to a man who opposes the king-
32: 21) "The Lord shall cut off all flattering lips, and dom, but she is reminded that l1er first obligation is
the tongue that speuketh proud things." (Ps. 12: 3) to Jehovah and his King and kingdom, and she takes
The ref ore the man who loves God and has a vision the course of serving God first and all the time. rro
of the Theocracy does not glory in himself or in his yield to any human creature because of fear that one
selfish attainments, but glories in the Lord and in his will not receive the approval of men is certain to
kingdom. He does not desire or crave the approval lead into a snare. rrherefore the Christian who wholly
of men, but he greatly desires and craves only the devotes himself to the Lord, and who has a vision

of the kingdom and continues to faithfully serve the to fear and fall away to the enemy and are ensnared.
King, rejoices that, so far as he is concerned, the The faithful do not sorrow or weep because of the
snare set for him by the Devil has been broken and fall of such, beC'ause to do so would be to violate
that he has escaped therefrom and found refuge and God's commandment.-Ezek. 24: 16.
peace and safety in the Lord. Out of his mouth come 49
The faithful remnant and companions recognize
with joy the appropriate words of the psalmist: the kingdom as the greatest creation of God, and in
''Blessed be the Lord, who hath not given us as a the kingdom is centered their hope. God has builded
prey to their teeth. Our soul is escaped as a bird out up Zion, his capital organization, and made Christ
of the snare of the fowlers; the snare is broken, and Jesus the Head thereof, and there Jehovah estab-
we are escaped. Our help is in the name of the Lord, lishes his dwellingplace. (Ps. 132: 13) Those who
who made heaven and earth."-Psalm 124: 6-8. truly love and fear God, who are fully and completely
devoted to him, have fixed their hearts upon the king-
GREAT dom, and hence they joyfully sing the song of J eho-
"The members of the remnant yet on the earth, vah's prophet: "Great is the Lord, and greatly to be
and who are in line for the kingdom, are in them- praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his
selves very imperfect and hence make many mis- holiness. Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole
takes. Those who are their "companions" are like- earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the
wise imperfect and make mistakes. All such fully city of the great King. God is known in her palaees
realize that their strength comes from the Lord and for a refuge." (Ps. 48: 1-3) "Truly my soul waiteth
in his strength they can accomplish the work com- upon God; from him cometh my salvation. He only
mitted unto them. rrhey know that if they keep a is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence: I
perfect heart devotion to God his everlasting strength shall not be greatly moved." (Ps. 62: 1, 2) "Great is
will be manifested in their behalf: "For the eyes of the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and his great-
the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, ness is unsearchable." (Ps. 145: 3) The fear of Jeho-
to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose vah is the beginning of wisdom: "The fear of [Jeho-
heart is perfect toward him." (2 Chron. 16: 9) The vah] is clean, enduring for ever." (Ps. 19: 9) All
those who get life shall fear Jehovah. "O fear the
faithful see and appreciate the greatness of the king- Lord, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that
dom and that it is their privilege to firmly stand to- fear him." (Ps. 34: 9) "Let all the earth fear the
gether and fight for their brethren and, doing so, to Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in
never yield because of fear of any man or devil and awe of him." (Ps. 33: 8) "With [Jehovah] is my sal-
to never quail before the enemy. (Phil. 1: 27-29, Wey- vation and my glory; the rock of my strength, and
mouth) They are not surprised when some do yield my refuge, is in [Jehovah]."-Ps. 62: 7, A.R.V.


' JEHOVAH GOD declares in his Word that he permits
Satan to go on unhindered in his wicked work until the
booklet Intolerance, and in which attack, on page 3, it sar-
castically said this, to wit, that the writer of Intolerance
end of a certain and fixed time and at that time He "has not thought it worth while explaining to us how Sa-
would then destroy Satan and all of his agencies. When tan ever got back into heaven".
Jesus ascended on high Jehovah said to him: 'You must This gibe is no doubt based on the teaching in the reli-
wait until my due time to put down the enemy and de- gious catechism, to wit: "All the angels did not remain good
stroy him.' (Psalm 110: 1) The Scriptures then show that and happy; many of them sinned and were cast into hell;
the year 1914 marks the end of that period of time for and these are called devils or bad angels"; to which a reli-
waiting and the beginning of the reign of Christ. In his gious clergyman adds this further explanation : "One of
great prophecy recorded in l\f atthcw [chapter] twenty- these angels was most beautiful, and was named Lucifer,
four Jesus states that that time would he marked by a which means light-bearer. Ile was so perfect that he seems
world war, followed quickly by famine, pestilence, revolu- to have forgotten that he received all his beauty and in-
tion and distress of nations. All of these things have come telligence from God, and, not content with what he ha<l, be-
to pass since, and which began to have fulfillment in 1914. came sinfully proud and wished to be equal to God Him-
At that same time, the Scriptures show, a war was fought self. For his sin he and all his followers were driven out of
heaven, and God then created hell, in which they were to
in heaven by Jesus and his angels against Satan and his
suffer for all eternity. This same Lucifer is now called
forces and that Satan was ousted from heaven and cast Satan, and more commonly the devil, and those who accom-
down to the earth." (Quoted from I ntolcrance, page 24) panied him in his fall, devils, or fallen angels."-Quotcd
This statement of Scripture truth drew the fire of The from An Explanation of the Baltimore Catechism, 1921
Bcllarmine Society of England, and that Jesuitic Society edition, page 58, 38 Q., Imprimatur of archbishop of New
published this year (1939) an attack on the author of the York.
N OVEMBEit 15, 1939 ~eWATCHTOWER., 349

The Holy Scriptures do not bear out the thought that the conception of Lucifer's wicked scheme: "How art thou
Satan has been debarred from appearing in heaven since fallen from heaven, 0 Lucifer, son of the morning! how
the fall of man in Eden, nor at the time of the flood in art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the
Noah's day. On the contrary, the Scriptures and the phys- nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend
ical facts indicate that Satan was permitted to remain in into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:
heaven, God permitting it for a wise and good purpose. I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the
The context of Luke 10: 18 shows that Jesus' words there sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the
were prophetic of the future. clouds: I will be like the Most High." His heart was malig-
In proof of this the following is submitted: Job, the nant; that is, his purpose or motive secretly conceived was
man of Uz, probably lived about the time of Abraham. wicked. This does not prove that he was a usurper of power,
Certainly the experiences recorded of him occurred sub3e- but does prove he used the power and authority with which
quent to the great deluge. Job 1: 6 reads: "Now there was he was clothed for his own selfish gratification. Be it here
a day when the sons of God came to present themselves be- noted that Satan has tempted everyone of God's righteous
fore the Lord, and Satan came [along] also among them." creatures along the same line.
Without' doubt at that time Satan was permitted to com- To carry out his wicked, diabolical scheme he told Eve
municate with God, because there is recorded the conversa- that the eating of the forbidden fruit would not result in
tion. The Lord spoke to Satan, and Satan responded. There death. "Ye shall not surely die." (Gen. 3: 4, 5) Intending
he made an accusation against Job, showing that he had an doubtless to refuse to exercise against Adam and Eve the
opportunity to make accusations before Jeho' ah against power of death, he expected to see them have the eyes of
the righteous; because Job was called a righteous man. their understanding opened, that they would still live, and
(Job 1: 6-12; 2: 1-7) To this agrees the vision of the prophet that they would then believe God to be a liar and bel icve
Micaiah in the days of King Jehoshaphat of Judah: "I saw Lucifer (Satan) to be their benefactor, and that therefore
the Lord sitting on his throne, and all the host of heaven they would readily worship him and turn from God. In
standing by him on his right hand and on his left. And the order that he might be adored and worshiped like the l\Iost
Lord said, Who shall persuade Ahab, that he may go up High God he was willing to betray his sacred trust, to make
and fall at Ramoth-gilead? . . . And there came forth a God out a liar and devoid of love; and he was willing to
spirit, and stood before the Lord, and said, I will persuade risk his own ability to save man from death. God knew of
him. And the Lord said unto him, Wherewith' And he said, this wicked scheme in Satan's heart, of course; and that was
I will go forth, and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of when iniquity was found in him.-Ezek. 28: 15.
all his prophets. And he said, Thou shalt persuade him, and That Satan's destruction has been deferred until his
prevail also: go forth, and do so. Now therefore, beholJ, wieked works are destroyed is sure. (See 1 John 3 : 8.) In
the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these pronouncing judgment against him Jehovah said: "I will
thy prophets."-1 Ki. 22: 19-23. cast thee as profane out of the mountain [kingdom] of
That the end of Satan is to be destruction there is no God: and I will destroy thee, 0 covering cherub, from the
doubt. The inspired apostle, at Hebrews 2: 14, writes: midst of the stones of fire [angelic hosts of hea vcn] . . .
"Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth, in the sight of
blood, [Jesus] also himself likewise took part of the same; all them that behold thee . . . . And never shalt thou be any
that through death he might destroy him that had the power more."-Ezek. 28: 16, 18, 19.
of death, that is, the devil." Lucifer, now Satan, was given At the time of the tragedy in Eden there were no na-
charge over the perfect pair, Adam and Eve, in Eden, to tions on earth. But looking down to the end, in prophetic
shield, screen and protect them. That he was there for that phrase God said to him: "How art thou fallen from heaven,
purpose there is no doubt, because Ezekiel 28: 13-15 says 0 Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to
of him : "Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God, . . . the ground, which didst weaken the nations! Yet thou shalt
Thou art the anointed cherub that covcreth; and I have set be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. Hell l (He-
thee so: . . . Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day brew) sheol; (Bible marginal reading) The grave] from
that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee." beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming: it
God gave to Adam his law. He plainly told Adam that a stirreth up the dead for thee." (Isa. 14: 12, 15, 9) These
violation of God's law would result in the enforcement of worJs of final judgment clearly refer to the future, both
the death penalty. Since Lucifer was given charge over by reason of the phrase used and by the physical facts.
man to shield and protect him, it follows that he had the The name Joshua means the same as Jesus, to wit, "J e-
power to inflict punishment for auy infraction of the rules hovah (is) Savior." Jesus is the Head of The Christ of
or laws governing man. Lucifer .vas made the executive God. Jehovah God, through his prophet Zechariah, gives a
officer of Jehovah over man. Then it would seem it would picture of the developnwnt of 'fhc Christ. Zechariah 3: 1-3
be his right and duty to put man to death for violating gives testimony to the fact that during the period of Chris-
God's law. According to Hebrews 2: 14, above quoted, there tian sacrifice under the Greater Joshua, while the true
can be no doubt that he was given the power of death. Church has been in course of sekction and development,
Ezekiel 28: 17 tells how Lucifer was impressed with his Satan has been standing by to resist: "And the Lord said
own beauty: "Thine heart was lifted up because of thy unto Satan, The Lord rebuke thee, 0 Satan; even the Lord
beauty; thou hast corrupted thy wistlom by reason of thy that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee."
brightness." Addressing him under the figure of the king of When Jesus was in the wilderness forty days Satan
Babylon (Satan's organization), Isaiah 14: 12-14 tells of appeared to him and boldly claimed that the world be-
350 mieWATCHTOWER. BuooKLYN, N. Y.

longed to him, and that he had the right to give it to Jesus to pass", thus symbolically pictures the event: "And there
only upon condition that Jesus would fall down and wor- appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with
ship him. He, at that time, still possessed the great desire the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a
to be worshiped as Jehovah is worshiped. (Luke 4: 1-8) crown of twelve stars: and she being with child [the King-
Jesus did not deny that claim to ownership of the world. dom] cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.
On the contrary, Jesus spoke of Satan as "the prince of this And there appeared another wonder [not down in hell,
world".-Jolm 12: 31; 14: 30. but] in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having
"Michael" means "who is like God?" and applies to seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
"the great prince which standeth for the children of thy And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and
people", to wit, Christ Jesus. who is the "prin<'e of the did cast them to the earth : and the dragon stood before
kings [the 144,000 J of the earth" and who is also "the ex- the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour
press image of his [Jehovah God's] person". (See Daniel her child as soon as it was born. And she brought forth a
12: 1; Revelation 1: 5, 6; Hebrews 1: 1-3.) The prophet man child [the Kingdom, Christ Jesus being the Kin~],
Moses, who was of God's people, was permitted to see the who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child
land of Canaan from a mountain height, but was not per- was caught up unto God, and to his throne."
mitted to go into it. l\Ioses died. It seems evident that Satan It should be expected that the first work the newly ele-
then possessed the power of death because he claimed the vated and installed King, Christ Jesus, would do would be
right to the body of Moses. 1\Iichael seems to have recognized to throw the Devil out of heaven; and then and there the
that Satan still had some authority and official power at fight began. After describing the birth of the theocratic
that time before the birth of Jesus, because it is recorded kingdom The Revelation 12: 7-9 reads: "And there was
that he contended with the Devil about the body of l\ioses. war in heaven: l\lichael and his angels fought against the
"Yet Michael the archangel [chief messenger of Jehovah], dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and pre-
when, contending with the devil, he disputed about the body vailed not; neither was their place found any more in heav-
of Moses, durst not bring against him [Satan] a railing en. And the ~reat dragon was cast out, that old serpent,
accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee."-Jude 9; called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole
see also Deuteronomy 34 : 1-6. world : he was cast out into the earth [not down into hell,
That Satan, up to A.D. 1914, has had access to heaven, or Sheol or Hadt·s, which is the grave], and his angels were
and the privilege of communieation with Jchornh, seems cast out with him."
quite evident from the fact that during the period of Chris- No imaginary thing this! it was a real fight. The dragon
tian sacrifke he has been the accuser of Christ's brethren and his official family, members of his invisible spirit gov-
day and night before Jehovah. At Revelation 12: 10, the ernment, fought and fought hard; but they lost, and were
apostle John, writing of "things which must shortly come literally hurled out of heaven. It is inconsistent to think
to pass" (Rev. 1: 1), tells of the joy at Satan's being cast that Jesus, the righteous One, would take his power to
out of heaven : "For the accuser of our brethren is cast reign in heaven in God's due time and permit the Devil to
down, which accused them before our God day and night." remain there; and he did not. Both Satan and his angels,
Michael, who is Christ the Lord, remained silent until namely, his official family, his invisible joint-rulers of the
his time to rule in the midst of his enemies had come. "But wicked world organization, were hurled down to the earth.
this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, That fight must have begun in A.D. 1914, being accompanied
sat down on the right hand of God; from henceforth ex- by the world war of Satan's visible organization on earth.
pecting rwaiting] till his enemies be made his footstool." Just how long thereafter the "war in heaven" lasted the
(Heb. 10:12,13) (See also Psalm 110:1,2.) The time of Scriptures do not indicate.
Satan's uninterrupted rule expired in A.D. 1914, as shown There was no more place found in heaven for the dragon
by prophecy and the physical facts. Daniel 12: 1 reads: and his angels, but they were cast out into the earth, and
"And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince Revelation 12: 12 says: "Therefore rejoice, ye heavens [now
which standcth for the children of thy people; and there freed from Satan the Devil], and ye that dwell in them.
shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was Woe to the inhahiters of the earth, and of the sea! for the
a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because
shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written he knoweth that he hath hut a short time." Do not the
in the book." physical facts bear witness that since A.D. 1914, partieu-
There the Lord Jesus did stand up, and took his power larly since 1918, there has been a greater element of wicked-
to reign as representative of the Lord God Almighty. Hence ness in the earth than ever before, and that this wickedness
it was then said: "We give thee thanks, 0 Lord God Al- is on the increase? Crimes, wickedness indescribable, and
mighty, which art and wast, and art to come; because thou ascribable to none other than the Devil's influence, have be-
hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned. And come a common thing in these years since then. When Sa-
the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come." (Rev. tan was hurled out of heaven and into the earth, then there
11: 17, 18) Then it was that. there took place the birth of was "heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come
The Nation, Jehovah's th<'ocratic government or kin~cl:m1 salvation, and strength, and THE KINGDOM of our God,
under Christ, and Christ Jesus was brought forth as Jeho- and the power of his Christ; for the accuser of our brethren
vah's acting King on his throne, coming forth from Jeho- is cast down, which accused them before our God day and
vah's "woman" or holy organization Zion. Revelation night." (Rev. 12: 10) This is further proof that tlie cast-
12: 1-5, fnrt her dcscrihing "thin~s which must shortly come ing of Satan the Devil out of heaven did not take place
NOVEMBER 15, 1939 SftieWATCHTOWER.. 351
until the Lord Jesus Christ took his power and began to and theocratic government, which is for the vindication of
reign, in A.D. 1914; and with the ousting of "that old Jehovah's name and for the salvation of men of good will
dragon" from heaven comes the salvation of Jehovah's royal and for the destruction of Satan and all of his organization.
family under Christ, the birth of the new Nation, the new No wonder, then, that there should be great rejoicing!

FULL DEVOTION TO KING OF ETERNITY tion on our part. To be sure, we are not fighting men; our weapons
DEAR BROTHER RUTHERFORD: are not carnal. 'Ve have no hatred or ill will toward anyone, but
"I will praise thee, 0 Lord, with my whole heart; I will shew we are unalterably opposed to anything that Satan brin:rs against
forth all thy marvellous works. . . . I will sing praise to thy the Kingdom under Christ, and we have fully drtermined, and that
name, 0 thou Most High. For thou hast girded me with strength without reservation, to stand for the Theocratic government fii"5t,
unto the battle: . . . Unto thee, 0 my strength, will I sing."- last, and all the time. We are mindful that in this fight we will
Psalms 9:1,2; 18:39; 59:17. suffer at the hands of Satan's agents; so be it. Some may die;
With hearts overflowing with gratitude and praise to Jehovah even so, our only petition is: "God grant that we prove faithful
and the beloved Vindicator of his name, we, Jehovah's witnesses to the very last, thereby proving Satan the J,IA& THAT HE 1s, and
and companions of Kansas Zone 3, assembled this clay in 'Vichita, Jehovah to be true." Even now we know that our b1·ethren in
Kansas, desire to express from the depths of our hearts our full many lands are being violently persecuted. Our hearts and pray-
devotion to the KING OF ETERNITY, and to declare in most em- ers are with and for them as they stand firm in the strength of
phatic terms our determination to stand uncompromisi.1gly for the the Lord. We rejoice to know that ere long Satan and his entire
King and kingdom. Appreciatmg the Joyal, courageous stand, organization shall be smitten to the dm,t, and Jehovah's own great
Brother Rutherford, that you have taken in behalf of that kingdom name exalted and vindicated, and his people delivered. Praise ye
we desire also at this time to send our g;:eetings to you-may we His name forever I
make it quite clear, and that in all sincerity, that our appreciation Assuring you of full co-operation in the fight for the kingdom,
of your untiring efforts in the interests of Jehovah's kingdom and and with best wishes and wannest Christian love, we remain
in the interests of your brethren is of such degree that we fail to Your brethren in the Lord's army,
find words to adequately express the same. Simply we say: It is KANSAS ZoNE 3.
our united prayer that Jehovah's richest blessing be ever bestowed
upon you; may you ever be in his favor as you continue to serve NOW SERVES GOD
humbly and earnestly in the temple. DEAR BROTHER RUTHERFORD:
Having in mind the above-quoted words of the psalmist, we Although we have been in the witness work since 1920 this
pray that Jehovah will place within our mmds and hearts a keen is the first time we have ever written yon. This has not been be-
and fervent desire and determination to be more diligent from cause of lack of appreciation of your devotion and faithfulness
this day henceforth in the work of giving praise to Him, and to J chovah. \Ve have hesitated to interfere with your important
showing forth his marvelous works. Well do we realize that these work in the Theocracy.
are days of real battle, and only in the strength of Jehovah of Now we come in behalf of an old man of good will whom we
Hosts are we able to stand. Be it known, therefore, that this day have found in our territory. He was born in Switzerland and was
we do leave behind us all slackness, idleness and indifference once a Catholic. After having sent for some French literature
toward the kingdom service, and by God's grace we will serve for him, he wrote for a French Bible. He has asked us to tell
the King and kingdom, and will vigorously proclaim the message you that he loves you for your faithfulness and that he serves the
thereof until Jehovah says "it's done". Realizing that the time same God as you do although he is of different nationality.
draws nigh for Jehovah's "strange work" to come to an end, we As we study the recent Watchtowers and look back upon the
will hasten to declare the warning of the impending tribulation years since we first started in the service with a team and covered
at Armageddon. It is our desire to aid all of good will, to the wagon, we realize we are just beginning to appreciate the priv-
end that they may take a firm stand for the kingdom before it is ilege we have had in carrying the message of the kingdom to
too late. others. And may we take this opportunity to thank Jehovah and
We rejoice as we call to mind the ringing words, to wit: you for the new book, Salvation.
"Onward, soldiers of the Lord!" What a blessed privilege is ours I Yours in the interest of the Theocracy,
Action I Action!! And more action upon the battlefield, going forth MRS. H. H. NICHOLS AND HELEN, Pioneers.
with the assurance that we are fighting a winning fight under
the command of the Almighty Warrior I Our hearts are filled with ARREST AFFOitDED OPPORTUNITY
inexpressible joy as we realize that we are not meeting the enemy DEAR BROTHER RUTIIERFORD:
in our own strength, but rather meeting them 'in the name and This note is an expression of deep appreciation to Jchornh
strength of Jehovah of Hosts, whom they have defied' I To see and to you, one of his witnesses, for the refreshments and in-
the part we are permitted to have in the fulfillment of the many struction contained in 1'he lVatchtower, and now the Sali•ation
prophetic dramas causes us to strive all the harder to have some book, a well of sparklmg waters for a barren and parched hu-
small part at least in the vindication of Jehovah's name. May manity. The Westwood arrest afforded an opportunity to tnkc
Jehovah 'gird us with strength unto the battle'. Well do we realize the stand and declare some of its contents to the court, lawyers,
that within ourselves there is no strength, but Jehovah is the and crowded courtroom.
strength of his people. Therefore let the enemy COME ON AND As we approach the darkest time in earth's history and (I
FIGHT! Let them come forth with great pride and boastfulness. have heard the mob crying for your blood) when the responsi-
Let them say, "Oh, we're strong!" God's people welcome the fight bilities of your ofllcc arc so vast, there seems to be no good reason
which will prove that Jehovah is supreme. We are ready. \Ve arc why you should sit on tacks and wear itchy underwear to show
prepared. We arc armed in the cause of righteousness and truth, that you are suffering for Christ. I know that your Jove for all
and we have full asi:;urance that our God will sm;tain us in the of the Lord's liiilc ones is limited only by your capacity to serve.
time of great peril. Yours in the Lord's scrvirc,
Be it known, therefore, that this constitutes a fighting dcclara- D. E. MORGAN.
VICTORY IN A MILL-OWNED GEORGIA VILLAGE were two listening in (which is common on these Sa.-,lrntC'he-
''I succeeded in reaching the officials of the Tubize Silk ~an ~ural telephone lines). His wife said she heard and
:M:ill, who for years have interfered with the Kincrdom work liked 1t all. I then arranged a baek-call for a later date."
in the village. I requested an appointment with the man- TEXAS ~OUND-CAR CO-ORDINATED WITH MARCHES
ager, who was very secluded. I had to state the nature of
~'"When we ·were all prepared to march there were 22 in
my business at the Information Desk. After prolon•7ed
this march. The sound-car played a march and the march-
'phone conversation I was requested to be seated, that"' he
ers, keeping 15 feet apart, marched through the main
would see me. Presently the preacher appeared and was
streets of the city. Every so often the sound-car announce<l
ushered in without any formality. Then the assistant chief
the place of meeting, the Court House square where
of police entered. They were in conference for some time.
'Fascism or Freedom' was played. About 100 heard' the lec-
When they departed I was told that the manager had re-
ture, and two men came up to the operator of the sound-
ferred me to the personnel man. I explained the work, our
car, identified themselves with the work and each obtaine<l
method of doing it, stating my attention had been called
Salvation, and one of the men asked 'that a meeting be
to the interference with Jehovah's witnesses in the villaO'e
by the .officials for several years, they declaring the villa~e
started in his home. Immediately after the lecture we left
for another small town, eight miles away. There had beeu
was private property, that no one could visit the homes of
considerable opposition here while working with the books.
the employees without first getting permission. I reviewed
the Supreme Court ruling with. him when he declared that When the march started a man rushed out of a store and
ac~osted the leader, asking where his permit to march was.
r~ling did not apply to them but to a municipal corpora-
Without stopping, the marcher said: 'We need no permit
twn. I assured him it did apply to his village and that the
to advertise the Kingdom.' The sound-car operator obtained
State court gave a person the right to enter and leave his
permission to park his car on an empty lot in the business
premises without interference; also any guest could do the
same if peaceable. In reply he stated: 'Brother, you can't district and went down the street announcing that Fascism
would be exposed in a few minutes at the Economy Feed
bluff me, and I'm making the statement yo1l can't do vour
Store <'Orner. Several Catholics came to the C'ar and at-
work here.' I assured him we were not bluffing, but tl;at I
tempted to start an argument. The windows were up to
would make a positive statement to him that the work
prevent damage to the equipment, and the lecture went on
would be done and I was asking him not to interfere with
Several would st:md and listen for a while, then walk away,
it. He then asked for time to consult his attorney. Result:
astounded at the information given. One man contributed
We could do the work all right, but if we disturbed the
50c, saying he realized this was a good work, although he
sleepers we would be run out. I warned him against inter-
was not much interested in Ilntherford. I believe the souncl-
ference, and as for running us out, that would be settled
later. Last l\Ionday, August 6, the Rome (Ga.) locusts in- car, us~d in ~his way, advertising the marches and plare
of meetmg, w;ll be of great help to those wishing to identify
vcdcd th.e village and ate up the varnish while l\Ir. Preacher,
themselves with Jehovah's organization."
Mr. Policeman an<l l\Ir. Personnel l\Ian watched but no
interference. So the King triumphed." ' AMONG TEXANS TENTING LIKE JONADAB
THE MORE COURAGE, THE BETTER THE RESULTS "Disregarding the sandstorm, which was doin"' murh
havoc, we decided to work these tents down near anJ nnder
"Personally I felt up against a stone wall. I had plenty
th~ river bridge. The sand was blowing too much to continue
of literature and pioneer territory, and no grub nor money.
nsmg the phonograph at this time, and as I announced my-
The zone servant arrived next day. Meeting went fine.
self as 'one of Jehovah's witnesses' a voice quickly welcom~d
Following day we went out together in the witness work.
me, sa)~ing: '! don't know who you are, but if you have any
I observed carefully the confidence, kindness and fearless-
books hke tins I sure do want them.' I had to look a second
ness with which he approached people. I recalled the re-
time before I recognized the Pace the Pacts booklet he held
mark of Judge Rutherford: 'Henceforth we will take th•'
up, for it was so disfigured, the back torn completely off
offensi~e in this warfare . . . ' The next day I went out
and it was soiled and rumpled. He had been so down and
determmed to be bold in proclaiming the trutb (though nrit
out-no work, nothing for him to live for-and had even
rude). In seventeen hours (two days' worl, I placed tc11
considered suicide. When comin"' alon"0 the hio·hway some-
Salvation, 25 booklets, had 27 sound attenda~ . " and made ~ ~ '
one had thrown this Pace the Pacts out of the car and it
three back-calls, one hour each. Montana is a "ide and va~t
had landed in his faee. He examined it and found it the
country, but I am convinced that the more courageous we
b<'st reading he had ever had. He saw it was the truth and
urc the better results we get. 'fhe coyotes are yapping on
that h? <lid have much to live for. Of course, I left him
the hill in the timhcr near by."
magazmes and more hooks and the address of the mectino
RURAL TELEPHONE PHONOGRAPH SETUP (SASI<.) Ile said he wanted to come soon to meetinrrs and insistc~i
"He said: 'My son was telling us all about it. I woul<l upon contributing his last <lime towar<ls the literature even
like to hear more, and I wish my wife was here as well.' though I had given it to him. A few days later, when i' went
I put on the record 'Hclief'. 'Vhen it was about half thro1wl1 back to make a baek-call, he was gone. The people in the
he mumbled something; about getting her (his wife) on tlie t.ent next told n_ie h~ had hcrn called to take a good job a
telephone; which he did as soon as the reC'o1·d was finisl1ed. few hu11<lred miles from tl1el'c and he had gotten them to
I put on 'Resolution' and a loud-tone needle and held tl1t1 read some of the booklet.:;, I am sure he will never rrst un-
phonograph up to the 'phone. Ile kept the receiver at hls til he has gott<'ll in touch with .Jehovah's witnesses where-
car, and during the lerture he whispered to me that there C\'el' he goes."

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