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College Student Interview

College Student Name: Eloy Ramirez

Campus: San Diego Mesa College
Major: English
Contact Information: (858) 337-1445
Q: What did you value most when looking for a college that fits you?
A: I value most the distance. San Diego Mesa College was the closet and had the courses that
I was interested in.
Q: Has this college met your expectations?
A: San Diego Mesa College has met and gone beyond my expectations. My counselor and
professors gave me guidance into my educational pathway.
Q: Are you involved in any campus clubs?
A: Not at the moment, but I have been interested in the V.A.M.P program that showcases
student essays and poetry.
Q: What classes are you taking currently? Are they for your major?
A: I am taking two English classes, a Japanese class, and a Web Development class. At the
beginning of the semester I wanted to major in Web Development; however, in the end I
decided to major in English.
Q: What is the best way to get help/tutoring with my schoolwork?
A: When struggling with schoolwork I would visit the Tutoring Center for help in any
Q: How are you paying for the costs of college?
A: I was fortunate to receive the Pell Grant and the BOGW, which covered all my college
Q: Are you working while going to school?
A: Yes, I am working as a part-time Janitor for various apartment and condo complexes,
Q: Do you work on campus? Is so, where?
A: I do not work on campus.
Q: Do you feel safe on campus? Why or why not?
A: Campus safety is very important in San Diego Mesa College and there are various forms
of contacting authorities.
Q: What do you like about the teaching staff? What do you dislike?
A: Some staff are very encouraging and open-minded; while others are very straight-forward
and severe.

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