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Laguna de bay is the largest lake in the Philippines covering 98,000 hectares. Laguna de

Bay is located at the heart of Region IV-A (CALABARZON). Laguna de Bay is surrounded by
six provinces, twelve cities, and forty-nine municipalities.
Laguna de bay is vital for the residents near to it for they are getting their livelihood in
this lake. There are a lot of reasons why many cling on this lake. The dominant industry provided
by this lake is fishery .Not just fishery but there is a lot more livelihood that Laguna de bay
provides like duck raising, near shore farming and others. Many residents are dependent on this
economy for this is not away from home and have a good profit. It also provides transportation
for the residents to go on the other side, province or municipality/city in an easier and shorter
way. It also provides electricity, there is a pump storage hydroelectric power station located in
Kalayaan, Laguna producing about 300-600 megawatts of electricity. It also provides irrigation
waters for the farmers on the nearby provinces. Also, it is a major source of household water in
the Metro Manila, CALABARZON, and nearby provinces. It is also a tourist spot for it is
entitled Largest Lake in the Philippines. This lake is also rich in biodiversity; it has 31 species
of fishes, 154 species of phytoplankton, 36 species of zooplankton, and 24 species of
macrophytes. It is also a home for other species of mollusks, crustaceans, and birds that feed on
the lake's resources. The lake also serves as habitat for various species of birds. It is believed
that 17 bird species may be found in the Mount Makiling Forest Reserve, while 20 species can be
found in the Pakil and Real areas. These are restricted-range birds of the Luzon endemic-area.
(Haribon Foundation)
However, Laguna de bay is damaged because of the people abusing the use of this rich
lake. The household surrounding Laguna de bay is a real threat for its condition. According to, household or domestic wastes constitute 77% of the lakes total pollution load,
industry contributes 11%, 11% from agriculture and 1% from forests. Solid and liquid wastes
enter the lake by way of the 22 major tributaries and the more than 100 minor tributaries,
including the periodically back-flowing Pasig River.
Its not too late for Laguna de bay to be saved from different kinds of pollution. Filipinos,
especially those who live around the lake, must cooperate for the conservation, cleaning, and

reversing of Laguna de bay. We are not the only generation that will be supported this lake, there
are a lot of generation to be served.


At the end of the exercise the students should be able to:


Describe the interaction of the terrestrial with aquatic ecosystems;

Explain how different economic human activities directly & indirectly affect the LDB

ecosystem, and
Discuss the mechanism by which the lake pollution can be prevented or minimized.

We interrogated the residents available for surveys in a diplomatic manner to avoid on

offending them.
A. Backyard Duck Farm in Victoria, Laguna
When we visited the duck farm, we immediately observed the surroundings. We observed
how the ducks are caged. We observed their cage. We also interrogated the man-in-charge about
the diet of the ducks. Also, we observed the household nearby if there are still take care of ducks.
We also observed the waste produced by this duck farm and how do they disposed them.
B. Septage Treatment Plant (STP), Puypuy, Bay, Laguna
During the tour, we observed how the process of treatment is happening. We interrogated
tour guide about the machines, how do they operate it, and the mechanism of the machine. We
observed the substance in every process for us to differentiate the appearance of the substance
from the beginning to the end of the treatment.
Also, we interrogated the tour guide on how do they get profit and what do they do with
product of their treatment.

C. Municipal Plaza in Brgy. Poblacion, Los Baos

We visited the Municipal Plaza of Los Baos. We observed the surrounding on what
infrastructures was built in that place. We also looked for establishments operating around. We
approached the lake for us to examine the state of the lake and for us to determine the possible
pollutants existing.
D. Molawin Creek
After visiting the duck farm, septage treatment plant, and municipal plaza we returned to
UPLB for us to observe the Molawin creek. We visited the rivers under the never ending bridge,
behind SU building and beside the Seniors Social Garden. We observed the condition of each
rivers, looked for pollutants and life beneath and around the rivers. Also, we observed the
activities along and around each rivers that may affect the biodiversity.


Table 1. Different economic activities observed at and near the Municipal Plaza at Brgy.
Poblacion, Los Baos, Laguna.

Cooking and serving food

Possible Pollutants
Cooking oils, plastics from
purchases, soap for washing,

Public Wet Market

Selling of aquatic products

garbage from the products.

Dirty water, plastics, dissolved
soap, internal organs of fish

Food stall near the basketball

Selling of bite-size food and

and other products.

Plastic from the products,


Health, relaxation, fitness, and

sticks and oil.


beauty services

Table 2. Different economic activities observe at and near the localities visited

Duck Farm

Duck raising

Possible pollutants
Manure and other

waste of the ducks,

soap, crushed shells

Septage Treatment

Treatment on the

and sand

Los Baos

Municipal building,

waste of human
Government services,

Plastic from products,



Public wet market, spa, selling of aquatic

oil, sticks, dirty water,


products, selling of

garbage, soap,

d stalls
SU Building (with


internal organs.
Plastic from products,

eateries and 7 eleven),

commercial building

oil, sticks, other

Seniors Social Garden,

(selling food and

garbage, dirt from


products), events


A. Backyard Duck Farm in Victoria, Laguna
We entered the duck farm and observed the surroundings. We observed that they

separated the ducks by their categories. Pato and bibe is separated from each other. Also, the
ducks are separated by their age. The ducklings are separated from the big ones. While
observing, we saw a guy with a shovel, mixing the food for the ducks and we asked him about
the diet of the ducks. They prepare the food of the ducks by mixing shells, sand and feeds. Shells
were mixed on the diet for protein and calcium (for thicker egg shells), while the sand is just an
addition that may affect the weight of the duck (because it is indigestible). Also, the guy-incharge said that it is used to determine if the duck is strong or weak, the strong ones survive the
sand unlike the weak ones.
It is advantageous for the owners to build the duck farm along the lake shore because
they can get shells and sand without cost. Also, they have a supply of water for the ducks,
drinking and bathing. The waste of their farm can be easily disposed into the lake.
Of course, the duck industry also has wastes. What are these? These are the manure of
ducks, excess shell and sands, and dissolved soap used for cleaning. Just as I mentioned earlier,
the wastes are directly disposed in the lake because it is nearby and it will be washed away.

These wastes may have serious effects on the conservation of the lake. The manure may increase
the nitrogen content of the water that will increase the population of algae which will
deoxygenate the lake. The powdered shell and sand that are disposed to the lake will contribute
on the sedimentation of the lake which will make the lake shallower. The dissolved soap may
poison the organism in the water.
There are few families that still take care of duck in their household even in small
numbers. Ducks are a good source of income because of its products. Eggs, feathers, meat are the
products of duck. Also, ducks are preferred than chicken because ducks lay eggs more often
which means more eggs for the market or ducklings. The topic about money is sensitive so no
information has been retrieved.
B. Septage Treatment Plant (STP), Puypuy, Bay, Laguna
After visiting the duck farm, we visited the Septage Treatment Plant at Brgy. Puypuy,
Bay, Laguna. We were given a lecture about sustainable development incorporated with
sanitation before the tour. They showed us their machine and how does it work. The place is neat
and odorless different from what I expected.
As we were guided on our tour, we observed the machine, the mechanism, the waste and
the products. The water before the treatment (input) had a strong bad odor and had a brown to
black color. And as we go on, the water after the treatment is shown. The water was clear, no
odor and can sustain a life. There is a pond which has water from the treatment and there are
fishes on the pond. Also, the water now can be used in household except for drinking.
During the process, the solid components of the waste were separated from the aqueous.
Of course, a solid component of a septic waste has a bad odor but the solid component after the
treatment is different. The solid component after the treatment is now dry, polymerized, and had
no odor. This product is used as a fertilizer.
Yes it is cost effective, because they got paid on the services they gave on collecting
waste that will give a breakeven on the cost of the process in the treatment because conservation
of nature is priceless and will give a lot of benefit to the present generation and to the future

C. Municipal Plaza in Brgy. Poblacion, Los Baos

We visited the Municipal Plaza of Los Baos. The former municipal hall is located there
and other government offices. Also, there is a public wet market, eateries/restaurants, and spa.
We approached the shore of Laguna de bay and observed the water and surroundings. There are a
lot households and establishments along the shoreline.
We observed the activities around the plaza, there are eateries and restaurants, basketball
court which is surrounded by mobile food stalls, spa, government services and the like.
We saw the municipal building near the lake shore. It has an advantage on the tourism
factor. A government near or on the tourist spot is an ace for its economy to grow. Also, because
of the tourism is growing there, establishments also will be built nearby that place.
We also sight a public wet market near the shore. This is advantageous because wet
markets primary product is aquatic resources which are provided by the lake. Also, the wet
market is literally wet because the goods in that market are wet and need to be wet or moist
constantly which will result on excessive water waste. So this water wastes are easily disposed to
the lake which gives the market an advantage. The market gives advantage to municipality by
having a near public market for the households and establishments. Also, it may give the
municipality a lower price of products because some of the products sold are from the lake.
It is observable that there are lot of establishments around and it promotes tourism to the
place. This will give effects to the environment of Laguna de bay. There are positive effects and
negative effects. The positive effect is that the government will promote the protection and
preservation of the lake to attract more tourists to the place. The negative effect is because of the
huge number tourist, there are more waste and garbage to be produced. This will affect the
environment of the lake despite of the preservation because of the maintenance force may be
outnumbered by the tourist.
D. Molawin creek
We visited SU, never-ending bridge and Senior Social Garden for us to observe the
condition of Molawin Creek. The condition of the Molawin creek is in good condition, but still

there is little garbage visible, mostly behind the SU building. The plants that surrounds the creek
is healthy, also life beneath the water is visible. Ecosystem still exists in the Molawin creek.
There are changes in the Molawin creek, both physical and biological. The physical
changes are most likely to be observed behind the SU building because it is obviously modified,
we can see that the one side of the river is cemented because of the modification for the SU
building and other UPLB campus purpose, the river in the Senior Social Garden and neverending bridge is shallow that may be caused by sedimentation. These have positive and negative
impacts. The positive impacts are: the river is more observable and approachable because of the
stairs cementation, it is reachable for recreational activities, and also can be used for fishing. The
negative impacts are: because of the accessibility of the creek, it is more vulnerable in pollution;
narrower river; biodiversity may decrease.
For us to help on the preservation of the Molawin Creek, authorities must put up signs on
the entrances or access to Molawin Creek. Also, the signs must be understandable (bi-lingual,
Filipino and English) and must be spread along the creek. Operate projects for the cleaning of the
creek and tributaries of Mt. Makiling. Inform the people about the effects on their irresponsible
actions. Also, we know that Molawin Creek is connected to its catch basin, Laguna de bay. There
must be a filter or a catcher of garbage/pollutant before the intersection of Molawin creek and
Laguna de bay.

LLDA or the Laguna Lake Development Authorities is formed because of Republic Act No.
FOR OTHER PURPOSES. LLDA is an agency which has the function to protect Laguna de bay.
They are doing programs and projects to promote and accelerate the development and balance
growth of Laguna de bay. Their major programs are: environmental management, watershed

management, fisheries development, community development, research development, national

greening program. Their special projects are: LISCOP, carbonshed project, compliance assistance
center, PhilWAVES, bamboo for life, ECO-INDEX ERRE, gender and development. LLDA
execute these programs and projects through information, interventions, institutional
partnerships, and of course, involvement. Their goal is to transform Laguna de Bay Basin into a
focal center for sustainable development by 2020.
Communities role in protecting and conserving the resource of the lake is simple. Their role
is to be fully informed about the condition of Laguna de bay, participate on the projects like
cleaning of Laguna de bay, and for them to make a campaign for the whole community that
will promote and ensure the preservation of Laguna de bay.
As a student of NaSc 5 and as a Filipino, for us to help on the preservation of the Laguna de
bay, I will avoid littering anywhere before encouraging others to this, for I will be an example
and not a hypocrite. Encourage others to participate in my no littering hobby and for them to
encourage others. I will follow the ordinances of the authorities for the preservation of Laguna de
bay and its tributaries.

I concluded that the terrestrial activities, mostly by humans, have a large effect in the

aquatic ecosystem. The bodies of water near terrestrial ecosystem became the catch basin on the
waste of the terrestrial activities and it hastens the process of sedimentation. So humans,
dominant movements in the terrestrial ecosystem, must learn responsible action for us no to
affect the aquatic ecosystem negatively.
Human activities and interventions affect the Laguna de bay ecosystem directly and
indirectly. We affect the Laguna de bay ecosystem directly by disposing all kinds waste into the
lake, overfishing, overpopulate a fish pen that may lead to death due to lack of oxygen and space,
and too much feeds are given to the fish that some of the feeds are not eaten and pollute the
water. We affect the Laguna de bay ecosystem indirectly too by littering anywhere that soon will
be washed away into the streams that will lead to Laguna de bay, disposing liquid waste into the
streams, accidental introduction of new species in the lake, and other terrestrial activities that
soon will be washed into the streams which is connect to Laguna de bay.

Because of the sad condition of Laguna de bay, there are agencies, communities and
individuals that promote the protection of Laguna de bay, take actions for lessening the
pollutants of the lake, and educate others about Laguna de bay. Also, there must be future
agencies, communities and individuals that have the same advocacy. How can we participate to
their action? By attending some of their conferences and projects, avoiding littering, designing of
new innovations that will help the improvement and development of Laguna de bay, and of
course, to take actions and be involved in helping Laguna de bay.

Land and Resources, Rivers and Lakes. Date
used October 24, 2015.
Laguna de Bay. Date used October 24, 2015

Laguna de Bay. Date used October 24, 2015

Laguna Lake. October 25, 2015
Laguna Lake Development Authority. Date used October 26, 2015.

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