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One day in a small village, lived a couple. They lived happily as long as ten years.

they couldnt enjoy their happiness for a long time, since they realized that their
happiness wasnt complete yet because they had no child.
Mother : Pake I feel so sad. We have live together for ten years. But we still
have no child.
Father : (Sit beside his wife) Buk. I know!!! I know Buk I can feel your
feeling. I feel the same one. I also hope for a child to complete our life.
Mother : Suppose, we have a child right now. I can imagine how beautiful our life are.
Father : Yah What can we do except pray and pray BukWe have tried to do it
more and more. But it always unsuccessful.
Mother : (Woo his husband) Honey, lets try again tonight! A month passed, they
still had no child. Until one day, they heard that there was a big ogre who lived inside a
big cave in a ghostlike forest it named Buto Ijo. The ogre was believed that it could
accede every kinds of wishes. So the couple went to look for the ogre. (It was a ghostlike
forest. They walked carefully until they found a big cave).
Mother : Pake. This place is so screamy and ghostlike. Its dark, dirty, and.
(huek) smell bad! I am afraid Pake. Im afraid. Father : Buke.throw your
fear away. We must do it in order that we will get a child. (They entered the cave).
Father : Kulonuwun Buto Ijo
Buto : How dare you are to come here when I feel so hungry! Dont you afraid if
both of you will be my meal??? Mother : Pardon Butopardon. We dont wanna
be your meal. But we can give you everything you want if you accede what we want.
Buto : Hahahaha . (Laugh) Are you sure that both of you can give me a
meal? Father : Yes, we are sure! Buto : What do you mean? Mother : We want to
have a child. Can you accede our wish? Buto : Wahahaha.. Only that one? Its
very easy one for me. I will accede your wish, but there is a requirement for it!
Father : What requirement did you mean? Buot : If you get a boy, you may take care
about him until he grows big. But if you get a daughter, you must give her back to me
when she being a teen. And she will be my meal! Do you understand? Father : Its
okay Buto!!! We promise that we will full your requirement. Thank you
Buto, thank you. Buto : Now, go out from here! You have disturbed my sleep!
And then, both of them went home. They were very surprised to find a big Golden
Cucumber in front of the door of their house. Mother : Pake What is it?
Father : It looked like a Cucumber Buk A golden Cucumber! Mother : Yes
Pake, but it is very big one! :Who had put this in front of our house Pak? Father : I
have the same quandary with you Buke. Mother : Okay then, let us open it together
in the house Pak. Then, they opened it. It was very surprise for them to find a baby
inside The Golden Cucumber. Mother : Pak, what a wonderful! there is a baby
inside this cucumber!
Father : Are you serious, Honey? I cant believe it! Mother : My god,,,, (smile
and happy) Honey, we get a baby! We get a baby! Buto Ijo have acceded our
wish! Father : Yes Honey! But this baby is a girl. Do you remember about our promise
to him? Mother : Yah! We promised that we will give our baby back to him if our baby
is a girl. Father : Thats right, Buke. Mother : But dont think about it for this time

Pak. We still have a long time. I am very happy to have this baby! (happy) Father :
Yes, me too. We have a daughter Buke. So, what name will we give for our
daughter, Honey? Mother : Mmmmm How about Timun Emas Pak? We
found her inside a golden cucumber, didnt me? Father : Yes Honey, I agree. Its a very
good name for our beautiful baby! Mother : We will live more happy, Pak! Sixteen
years passed. Timun Emas grew up and being a beautiful girl. Her parents loved her so
much. Mother : Timas, come here beauty. We want to talk about something important
to you. Father : Yes, nak..come here. Timas : Pake, Buke, what kind of thing will
you talk? It sounds very important. Father : Yes, Honey. Its very important for
you. Its about your life. Timas : About my life? What did you mean Pake?
Father : (Talk to his wife) Buk..please tell to her. Mother : Yes Pake. (Then
talk to her daughter) Timas, you are our daughter. But actually, you are not really our
daughter. We found you inside a big golden cucumber when you were a baby.
Timas : What???? Inside a big golden cucumber??? How come, Buk? I still
cant believe it! Father : You must believe it Honey, its true! Mother : (Speak sadly)
Timas, sixteen years ago, Pake and Buke went to Buto Ijo. He is a big ogre who
lived in a big cave in a ghostlike forest. We asked for his help to give us a baby.
Because we didnt have a baby for that time. Then he sent you for us, and he put you
inside the big golden cucumber. Father : Yes, Honey! But that time, we made a
promise to him. We promised that we would gave you back to him when you are a
teenager. Mother : And he will eat you, Timas! (Cry) Timas : Dont cry
Buke..Dont cry. I have the same feeling with you.
One night, the father got
an idea to go to a magician to ask for a help. Father : Buk, I heard that there is a sacred
magician in the forest. Are you agree if we ask for his help? Mother : Thats a good
idea, Pak. I will do everything to safe our daughter. Father : Yes Buke.Where is
Timas? Timas..Timas (call Timas) Timas : Here I am, Pak. What
happen? Mother : Timas, you must follow us to go to a magician house. Its for
your life. Timas : A magician? Mother : Yes, Honey. Timas : When will we go?
Father : Right now, my daughter. Mother and Timas : Right now???? Pake : Yes,
sooner is better. Lets go.
(Then they go to the Magician House) Pake : Kulunuwun.. The Magician :
Monggo.monggo Have a seat please. (After all of they sit) The
Magician : What happen with you? Buke : We are in a big problem and we need for
your help. Timas : Yes Mbah. Can you help us? The Magician :
Wooow.what a pretty girl. What can I do for you beauty Timas : Pake. (sit
behind her father) Father : Mbah, our daughter is in danger. Buto Ijo will eat her.
Can you help us? The Magician : (Laugh) I see Its easy! I can help you!
Timas : Are you sure? The Magician : Of course beauty! But I want to a prize if I
can help you! Mother : What kind of prize do you want to? The Magician : You
must let me marry your daughter! Hahahaha. Father, Mother and Timas :
What????!!!! The Magician : Its up to you! Father : Okay, okay! Timas, you
cant refuse it. Its for your life! Timas : Its okay Pake. Mother : So, what can
you do for us, Mbah? The Magician : I have some magic things to help your daughter
to kill Buto Ijo. Timas : What are they? The Magician : These nails can change into

thorn if you throw them to Buto Ijo. This Terasi can change into a hot mad sea.
And the last, this salt can change into a deep sea. Buto Ijo cannot swim. Timas : I
see.thank you! The Magician : Its okay, Beauty!
Father : Okay then, thank a lot. Let us go home now. The Magician :
Monggo.monggo.. (Next morning, Buto ijo come to their house) Buto :
Wahahaha..Timas, go out from your house! You are my meal! (In the house)
Timas : Buke,,,, Im afraid. Mother : Dont be afraid, Honey! All will be fine.
Timas : So, what must I do now Buke? Mother : Go out from this house by passing
our door at the back of house. Father : Slowly, Honey! Timas : Nggeh Pake. I
will go. (In front of their house) Botu : Where is your daughter? I have been
hungry! Mother : She isnt at home. You cant get her! Buto : Wahahaha.. Dont
make a joke with me! I want to her! Now! (Timas run from the back door, but
Buto Ijo know her) Buto : Hey, you! I know you! (Timun Emas run away) Buto :
I will reach you and I will eat you! (Timun Emas stop her run) Timas :! I have something for you!
Then she throw the nails in front of Buto Ijo. They change into thorn, so Buto Ijo feels his
feet hurt caused it. Buto : Owww!!! Shhhttttt!!! How dare you are! (But Buto
Ijo can pass it and catch her up again) Buto : Timas, you cant go away from me!
You will be my meal. Timas : No, I will not. You cant eat me! (Then Timas
throw the Terasi and it change into a hot mud sea) Buto : Oh! What did you do?
Timas : Hihihihi. What a pity you are. Buto : You make me angry Timas!
Wait me and I will eat you! (But again, Buto Ijo can Pass it. He can out from the hot
mud) Buto : Hahaha.. Come here Timas. Timas : No!! Go away from me!!
Go!! (Then she throw the last magic thing) The salt change into a deep sea. And Buto
cant out from it. Buto : Timas, help me! I cannot swim!
Help And Buto Ijo die. Timas back to her house. Timas : Pake, Buke. Mother :
Oh..God! thank you for safing my daughter. Father : You are safe, Honey! We meet

(The Magician come) The Magician : Hi, Sir. Do you remember your promise?
Father : Oh, you! Yes, of course I remember. Mother : Thank you for your
help. Father : Timas, you must marry with him. Timas : Its okay Pake He is
not too bad, actually. The Magician : know that Im handsome, Baby!
Would you be my wife? Timas : Why not?! Then they live happily together, ever,
and after.

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