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The timing is too perfect.

For this generations term, what is happening

to me right now would be called work of fate. But I beg to disagree. Id call
this as His plan. My future in the making
I have never felt this feeling again for ages. And then a professor would
ask us to come up with a phenomenological paper about kilig. Now, a
certain forgotten feeling would suddenly emerge and come back to life.
Kinikilig: someone blushes, shivers, cringes, feels blissful; utters alien
words or expressions like ihhhhhhh, iiiiieeeeekkkk, words or not really
words that sounds with the e sound or someone panics, cant think straight,
feels like they are having an asthma or heart attack, someone becomes
absent-minded; romantic; you feel like your heart melts; the feeling when
you excrete urine out from your body; euphoria.
Kilig, like love, has a vast scope of meaning. Each differs from different
people. But it will only come down to one thing: The essence of kilig is
that it gives you happiness that leads to the most beautiful line anything or
anyone could ever draw on your face a sweet smile.
After a series of love (though Im not sure about this) and
misadventure (of this, Im sure), I told myself that I will not try to find love
again and I will just let someone find me instead until I met and got to
know him. One time, I told myself: I finally found him but as time pass by,
Ive come to realize that it was more like he found me.
Hes a real gentleman. Hes a living proof that chivalry is not dead.
Hed take me out, when I get to the meeting place, hes already there. He
pays for everything. He does little things that matter most.
He respects my space, my principles, my perceptions, everything
about me. Hes curious but not insistent, like I said, he respects me. Hes
always concern. He is totally sensible and he understands.
He would make eye contact and tell me Im beautiful; not cute which
a shock to me is. He makes me feel like Im a woman. Excuse me, but I am
deprived of that of being seen as a woman or a lady. Thats why all of these
make me cringe.
Hes patient. He waits. Hes not rushing things. Were taking it slowly.
Hes not pressuring me. And Im thankful. The fact that he is still there makes
me think that this man is


Sambrano, Celine Hazel C.


Hes not afraid of commitments. He gives me a new sense of

belongingness. And he is ready. He is not scared of attachments.
He plays guitar. I love the sound of the string instruments; especially
guitar. I even enrolled in a music school to learn how to play it. It wasnt easy.
The strings hurt me. My guitar is too heavy. There are chords I cannot play. I
have my limits. I became frustrated. I stopped. Even then, I still love the
sound. The feeling when I hear it. The music it produces. But I cannot play
anymore. I did not want to play anymore. But he plays guitar.
I love writing. Poem, especially. Maybe because Im sensitive and
very sentimental. But it has been a long time ago since I last composed
something for someone or for myself. I want to write again. I just cant find
any reason to do that. I have no source of inspiration. But now, hes here.
We have a lot of things in common. We love reading books. AND
SHERLOCK HOLMES. Oh, dear. I think I found the We both love the aroma
of coffee and coffee wrong coffee. Just that he likes milk to go with his
coffee and I like creamer to go with mine but still, latte. We both look young
and cute because of our chubby cheeks and our eyes which disappear when
we smile from ear to ear.
And heres a kind of creepy trivia: he has totally met all my
predilections. From being a left-handed person, someone who has a voice
that would make me feel kilig whenever he calls my name, someone who
can actually sing, play guitar, and loooooooves detective stories. Except that
I love detective stories AND DETECTIVES but he only loves the stories.
All of these little things explain to me the phenomenon of kilig. All of
these little things send me to euphoria, into bliss. All of these little things
curve my lips into the sweetest smile. All of these little things simply make
me happy. This feeling of kilig is my little piece of heaven here on earth.


Sambrano, Celine Hazel C.


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