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Welcome to the Doctor Who Solitaire Story Game...

You may be a Doctor, but I am the Doctor. The definitive article you might say.
(The Fourth Doctor Robot)
The Doctor Who Solitaire Story Game goes back in time in the latest Classic expansion that allows players to
recreate the early years of the Fourth Doctor. From battling Zygons on the shores of Loch Ness to meeting Jago
and Litefoot on the cobbled streets of Victorian London, its time to grab your scarf, brandish your janis thorns,
offer a jelly baby or two and continue the adventure of a lifetime...

How to Use this Expansion

Doctor Who in the 1970s was very different to the regenerated version
seen on our screens in 2005, so there are a number of changes to the
basic rules when playing the fourth Doctor:
You start with Sarah Jane Smith as a Companion and roll 1D6 for
any starting equipment: 1-3: e183; 4-5: ce47; 6: ce48.
The TARDIS has a -1 penalty when attempting to set controls (e001a).
Roll 1D6 for your starting Adventure: 1-2: ca18; 3-4: ca19; 5-6:

Starting Characters
The Fourth Doctor
The fourth incarnation of the Doctor was one of the strangest incarnations
yet, often appearing childish and stubborn despite his clearly immense
knowledge of the universe. He could be also very alien and aloof at
moments, but would inevitably flash a beaming smile and offer anyone a
jelly baby. Wearing an immensely long scarf and with coat pockets
which seemed to carry everything, the fourth Doctor was a genius often
acting as a fool.
Im not a human being. I walk in eternity.
Brains 12, Brawn 6, Bravery 9 (Aware, Charisma, Demolitions,
Engineering, History, Running, Science, Thief)

Sarah Jane Smith

Sarah Jane Smith began as a companion of the third Doctor but it was
with his next incarnation that she became one of his most beloved
friends. Never afraid to speak her thoughts and pursue matters through
her journalistic mindset and occasionally stubborn, she was also
incredibly faithful to the Doctor and shared his love of the universe as
one of his most favorite companions in all his incarnations.

We travel in time. Im really from 1980.

Brains 6, Brawn 4, Bravery 6 (Charisma, History, Marksman, Running,
Screamer) Personality: Curious, Resourceful.

cv07. The Wirrn

You have encountered the Wirm (DM: 0; Goals: 1-2: e262; 3-4: e180;
5-6: e165), an insectoid race of giant wasps that thrive in deep space
but swarm onto planets to feed. The Wirrn are capable of infecting other
species into mutating into Wirrn and absorbing their race memory.
Roll 1D6 to see what you have encountered adding +1 if Turn 5-8, +2 if
Turn 9+ and +2 if you can Oppose:
1-2: 1D3 Wirrn larvae Brains 2, Brawn 6, Bravery 7
3-5: 1D3 Wirrn - each Brains 4, Brawn 8, Bravery 8.
6+: 1D3+1 Wirrn (each Brains 4, Brawn 8, Bravery 8) and a Wirrn Queen (Brains 7, Brawn 8, Bravery 9).
Choose from the options below:
Talk: You can only try this option if there is a Wirrn Queen here or one of your Characters has been absorbed by
the Wirrn. If you can make a Brains roll with your Brains reduced by 1 for each Wirrn here (a Queen or
absorbed Character reduces it by 2) and by 1 for each previous attempt using this option then you escape
the encounter and gain a +1DM (or reveal the Goal if a Queen here). If you fail, choose another option.
Confront: You may only choose this option if you can Oppose and there is a Wirrn Queen here. If you can make
an opposed Bravery roll (adding any Charisma if any of your Characters have been absorbed by
Wirrn) then the Wirrn Queen leads the swarm into space and you have Defeated them. If you fail to
Oppose then take a -1DM and choose to Fight or Evade.
Fight: Combat occurs normally although if any Human Character is Wounded by a Wirrn or Wirrn larvae then
they must make a Bravery roll or be infected by Wirrn larvae see cv07a below. You may later Evade the
combat by making Running 8 rolls (Running 5 if larvae). If you win a Fight against the Wirrn, gain a
+1DM. if you win a Fight and can Oppose then they are Defeated.
Evade: You must make Running 8 rolls to escape (Running 5 if you have encountered larvae). If you fail, or
choose not to escape, choose another option.
Hide: You must make Thief 8 rolls before combat starts and before any other option. If you fail, or choose not to
hide, you must choose another option with -1 to any initial Running rolls.

cv07a. Wirrn Infection

(Disease) One of your Characters has been infected and is slowly being
absorbed by the Wirrn hive mind. At the end of each turn they must
make a Bravery roll.
The first time they fail the roll they gain Madman and must make a
successful Brains roll or separate from the rest of your Characters. The
second time they fail, they become frozen as they enter a chrysalis stage.
After a third missed roll, they emerge from the chrysalis and join the
ranks of the Wirrn add +1 to the number of Wirrn encountered and if
the Character had total (Human) Qualities of at least 20 then they count
as a Wirrn Queen. This Character counts as a Human/Wirrn hybrid.
You may cure the Wirrn infection (one Character per turn) if you have 2 Medicine, Poison and 20 Brains.

cv08. Sutekh
Sutekh the Destroyer (DM -2; Goals: 1-2: e221; 3-4: e175; 5-6: e204) is
the last of the Osirans, an ancient and powerful race of aliens with godlike powers. Trapped and helpless in a prison designed by the Osirans,
Sutekh is plotting his revenge and if freed, nothing in the universe will
be safe. He will leave only dust and darkness
Sutekh is so powerful that if you do not Defeat him the game is over. Roll
1D6 and then see below to see what you have encountered. Add +1
each time you have previously rolled here, +1 if after Turn 4, another +1
if after Turn 8 and another +2 if you can Oppose.
1-3: You encounter a fevered servant of Sutekh Brains 5, Brawn 6, Bravery 8 (Minion). Roll 1D6 and if the
result is less than the current Turn number then he is with 1D3 service robots (see cv08a). You may Fight
(gain +1DM if you win), Evade (Running 8 rolls), Hide (Thief 8 rolls before any other option), Follow (see
cvo8a below), Talk (make an Opposed Brains roll with -1 for each previous attempt, and gain +1 DM if you
succeed; choose to Fight or Surrender if you fail) or Surrender (roll 1D6: 1-3: Attacked; 4-6: e061).
4-6: See cv08a below.
7-9: You encounter the Chosen Instrument of Sutekh Brains 8, Brawn 7, Bravery 9 (Minion) with 1D3 service
robots (see cv08a). You may Fight (gain +1DM if you win), Evade (Running 7 rolls), Hide (Thief 8 rolls
before any other option with -1 to any initial Running rolls if you fail), Follow (see cv08a below), Talk (make
an Opposed Brains roll with -1 for each previous attempt, and gain +1 DM if you succeed; choose to Fight
or Surrender if you fail) or Surrender (roll 1D6: 1-3: Attacked; 4-6: e061).
10+: You have encountered Sutekh who regards you balefully Brains 12, Brawn 10, Bravery 10. Any nonMachine Character with total Qualities less than 20 is instantly frozen in fear for the encounter and is killed
unless you resolve the encounter successfully. Other Characters feel the grip of Sutekhs mind in theirs
each non-frozen Character must make opposed Bravery rolls with Sutekh (with a -2 penalty unless they have
Domination). If they fail they become playthings of Sutekh for (10 Bravery) turns and cannot take any
Actions and will be encountered with Enemy encounters. If a Character succeeds in the opposed Bravery
roll then gain a +1DM or reveal the Goal. If you can Oppose, Sutekh is instead Defeated.

cv08a. Servicer Robots

You have encountered Sutekhs servicer robots, dressed in bandages to
appear like Egyptian mummies. Roll 1D3 for the number of Servicers you
have encountered (with +1 to the number if the Turn number is 7+). Each
robot is Brains 1, Brawn 8, Bravery 10 (Machine, Minion).
Choose from options below:
Fight: Combat occurs although you may later choose to Evade. If you win
a fight, gain a +1DM and you may use the robots bandages as a
disguise. That Character gains 2 Thief until the end of the
Adventure or until they encounter an Enemy with Brains 8+ here.
Evade: You must make Running 7 rolls. If you fail, or choose not to escape, you must choose to fight.
Hide: You must make Thief 7 rolls before any other option. If you fail, or choose not to hide, you must choose
another option but with -1 to initial Running rolls.
Follow: This is only possible after a successful Hide. Make a Follow action: 2-4: Discovered: choose another
option with -1 to the roll; 5-7: Lose quarry event ends; 8-9: e082; 10+: e144.

cv09. Magnus Greel

Magnus Greel (DM -1; Goals: 1-2: cv09a; 3-4: e222; 5-6: e220), was
the former Minister for Justice of the 51st century Supreme Alliance but
became known as the Butcher of Brisbane after executing a hundred,
thousand enemies of the state. Greel also experimented with zygma
beam technology, a primitive form of time travel that warped his DNA,
and fled backwards in time to the 19th century where he posed as the
ancient Chinese god Weng-Chiang.
Roll 1D6 and see below, adding +1 if after Turn 4 or +2 if after Turn 9.
If you can Oppose also add +2.
1-3: You have encountered 1D3+1 Tong assassins, each Brains 2, Brawn 7, Bravery 7 (Minion, Troop).
4: You have encountered Mr. Sin, Greels murderous Peking homunculus Brains 1, Brawn 7, Bravery 9
(Machine, Minion). If Sin is in a Fight, roll 1D6 at the end of a combat round. On a result of 6, Sin will
attack a random Character on his own side.
5-6: You have encountered Greel (Brains 10, Brawn 4, Bravery 6) with 1D6+1 Tong assassins.
7-8: You have encountered Greel, Mr. Sin and 1D6 Tong assassins.
9-10: You have encountered Greel and Mr. Sin.
If Greel is here, roll 1D6: on a 1-2 you may not choose the Talk option, otherwise choose from options below:
Talk: This option is not possible with Mr. Sin if he is alone. Make a Brains roll (or an Opposed Brains roll if Greel
here) with your Brains reduced by 1 for each previous attempt using this Action. If you succeed, gain a
+1DM or reveal the Goal if Greel here. If you fail, choose to Fight or Surrender.
Fight: Combat occurs normally. You may later Surrender or Evade with a -1 to the rolls. If you win a fight gain a
+1DM. If you can Oppose and win a fight against Greel, you have instead Defeated him.
Evade: To evade Tong assassins you must make Running 8 rolls. If encountering Mr. Sin and Greel without
assassins, you must make Running 7 rolls. If you fail, or choose not to escape, you must choose to fight.
Hide: You must make Thief 8 rolls before any other option. If you fail, or choose not to hide, you must choose
another option and any initial Running rolls are with a -1 penalty.
Surrender: You may not surrender to Mr. Sin. Otherwise roll 1D6 with -2 if you can Oppose, but +1 if Greel here
and another +1 if you have a female Character with Charisma here: 1-2: You are attacked; 3-6: e061. If
Greel is here, roll 1D6 and on a 1-3 roll for a Goal event as he cannot resist gloating over his plans.
Confront: This option is only possible if you encounter Greel and can Oppose. You must make an Opposed Brains
roll with your roll reduced by 1 unless you have Gloating. If you succeed then you have Defeated Greel.
If you fail, take a -1DM and choose to Fight or Surrender.

cv09a. Recover Time Cabinet

(Goal 4) (Temporal) You discover that Greel wishes to find his lost time
cabinet and return to the 51st century.
If you have 25 Brawn and either 2 History or 3 Aware, gain a +2DM.
If Greel captures any female Characters and they are then killed whilst
captured, take a -1DM and Greel is +1 to all Qualities for the next turn.

ca18. Earth Orbit 16,000 (Far Future Era)

You have arrived within a corridor of a vast space station orbiting Earth, thousands of years in humanitys future.
Dangerous solar flares have forced the Human Race to seek refuge in Arks above the planet, waiting in
suspended animation for their planet to become habitable. Waiting and totally vulnerable
Special: Any Characters met are in suspended animation and will need Medicine to revive. Once revived, they
are -2 to Qualities for 1D3 turns.
Enemy (D6): 1: cv03; 2: cv07; 3: v531; 4: v530; 5: v532; 6: v511
Character (D6): 1: e019; 2: e020; 3: e023; 4: e024; 5: e017; 6: e043
Event 1 (D6): 1: ce28; 2: ce30; 3: e096; 4: e036; 5: e194; 6: e002
Event 2 (D6): 1: ce59; 2: ce27; 3: e035; 4: e033; 5: e034; 6: e002
Plot (D6): 1: e140; 2: e149; 3: e162; 4: e142; 5: e157; 6: e150
Location (D6): 1: e215; 2: ce29; 3: e097; 4: e102; 5: e257; 6: e070

ca19. Earth - 1975 (Present Era)

You have landed in the Scottish Highlands of Earth, the beautiful countryside and woodland overlooking a nearby
village. Mere miles away are the shores of Loch Ness, the famed lake which supposedly contains a prehistoric
monster. But perhaps the stories arent as false as some people believe
Special: If you encounter e256 here, gain 1 Luck point (once per Adventure). If the Zygons (v540) are the Enemy
here, take an additional -1DM when revealed.
Enemy (D6): 1: cv04; 2: v540; 3: v525; 4: v521; 5: v507; 6: v522
Character (D6): 1: ce50; 2: e207; 3: e050; 4: e018; 5: e224; 6: e020
Event 1 (D6): 1: e256; 2: e079; 3: e034; 4: e038; 5: e112; 6: e002
Event 2 (D6): 1: e256; 2: e160; 3: e268; 4: e145; 5: e115; 6: e002
Plot (D6): 1: ce55; 2: e141; 3: e133; 4: e166; 5: e142; 6: e150
Location (D6): 1: e064; 2: e093; 3: e144; 4: e158; 5: e259; 6: e236

ca20. Earth - 1911 (Victorian Era)

(Victorian Era)You have landed on the grounds of a large priory, the site of which will one day become UNIT
headquarters. Inside are magnificent Egyptian sarcophagi, a collectors dream. But the mansion seems strangely
quiet, and your senses detect the underlying presence of something immensely evil
Special: Characters with History are +1 Brains here. If a Character has History and Science, they gain 1 Luck
point on their first Explore Action
Enemy (D6): 1: cv08; 2: cv09; 3: v524; 4: v536; 5: v529; 6: v502
Character (D6): 1: ce56; 2: ce58; 3: e048; 4: e030; 5: e023; 6: e123
Event 1 (D6): 1: e152; 2: e051; 3: e208; 4: e268; 5: e135; 6: e002
Event 2 (D6): 1: ce59; 2: ce27; 3: e287; 4: e069; 5: e034; 6: e002
Plot (D6): 1: e176; 2: e179; 3: e133; 4: e148; 5: e132; 6: e150
Location (D6): 1: e254; 2: e254; 3: e254; 4: e253; 5: e065; 6: e259

ca21. Mordee 20,000 (Far Future Era)

(Wilderness) You step from the TARDIS into a hostile alien jungle in the far future. All around are twisted vines of
a multitude of alien foliage and the cry of distant animals. But there appears to be something civilized in this
primitive world, as you come across some kind of dropped spear on the ground
Special: If you have no Companion, your first Character event will be ce49. All Move Actions are made with -1 to
the roll.
Enemy (D6): 1:cv07; 2: cv02; 3: v504; 4: v519; 5: v520; 6: v528
Character (D6): 1: ce05; 2: e053; 3: e071; 4: ce49; 5: e081; 6: e030
Event 1 (D6): 1: e151; 2: e095; 3: e077; 4: e078; 5: e197; 6: e002
Event 2 (D6): 1: e270; 2: e256; 3: e205; 4: e289; 5: e145; 6: e002
Plot (D6): 1: e141; 2: e260; 3: e132; 4: e133; 5: e159; 6: e150
Location (D6): 1: e158; 2: e217; 3: e064; 4: e066; 5: e068; 6: e067

ca22. Earth - 1889 (Victorian Era)

You step from the TARDIS into the fog-bound, cobbled streets of Victorian London. Hansom cabs rattle by and
yellow gas-lamps cast eerie shadows through the gloom. In the distance you hear the unmistakable sound of a
ships foghorn you must be close to the docks
Special: If any female Character is killed here, lose an extra Luck point. All Move rolls are made with a -1 penalty.
Enemy (D6): 1: cv08; 2: cv09; 3: v502; 4: v507; 5: v543; 6: v513
Character (D6): 1: e050; 2: ce53; 3: ce56; 4: ce58; 5: e244; 6: e118
Event 1 (D6): 1: e095; 2: e151; 3: e076; 4: e078; 5: e229; 6: e002
Event 2 (D6): 1: e223; 2: e177; 3: e076; 4: e095; 5: e116; 6: e002
Plot (D6): 1: e157; 2: ce55; 3: ce39; 4: e235; 5: e173; 6: e150
Location (D6): 1: ce52; 2: ce52; 3: e093; 4: e093; 5: e028; 6: e144

ca23. Asteroid Belt - 5000 (Twilight Era)

You have landed at the Bi-Al Foundation a centre for alien biomorphology and medical facility on a large
asteroid near Saturn. But the stark, white halls might contain a terrible secret and other alien races could believe
that the advances in cloning and microscopic techniques would be useful
Special: If a Characters is Wounded, you may Heal as an Action by spending 1 Luck point per Character. Any
Disease events need 5 less in any Quality total.
Enemy (D6): 1: cv07; 2: cv01; 3: cv06; 4: v535; 5: v545; 6: v546
Character (D6): 1: ce51; 2: ce57; 3: ce06; 4: e023; 5: e020; 6: e098
Event 1 (D6): 1: ce30; 2: e194; 3: e181; 4: e267; 5: e112; 6: e002
Event 2 (D6): 1: ce27; 2: e036; 3: e033; 4: e045; 5: e296; 6: e002
Plot (D6): 1: ce23; 2: e210; 3: e142; 4: e149; 5: e162; 6: e150
Location (D6): 1: ce29; 2: ce29; 3: e102; 4: e102; 5: e257; 6: e097

ce47. Scarf
(Equipment) The fourth Doctor wouldnt go anywhere without his trusty scarf that was given to him by Madame
Nostradamus a witty little knitter. The wearer is not affected by Bad Weather (e079), it adds +1 to a Brains roll
overcoming a Puzzle event and at the start of the first combat round it can be used to trip up any opponent with
less than 7 Brawn so they cannot enter the combat that round.

ce48. Jelly Babies

(Equipment) These are small, but very tasty sweets that youve always enjoyed. Roll 1D6+2 to see how many you
have. Each sweet maybe given to a non-Machine Character(s) you encounter as part of any Talk option. When
you use it, you can then roll a second time for that option, and select whichever result you prefer.

ce49. Leela
You have encountered Leela a savage but resourceful woman from the
descendants of a survey team. Leela is Brains 4, Brawn 7, Bravery 8
(Aware, Charisma, Poison, Running, Thief Tracking). If you wish, you can
make a Companion Charisma 8 roll and if you succeed she joins you as
a Companion, so gain 2 Luck points. Otherwise she joins you as an Ally.
Make a Brains roll (with a +1 bonus) for Lela and if successful then she
knows something useful roll for a Plot event.
If you gain Leela as a Companion you may see Ce60 at the start of the
next Adventure. Personality: (optional) Headstrong, Natural Leader.

ce50. UNIT
You have encountered senior officers from UNIT the secret organization dedicated to dealing with hostile
activity on Earth. Roll 1D6: 1-2: ce38; 3-4: ce54; 5: ce37; 6: Roll twice (cumulative). The officer(s) is with 1D6
UNIT troops each Brains 4, Brawn 6, Bravery 6. (Marksman, Running, Troop, UNIT).

ce51. K9 (Mark 1)
You have encountered K9 a robot computer shaped in the form of a
dog. K9 is Brains 8, Brawn 9, Bravery 8 (Aware, Computers, Laser,
Machine, Science). If Professor Marius is here or you can make a
Charisma 8 roll (with +2 to the roll if an Enemy here) K9 joins you as an
Ally for the Adventure (although counts as a TARDIS Character) and
knows something useful - roll for a Plot event. Personality (optional):
Dedicated (Science), Loyal. Friend: Professor Marius (ce57).

ce52. Music Hall Theatre

(Location) You have discovered a grand music hall which welcomes a number of impressive acts and memorable
characters both on and off the stage! If there is no Enemy here you may see some Entertainment (e080). If you
have a Character Event here roll 1D6: 1-2: see Adventure as normal; 3-4: ce53; 5-6: ce58.

ce53. Henry Gordon Jago

You encounter Henry Gordon Jago a jovial musical impresario and
showman. Jago is Brains 6, Brawn 4, Bravery 4 (Bureaucrat, Charisma,
History, Tracking) and joins you as an Ally for the Adventure. Make a
Brains roll for Jago and if successful he knows something that could prove
useful roll for a Plot event. Once per Adventure, Jago may add +2 to
his Bravery until the end of the turn.

ce54. Harry Sullivan

You have encountered Harry Sullivan, former surgeon Lieutenant in the
Royal Navy, but now on attachment to UNIT. Clumsy and a little old
fashioned, Harry is loyal and brave. He is Brains 5, Brawn 6, Bravery 6
(Charisma, Medicine, Running, UNIT) and is +1 Bravery if with Sarah
Jane Smith. Harry becomes your Ally for the Adventure (although counts
as a TARDIS Character) unless you wish to make a Companion Charisma
6 roll. If you do and are successful, gain 1 Luck point. Make a Brains roll
for Harry and if successful - roll for a Plot event. Personality (optional):
Awestruck, Protective (Sarah Jane Smith). Friend: UNIT: ce50.

ce55. Atavistic Mutations

(Plot) You learn that someone has been carrying out experiments on the local wildlife, making them larger and
more aggressive. If you have an encounter with a Creature (e095), add +5 to its Brawn. If you have 25 Bravery
then gain a +1DM.

ce56. Professor Litefoot

You have met Professor George Litefoot, a coroner of esteemed
reputation and chivalrous gentleman. Litefoot is Brains 8, Brawn 4,
Bravery 7 (Charisma, History, Marksman, Medicine) and joins you as an
Ally for the Adventure. Make a Brains Roll for Litefoot if successful he
knows something useful and you may roll for a Plot Event. If with Henry
Gordon Jago (ce53), both Characters are +1 to all Qualities.

ce57. Professor Marius

You have encountered Professor Marius, a specialist in extra-terrestrial
endomorphology and the creator of the original K9. Marius is Brains 9,
Brawn 4, Bravery 7 (Charisma, Computers, Marksman, Medicine 2,
Science). If you can make a Charisma 7 roll (with +2 if an Enemy here),
Marius joins you as an Ally for the Adventure - make a Brains roll for him
and if successful roll for a Plot event. If you fail the roll, see ce28. Friend:
K9 (ce51). If Marius is killed, then K9 will be -1 to all Qualities for 1D3
turns. If you Defeat the Enemy here and make a Charisma 8 roll at the
end of the Adventure, then Marius gives you K9 as a present and he
becomes your Companion gain an extra Luck point.

ce58. Li Hsen Chang

You have encountered Li Hsen Chang, a Chinese peasant turned
magician and whose criminal organization the Tong of the Black
Scorpion serves as allies to any dark forces. Chang is Brains 7, Brawn 4,
Bravery 7 (Minion) and he is with 1D6-3 Tong members, each Brains 2,
Brawn 7, Bravery 7 (Minion, Troop). If Magnus Greel is the Enemy,
Chang will also have Mr. Sin with him. Take a -1DM penalty.
If Chang encounters a single female Character he will try to mesmerize
her she must make a successful Bravery roll with a -2 penalty but
adding any Domination. If she fails see e061.
Choose an option below:
Talk: You try to confuse Chang and escape. Make an Opposed Brains roll with -1 for each previous attempt and a
-2 if you can Oppose. If you succeed, gain +1DM. If you fail the roll, choose to Fight or Surrender.
Fight: Combat occurs as normal. You may later choose to Evade (needing Running 9 rolls) or Surrender
Evade: You must make Running 8 rolls to escape the encounter.
Surrender: See e061 if a single female Character, otherwise roll 1D6: 1-2: attacked; 3-6: e061.
Hide: You must make Thief 8 rolls before other options. If you fail, or choose not to hide, choose another option.
Follow: This is only possible after a successful Hide. Make a Follow action: 2-4: Discovered: choose another
option with -1 to roll; 5-6: Lose quarry event ends; 7-8: Reveal Enemy; 9-10: e082; 11+: e144.
Each further Enemy Encounter, roll 1D6, with +1 if the Turn number is 8+: 1-2: Encounter L Hsen; 3-4: Encounter
Enemy; 5-6: Encounter Enemy and Li Hsen. All Brains rolls made in Enemy encounters when Li Hsen is present
are made with a -1 penalty.

ce59. Logic Puzzle

(Puzzle) You have discovered a fiendish puzzle or trap designed by your Enemy to stop you from interfering with
their plans. Roll 1D6:
1-2: A simple abstract mathematical puzzle you need total of 20 Brains and either Computers or Science and
cannot choose a Defeat Action until overcome. You may Plan for these Qualities and Traits however.
3-4: A decadron crucible traps one (random) Character unless you still have a total of 15 Brains outside the
crucible then the Character inside suffocates at the end of the next turn and the crucible vanishes.
5-6: A corridor has a glowing floor which you suspect to be dangerous to walk on. Unless you have 15 Brains,
adding any Engineering or Science you may have, one of your group (randomly selected or a Victim if one
is here) steps on the floor and is electrocuted. Roll 1D6 for the effect: 1-3: Instantly killed; 4-6: the Character
becomes Wounded before being able to jump or be dragged back.

ce60. Educate Companion

Leela is not stupid but merely uneducated, and you may try and use the TARDIS to show her the ways of the
Universe! At the start of each Adventure if Leela is your Companion, you may come here in place of Setting the
Controls (e001a) and attempt to visit an enlightening Era 1: ca22; 2: ca20; 3: a446; 4: a432; ca07; 5: a444;
6: ca23. If you choose to do so you may gain a Luck Point each time you succeed, and if you use this Plot Event
for three successive Adventures, Leela automatically becomes +1 Brains from her experiences.


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