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Andy Barba

Quarter 2/ Period 9
Narrative Essay

The Jinchuriki
April 21, 2003 9 kids were born on the same day and the same time in nine different places and
on that day 9 demons called The Nine Tailed Beast attacked our city. But then nine heroic warriors rise up
and sealed the tailed beast inside their children only nine people died that night but only one of the
warrior survived. But the ninth person who died was my mother because when my father was performing
the seal on me to seal The Nine Tailed Fox in me. The beast tried to kill me but my mother and father
jumped in front of the ferocious beast claw to save me but by doing that they had died while sealing the
beast inside me. You may be asking who I am. I am Andy Barba and I am The Nine Tailed Jinchuriki.
Now it has been thirteen years later after the attack of the tailed beast and it has been good for
people but everyone hated for what I had inside me. But I got used to it I didn't care if they hated me for
what I had inside me all I cared about that I was myself and I loved it but when my parents died they gave
me to my grandpa and he raised me like how he raised my father. It was my second year at junior high I
am now in eighth grade and I wasn't alone in the school I had eight other friends their names were Aide,
Alex, Paola, Davis, Ryan, John, Jeremy, and Mustafa. I secretly knew that they had tailed beast inside
them to because when tailed beast get angry their eyes turn different so thats why I try not to get angry
but they didnt know I knew about their tailed beast they didnt even know I was one though. So Im just
going to keep it that way them not knowing Im a tailed beast.
I see Aide when I got there then I said Hey Aide long time no see. When she saw me she went
crazy so she said Oh my gosh Andy is that you Yea it is Then we hugged I had a crush on Aide but
she didnt know.
I really never had the courage to tell her how I really feel. Then all of a sudden I got tackled by
someone I said Ow what was that for. What up shorty. Then I looked up and it was Jeremy so I said
Oh what up long time no see. Then all I see is Aide in the back Laughing.

Then I asked Aide something Hey Aide where is your sister. Then she said Oh yea she
didnt want to wait for you guys so she went inside. Then I said Oh ok. Hey look there is Mustafa
and Alex. I said. Hey guys. Alex said with excitement.
Then a few minutes later everyone else came we were all talking about what we did this summer I
said I was having fun with my grandpa but actually I was training it was secret training. Since I had The
Nine Tailed Fox in me I gained a power called Chakra since I wasnt the only Jinchuriki and if you are
asking what is a Jinchuriki I will tell you Jinchuriki is someone with a Tailed beast and you already know
who are the other Jinchuriki. But anyway since I wasnt the only Jinchuriki Im not the only one with
Chakra and other people contain Chakra the others who have chakra is the warriors and the warriors
before that are my grandpa and dad are warriors so they have chakra. But anyway during my training I
was trying to learn a power called The Rasengan Shuriken but I only mastered The Rasengan and The
Rasengan is a ball of wind it's called wind style jutsu I had to practice it all summer. But when the night
was done I walked with Davis and Mustafa home.
Today was fun. Mustafa said while laughing Yea it was funny when you punched Alex in the
face when he spilled milk all over your clothes. I said with laughter then Davis said Yea that was
hilarious and also hurt because you hit me in the nose when you punched Alex and Then Alex punched
Andy in the stomach because he was taking a video. Yea that really hurt me I almost threw up. I said
laughing. When reached to the end of the block we went our separate ways walking home.
I love my friends they all make me happy. I usually do this I name all my friends personalitys so
lets go with Alex first. So Alex is a funny guy who sarcastic like all the time he is the smartest out of all
of us and he is very strong. Paola I didnt see her today but anyway she kind of like Alex but a girl version
but I found who she likes and she likes Davis and she is nice to me sometimes but she is mostly sarcastic.
John is the funny guy of the group and he makes us all laugh really hard with his stories and joke and he
is a really nice guy. Mustafa is the tallest out of all of us he is really funny he is really nice guy and he is
the awesome at soccer. Now Ryan wait I didn't see him or John today or Paola that's really weird. But
Anyway Ryan he is the comic book geek in our group and usually him and I nerd out it's really funny and

he is really funny. Jeremy he is the sports guy of the group he is really good at football and he is really
strong and he is he is a funny guy. Aide she is the nice one and the shy one in the group she is the nicest
girl I ever met and I really like her and she is my best friend. Now but not least Davis he is the dumb one
in our group I don't mean mentally dumb I mean he does stupid things and he gets hurt a lot by Alex and
Mustafa but they didn't mean to hurt him but they do it on accident. Well that's all of their personalities
and all my friends they are all the best friends you could never ask for anything better because they are
the best.
The next morning I came to school heading to my friends. But then I got a bad vibe from a kid
named Jase Gordon I really don't liked him because he was so mean to me but innocent to everyone else
but when I did I had a vision of a monster called The Ten Tails I learned about it with my grandpa he told
me everything about the tailed beast. But I was thinking he was a Jinchuriki but The Ten Tails only can be
revived with the tailed beast so it couldnt be possible so I just walked off to my friends. Hey guys. I
Hey Andy. Everyone said. They all looked sad for some reason so during Class I ask Ryan if
everything is ok.
Hey Ryan is everything ok you seem down. Not really Andy I need to tell you something.
He said then I said Ok what do you want to tell me. Then he said something that made me sad
everyone else and I aren't going to be at school for a while. Why. I said with sadness It's because
something bad is going to happen I and everyone else is in danger you wouldnt understand you would
just judge me for who I am and. before he could finish his sentence I said this I know you're a
Jinchuriki and I know everything about The Tailed Beast and I especially know about the Ten Tails and I
would never judge you for that because were are friends and friends dont abandon and dont judge about
each other and you are the only one who knows that I know you and them are Jinchuruki and I dont want
them to know that I know about their secret ok promise me you wont tell them I know. I promise with
my life until I die. He said.

Then Paola comes out of nowhere then she says Hey Ryan and oh hey Andy anyway are you
ready to go Ryan and does Andy know that we're leaving right now. Yea he knows he said Then lets
go by Andy. she said Bye. I said then Ryan said Bye Andy. I waved goodbye.
Felt something in my pocket it was a note from Ryan. So I opened it and it said Andy if you
want to come with us go to the park we will leave at 2:30 see you then bye. So I look at the clock it was
2:15 so I ran as fast as I can to the park so I didn't look back and didn't stop running when I got there I
was 10 minutes early so I hide in a tree and waited. Then it was five minutes later five people should it
was Aide, Paola, Davis, Ryan, and Aide and Paolas father I call him Mr. Jackson I should say his last
name instead of his first name then I threw a pebble at Ryan so he knows my here. He saw me and we
nodded a few minutes later Alex, Mustafa, Jeremy, and Davis showed up then something happened. I see
my grandpa walk towards Mr. Jackson.
Hello Mr. Jackson and my grandsons friends. He said. Hello Mr. Barba how are you. Mr. J
said then my grandpa said Good and I have a question since you children are here where is my
grandson. All my friends were shocked then John said I think he is at home sir. Then I said out aloud
Nope Im right here. Then I jump down from the tree everyone was shocked except Ryan and my
grandpa because they knew the whole time. Then John said what the heck how did you know where to
find us. So I said Ryan told me because I know you guys are researching The Ten Tails and I know you
guys can't do it alone so Im coming with and Im not taking no as an answer. Andy it's too dangerous
for you and I don't want you to get hurt. Aide said she sounded worried. So I said I know what Im
doing I can take care myself ok. Ok. she said.
Then I see something come from a tree it was a shuriken going right for Aide I thought fast so
ran and push her out of the way. Aide are you ok. I said she nodded and then she said But you're not
look at your arm. I look at my arm and it was bleeding my grandpa said Are you ok my grandson.
Yea gramps Im fine and where did that thing come from. Then John said Look it came from the tree
there is someone there look he is the one with mask and black cloak. We all looked we see him just
standing then he disappears and reappears right in front of we all step back then he speaks Hello I am

the mask man and I am here to tell you all that I am going to revive The Ten Tails and nobody is going to
stop me you can try but you will and this world will be plunged into darkness now I must go to revive it
Then he vanished into black air and we couldn't see him but then Mr. Jackson said we need to
leave now let's go. Let my grandson go with you he is not safe here that man can try to kill him if he
stays here so let him go with you please he is all I have left and I don't too lose him. My grandpa said
with fear Fine let's go Andy now. Mr. Jackson said.
So I got my stuff and we head out I seen Alex walking slow so I went over to him and I said
Hey Alex you ok. He said I don't know because I feel like we're going to fail at beating The Ten
Tails. Then he punched a tree and it broke in half I was amazed by how strong he is with his Tailed
We see a cabin it was for us so we went it in and we all rest I felt the most tired because of what
happened today so I sleep but I woke because I heard voices so I look everyone was awake so I listen in
on their conversation.
We need to talk about The Ten Tails we need to be the stronger since we don't have The Nine
Tails. Mr. Jackson said. When I heard that name I froze Then Mr. Jackson spoke again Davis has
Shukaku The One Tails, Aide has Matatabi The Two Tails, Jeremy has Isobu The Three Tails, Ryan has
Son Goku The Four Tails, Mustafa has Kokuo The Five Tails, John has Saiken The Six Tails, Paola has
Chomei The Seven Tails, and Alex has Gyuki The Eight Tails we might have a good advantage so let's
start training.
I watched them from the shadows watching their moves they had incredible abilities Davis had
sand powers he can control sand it was amazing. Aide had claws like a cat they were super strong they cut
through anything. Jeremy could can control water and had a weapon it was a black hook it was powerful.
Ryan can control lava and rocks they could break anything it was awesome. Mustafa had amazing speed
and he can make smoke and steam I couldn't even see that's how good it was. John had powers to make
poison and bubbles for protection it was awesome. Paola had wings she was really fast but not as fast as

Mustafa. Alex had a huge sword he could carry around it was awesome and he can make his hands into
tentacles so he can use them as like a rope to hold them down.
Then I said something out loud Awesome.Oops.Then I fell from the tree they saw me and
their we all around me looking down at me then Alex said something we need to tell him about what we
have inside us. Then I said Oh that your Jinchuriki oh I knew the whole time. Then they said this at
the same time WAIT WHAT. Aide said How did you know the whole time. Your eyes when
Jinchuriki get angry their eyes change that's how I know you guys need to be careful or people are going
to find out. I said Then Mr. Jackson came out and said if everything was so I explained to him that I
knew they were Jinchuruki he was very shocked.
So for the rest of the day they trained and trained and I explained what the Ten Tails is and how it
looks and how it attacks. Then Mr. Jackson said Your grandpa taught you very well you told you
everything he knows and now tomorrow we head out to the location of The Ten Tails and defeat it once
and for all. Then I said I'm going to go for a walk Ill be back.
When I was walking I found a waterfall so I went over there and I went to meditate and it was
helping I felt very calm then Aide comes out of nowhere and scares me Ahhhh. Then I fell into the
water she was laughing so I pull her in then I say How's the water. Then she said Very cold and very
nice I needed this thanks. You're welcome. I said Andy how did you find out I was a Jinchuruki.
She said so I told her the truth It was during the summer I was sitting on a bench and you came to me
and you were mad so I said what's wrong and you said that girl spilled water on you and she didn't even
say sorry so you punched her in the face and then I see your eyes and I see their different then I notice
you were a Jinchuriki. Wow I hope that girl is ok. she said we should head back its getting dark. I
said Yea your right. She said.
So we headed back and got some rest. Then it was morning it was day we fight The Ten Tails and
we were all ready so we headed out to the location it was a long journey but we manage to get there. We
got to the location it was a destroyed temple we seen black clouds around the temple like there was a
ritual going on. Then the ground shook Alex said Guys what was that what was that rapid shake right

now. I don't know Alex. Paola said I definitely know what that was. I said what was it then
Andy. Davis said It's The Ten Tails. I said with fear.
Then it happen The Ten Tails roused up from the ground it's tails were waving all around and the
tips of the tail were shape of hands Mr. Jackson yelled Andy get back but everyone else attack. You
guys can do it you can beat The Ten Tails. I said.
They all attacked at once everyone was hitting it at once but for some reason nothing happened it
wasn't taking damaged at all so they came back. Father why isn't it taking damage. Aide said I don't
know but use your Bijuu form now. Mr. Jackson Said Ok. They all said.
When they did it the did hand signs and the names of the tailed beast. Davis said Shukaku.
Aide said Matatabi. Jeremy said Isobu. Ryan said Son Goku. Mustafa said Kokuo. John said
Saiken. Paola said Chomei. Alex said Gyuki.
Then there was eight tailed beast right in front of me there beast were incredible Davis had a
beast that was made of sand he was a sand monster. Aide had a giant blue cat that was on fire. Jeremy was
a giant gray turtle that was a rough shell and one eye. Ryan had a giant red gorilla that was kind of on fire.
Mustafa had a beast that had a head of a whale and a body of a horse. John had a beast that was a slimy
purplish beast. Paola had a beast that was a bug that could fly. Alex had beast that was have bull and have
octopus. All these beast were amazing.
They all attacked at it rocks flying everywhere rubble moving and tails swing all over the place
and beast getting knocked down and back up again. Then something bad happen The Ten Tails grabbed
the other beast by their necks and they couldn't move all then the masked man appeared and he spoke It
seems like you have come too stop me and look you failed like I said you would now let me tell you who
I am since Im going to kill you. He took off his mask and we were all shocked for whom it was he
spoke again Hello fellow classmates yes it's me Jase Gordon did you miss me of course you did because
Im the best and you all love me. We all said No we don't. Why did you revive The Ten Tails. I
said because it's my destiny my father told me to revive this beast and destroy this world and make a
new one that's why I revived it. You're not going to win we're going to stop you. I said It looks like I

already won the tailed beast are right in my hands but I don't have nine but there is a prophecy The Nine
Tailed Jinchuriki will have the power of the rasengan and have the red eyes but I know who The
Jinchuriki is do you want to know. They all said who. He is right in front of you he has the whole
entire time Andy Barba is The Nine Tails Jinchuriki. They all looked at me they were all shocked about
my secret Mustafa said Why didn't you tell us were your friends. John said Why didn't you trust us.
I looked up and I was crying tears were coming down my face then I said I didn't want to hurt
you guys I didn't want you guys too judge me for who I am Im just scared to lose you guys I. then Ryan
cut me off and started to talk Do you really not remember the conversation we had before this happen
you told me that you knew that I was Jinchuriki and you said that you would never judge me for what I
had inside me because that's what friends do not judge each other. Awwwwww so adorable friends
coming together well anyway time to die Nine Tails. Jase said No don't kill him please don't kill him
he is my best friend. Aide while crying Does it look like I care now time to die.
The Tailed beast made a giant beast bomb and threw it right at me but I said before I died Aide I
have always loved you. I seen the sadness in her eye I couldn't hear her but I knew she was saying I love
you too.
Then the beast bomb hit then my eyes open I was in a room with a cage in front of me I seen a
red eye I froze in fear. Then he spoke Hello Andy we haven't talked in a while I got so lonely. Yea
sorry about that I was hanging with my friends but Kurama I need your help lend me your power and we
can beat the The Ten Tails together. I said Yes we need to fight it so the world can be safe let's do this
Andy. He said
We bumped fist and I felt surge of power it was amazing when I opened my eye I can see them I
can see my friends they couldn't even speak when they saw me I looked at myself I was all yellow and
orange I had cool designs on me. I looked up and smirked and said lets do this Kurama. I changed to
Bijuu form and I threw myself and I launched a Rasengan at him and by doing that I released the tailed
beast from The Ten Tails. Then Aide changed out of her Bijuu form can came and hugged me and she said
I'm so glad youre ok. Alex said How did you managed to survive that. Kurama helped me and

now let's defeat this guy once and for all. I said How did you not die why won't you die just die
already. Jase said in anger.
We all changed to our Bijuu form and my Tailed Beast is a giant Fox that has red eyes and that is
orange. Then we all went toward The Ten Tails we flung him into a destroyed building and we used all of
our tailed beast bombs and launched it at him and then I made a rasengan shuriken and threw it right at
Jase and he disintegrated and we destroyed The Ten Tails. Then we won after that it started to rain. We all
screamed it joy I ran to Aide and I kissed her I never thought I would do that but I did. But I never
imagined being a hero but I became one today and I will never forget that. There was one thing I knew
this was only the beginning.

The End

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