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Mr. Rene D. Barrozo


August 26, 2016



As the saying goes, treat people with respect if you want to be respected.
As a supervisor, I know it was my fault to have raised my voice to the
Manager in your presence, among others. However, such attitude was predicated to
the fact that I too was insulted by how unprofessional the Manager treated the
problem in my supposed zone responsibility. I cannot fathom why there is a need to
broadcast such details and mock me. As professional, he could have sent me a
letter or call me in his office for clarification and not the other way around. I, too
deserves to be respected. The fact that my subordinates heard the words he
uttered through radio, they too lost their respect towards me. I am their supervisor
and I am expected to give orders that suits their job description, thus, after the
incident, how am I supposed to show the superiority without having to look like a
Let it be remembered that at the time of the incident, I was not on duty
because of the fact that I had to rush my mother to the hospital for immediate
treatment. Thus, there is no way possible for me to check my zone responsibility.
Though let it be admitted that still, it was my duty as a supervisor to supervise
even in my absence. For such reason, the Manager could have reconsidered the
given situation knowing that I was not around during the inspection. Rather, he
chose to mock me through radio. Is that the proper way of calling someone elses
attention for the alleged issue in my zone responsibility? As stated in your letter,
the Manager asked me politely to clarify the said issue, however, such only
happened after the broadcasting incident. The damage of having been disrespected
has already been done.
Thus, as what I have earlier stated, my attitude during the confrontation was
all due to the fact that I already felt insulted if not disrespected by the acts of the
Manager, who is expected to have acted professionally. Consequently, I am writing
this letter for you reconsideration. In my years of existence in this Company, this is
the very first time that I was involved in an incident like this.

Thank you and God speed!

Levie Laude

Housekeeping Supervisor

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