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Topic: Conjunction

Conjunctions are words which link units together. There are two types. Coordinating conjunctions,
like and and or, join single words, phrases andclauses together in a pair or list. Subordinating
conjunctions such as because define unequal relationships between clauses.
Adjectives describe or modify nouns or pronouns. They come in many varieties. Many consist of a single word,
in which case they usually precede the noun they modify. Thus:
the high mountain
the low valley
the red wagon
Sometimes, however, even these single-word adjectives can come after the noun they modify. Consider the
song with the lyrics about:
the mountains high and the valleys so low
Or think about the statement:
He painted his wagon red.
When adjectives do come before the noun they modify, they appear in whats called the attributive position.
Single-word adjectives can come after the words they modify. The verb to be and the other linking verbs
enable us to position an adjective, not in the attributive position, but in whats called thepredicative position,
that is, the adjective appears in the predicate.
The wagon is red, the mountain is high, and the valley is low.
Even without the verb to be, some adjectives follow the words they modify:
the body politic
the heir apparent
the village proper
INTERJECTION - (Expressive word)
An interjection is a word or phrase that expresses a strong feeling or emotion. It is a short exclamation.
Examples: Ouch! Wow! Great! Help! Oh! Hey! Hi!
EPREPOSITION - (Shows relationship)
A preposition shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to another word. They can indicate time, place, or
Examples: at, on, in, from, with, near, between, about, under
Example sentences: I left my keys on the table for you.

xample sentences: Wow! I passed my English test. Great! Ouch! That hurt. Aloe Barbadensis Miller.

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