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Sarah Fisher

Writing 121
Blog No. 3

Blog 3: Project 2 Reflection

1.This project was different than the first because it made me work on organization. Because
this project was a website, had to think about heading and text placement. I had to decide what
tab each piece of information should go under. This kind of decision making strengthened my
writing organization ability.
2. I approached my research with a question. I wanted to know how the addition of the 26th
Amendment changed the political rhetoric used by politicians. Instead of researching a
statement or argument, I started with nothing. If I was doing this a year ago I would have just
decided 3-5 ways that the 26th Amendment changed the political sphere. Instead, I started with
3. My opinion of research has changed because I definitely believe research should start before
you decide your argument. Just looking for sources that say what you want them too isnt a true
research project. You have to consider both sides.
4. My project displays my view of rhetoric through communication. Politicians use rhetoric in
their communication for speeches, debates, and campaigns. This communication has changed
with the expansion of the United States voting age population.
5. This project started off very different than the last because I spent hours at the library trying to
figure out what I was doing. For the last project I didnt use many sources. However, for this
project I really tried to push myself and learn something I didnt already know. I checked out 14
books on ageism in politics, I scoured the indexes, and Im proud to say I was able to compose
this project with a much more in depth understanding about the topic.

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