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Bestari Kirana Putri

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Writing a Research Proposal

According to Abbott (2017), a research proposal deals with what is the area
or the thing that matters the most as a part of your passion and why do you want to
address the questions. There is a term called “4Ps” in writing your research proposal.
The first is the person, we have to know about who the person writing up the research
proposal, what are their field of interest, so on so forth. The second is the
preparedness, it is related to the study you have done before, where did the person do
their previous research, and what is their skill since where that person study usually
correlates with the skill possessed by the person. The third is the project. Talking
about the project proposed, we have to think about the reason, does it add up? Does it
make sense? Or another question such is the project is worth to investigate for? The
last is place, we have to consider if the research is really important to be held in a
certain place, location, or a site.
There are other things important to note when writing up a research proposal.
A research proposal should include enough detailed information, not a general broad
information, but the one that is really significant for your area of research. Then we
have to pay attention towards the context, what is going on in the field? After we
decided on a context, we also have to be able to decide on how are we going to
answer our research question. This called methodology. We have to think about what
are we going to do to answer the research question, decide if we need to do
observation, interview, surveys, or other method to have our data and get the research
question answered. After that, we have to see what is our analysis result will uncover,
this is a good idea to see where our data interpretation may lead on the result. Another
aspect that needs to be considered also is to contact your supervisor in writing a
research proposal, ask for a guidance.
Another source also explain some particulars in writing a research proposal.
The first is for the introduction part, we have to decide on a topic, then do a literature
review, and writing up a research definition. Then we have to decide on the
methodology will be used in the research. Choose a general research design, then data
collection instruments, sample or participants, data collection procedure, planned data
analysis, and research ethics. The last part is planning which involves budgeting and

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