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Bi Zhang

Precision Manufacturing Institute,

Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Connecticut,
Storrs, CN 06269

Xianghe Peng
Department of Engineering Mechanics,
Chongqing University,
Chongqing, China

Grinding Damage Prediction for

Ceramics via CDM Model
A continuum damage mechanics (CDM) model is proposed to predict grinding damage of
ceramics. The model takes into account the inelastic behavior of ceramics, the effect of
grinding induced hydrostatic pressure and the coupling effect between volumetric and
deviatoric deformations on damage. A numerical algorithm is proposed and a threedimensional finite element program is developed for the model. Damage is analyzed for
silicon nitride ceramics subjected to single grit grinding conditions. The damage predicted by the model shows good agreement to the measurement results obtained by experiments. The model can also be used to predict grinding damage for other types of
materials. S1087-13570070301-7


Grinding is widely accepted as a productive technique to machine hard and brittle materials such as ceramics, because of its
high quality, high efficiency and reasonable cost. However, grinding can introduce damage to a workpiece that may result in
strength degradation and surface deterioration 14. Grinding
damage can be in the form of surface and subsurface cracks, microcracks, chipping, phase transformation and material pulverization 57. The prediction of grinding damage, therefore, becomes
significant to the successful use of ceramic materials for industrial
Although damage prediction for ground workpieces is greatly
demanded by the manufacturing industry, there is still a lot of
work in this area. This might be due to the fact that numerous
factors are involved in a grinding process, which adds complexity
to the prediction of grinding damage. This study intends to predict
grinding damage induced by a single grit in ceramics using a
computer model based on continuum damage mechanics CDM
and to verify the damage prediction by grinding experiments.
With the help of computer modeling and simulation, grinding
damage may be controlled or reduced by properly selecting grinding machines and process parameters. Computer modeling is an
efficient and economical way to predict grinding damage. It can
also help reveal damage mechanisms and provide a guideline to
the machining and design of ceramic components. In addition, the
computer modeling of grinding damage can easily be extended to
cutting, lapping and polishing situations.
In the past decade great progress has been made in the study of
constitutive behavior, damage and fracture of brittle materials
subjected to various loading conditions. It has been recognized
that loading induced degradation of such materials is closely related to the initiation, propagation and coalescence of microcracks. The geometric anisotropy of microcracks can induce anisotropic damage due to the highly localized microstress fields,
which results in the directional or unilateral effect of damage due
to the opening and closure of microcracks under different stress
states. Taking anisotropy of damage development and its effect
into account, many researchers developed models for damage prediction based on continuum damage mechanics 813. These
models are mainly useful for the description of the material behavior under various loading histories. Unfortunately, few models
have been successfully applied to the prediction of grinding damage induced in brittle materials, such as ceramics.
In order to study surface and subsurface grinding damage of
ceramics, such as silicon nitride, this study proposes a nonlinear
Contributed by the Manufacturing Engineering Division for publication in the
Dec. 1997; revised Jan. 1999. Associate Technical Editor: G. Sathyanarayanan.

mathematical model based on continuum damage mechanics. Although using a scalar damage variable, the CDM model considers
the evolution of grinding damage that is assumed to be related to
the current states of effective stress and damage, and the effect of
the grinding induced hydrostatic pressure on the constitutive response and damage development. A numerical algorithm together
with finite element analysis is developed for the CDM model, and
applied to the damage prediction for silicon nitride subjected to
single grit grinding. The validity of the CDM model is demonstrated by comparing the calculated results with experimental

CDM Model

2.1 Constitutive Relations for Brittle Materials with Damage. In the past several years Fan and Peng 14, Peng et al.
13,15 proposed a simplistic mechanical representation to construct constitutive relations for dissipative materials under a loading condition. The model is further extended in this study to a
CDM model as shown in Fig. 1. The deviatoric strain e in the
CDM model is separated into an elastic portion ee corresponding
and an
to the response of a spring with elastic shear modulus G
inelastic portion ei corresponding to the response of the dissipative portion consisting of parallel branches. In the rth branch of
the inelastic portion, dashpot-like block a r with damping-like
r , r1,2, . . . ,n
coefficient ar and spring C r with stiffness C
are used to form the rth dissipative mechanism. The energy stored
in spring C r represents that stored in residual stress fields at a
microscopic level due to the non-homogeneous nature of ceramics. If the material subjected to loading is considered initially
isotropic and inelastically incompressible, the following relations
can be obtained under the conditions of isothermal and small



r: ei p r
Q r C
ei eee ,

r1,2, . . . ,n


1 :s
ee 2G


where e , e , and e denote inelastic, elastic and total deviatoric

is the tensor of elasticity; s is destrain tensors, respectively; G
viatoric stress tensor; p and Q( r ) are the rth internal variable
and the corresponding generalized force that satisfy the following
dissipation inequality,
Q r :dp r 0

r1,2, . . . ,n


Q is assumed to be phenomenologically related to p

following equation

Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering

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ds2 G dedei



where G represents the shear elastic modulus. The relationship

between the volumetric stress and strain for the ceramics with
damage can be expressed as
kk 3 K kk
kk 3K
d kk 3 Kd kk




in which K is the volumetric elastic modulus.

Fig. 1 A simplistic mechanical representation for the proposed CDM model

Q r a
r :

dp r

r1,2, . . . ,n


where z can be regarded as generalized time used to measure the

inelastic strain history, and dz is defined in terms of the length
between any two adjacent states in the inelastic strain space, i.e.,
dz dei :dei


r and damping-like coefficient ar must

The spring stiffness C
be positive definite due to the non-negative nature of the energies
stored and dissipated during a loading process referring to Eq.
4. Damage is defined as the relative reduction of load-carrying
area 8 and denoted by . If Cr and ar are designated as the
spring stiffness and damping-like coefficient of an initially iso r and dampingtropic material without damage, spring stiffness C
like coefficient ar of the material with damage can then be
expressed as
r C r kk I4 ,

ar a r kk I4


where (1 ) denotes damage effect scalar, I4 is rank four

r and ar to take into
identity tensor, and kk is introduced into C
account the effect of the grinding induced hydrostatic pressure on
material response. Keeping in mind the relations of Eqs. 5 and
7, differentiating Eqs. 1 and 2 yields



d r dC r r



in which

r C r kk /a r kk


It should be noted that no yield surface is arranged in the above

CDM model although a yield surface may be incorporated into the
model by simply assigning an infinite stiffness to spring C 1 ,
which may be observed from Fig. 1. The current treatment should
be consistent with the response of ceramics because when subjected to mechanical loading, ceramics usually show a gradual and
smooth transition from elasticity to inelasticity without exhibiting
a distinct yield phenomenon. It can be demonstrated that if damage is not considered, i.e., 0, this model can evolve into
Chaboches model 16, the endochronic model of plasticity 17,
the conventional model of plasticity and, other specific constitutive models 18,19. The model can be conveniently applied to a
nonlinear numerical analysis.
The elastic response of ceramics to a loading process and the
differential form of the deviatoric stress can be obtained from Fig.
1 as follows,
: eei 2 G eei
s2 G
52 Vol. 122, FEBRUARY 2000

d f 1 , dz D f 2 , dz H





is the effective stress. f 1 ( , ) and f 2 ( , ) are damage functions

associated with deviatoric stress and hydrostatic pressure, respectively, and are specified as

f 1 1



f 2


2c kk


in which a, b, c and m are material dependent damage parameters

that are material specific. Since elastic deformation can also make
contributions to the damage development, dz D and dz H can be
defined in terms of the total deviatoric and volumetric strain increments as,
dz D de:de,

dz H 21 d kk d kk H d kk

H d kk


dQ r C r dei r Q r dz

2.2 Damage Evolution. The following assumptions are

made in dealing with damage evolution:
a Damage occurs at the onset of deformation at an extremely
low rate but accelerates as deformation proceeds. In fact, ceramics
usually contains pre-existing defects that can facilitate damage
development in a loading process. Therefore, damage can be initiated at a low level of applied stress in ceramics.
b The development of damage is related to the current states
of effective stress and damage and can be given as

1 if d kk 0
0 if d kk 0.



In damage evolution, although the deformations resulting from

both deviatoric and volumetric stresses make contributions to the
damage, they are described separately because the mechanisms of
damage development should be different due to different types of
stresses. The effect of the deviatoric stress on damage is introduced by a coupling parameter a (a0), with a stronger coupling effect from a smaller a and a positive kk . The contribution
of the volumetric strain increment to damage can only be effective
when both kk and d kk are positive.
2.3 Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on Material Strength.
In Section 2.1 the effect of hydrostatic pressure on material properties was considered in Eq. 7 by introducing volumetric stress
kk into the material parameters C r and a r which reflects the
dependence of the material response on the directional effect of
microcracks. Since both C r and a r vary with volumetric stress
kk , they are further given as
C r kk C r0 f 3 kk ,

a r kk a r0 f 3 kk

r1,2, . . . ,n

as per damage definition, where function f 3 is assumed, for simplicity, to vary with volumetric stress kk as
f 3 1 kk


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Equation 20 indicates that a material gains more strength as

hydrostatic pressure kk increases within a certain range. Substituting Eq. 19 into Eq. 9 leads to

r C r0 /a r0

r1,2, . . . ,n

which is independent of kk and, in turn, convenient for the numerical analysis.

For the purpose of finite element analysis, Eq. 28 is written in

matrix form

in which D is the tangent stiffness matrix, and are the

incremental stress and strain that can be specified in the following
form for three dimensional problems,

Numerical Algorithm

3.1 Relationship Between Incremental Stress and Strain.

Substituting Eq. 11 into Eq. 8 and using Eqs. 14 and 17,
one obtains the following relationship between the incremental
deviatoric stress and strain
: Y kk





kk d f 3 f 1
X 1

f 3 d kk 2 2 G

K i1
n u n P n

A 2

V j B T D i1
n B dV


V j B T n1 dV



the stress vector up to the (n1th increment of loading. The

calculation of P n in Eq. 34 includes the non-equilibrium
nodal force caused by error in the computational process. V j denotes the volume of element j, and N the number of elements.
The iterative process for each increment of loading is stated as
follows: with the results obtained by the calculation of the (i
1th iteration of the nth increment of loading, K i1
can be
calculated by Eq. 33, then u in by Eq. 32, incremental strain
by in B u in , in by Eq. 30 and e in , e i in ,
( kk ) in , s in , ( kk ) in , D in , (D) in at each Gaussian integral
point. The iteration process should continue until the following
inequality is satisfied


1 ei
2G z


1 s:ei
2 G z


Substituting Eq. 24 into Eq. 21, and using Eq. 13 and the
following relationships
dsd 31 d kk I2


P n and P n represent the total load up to the nth increment of

loading and the nth incremental load, respectively, and n1 is

f 2 H

ded 31 d kk I2 ,



f 1
z D


:ei A 1 : A 2 : A 3 kk

A 1

P n P n

In order to derive the relationship between the incremental

stress and strain, it is convenient to express z as follows based
on Eqs. 6, 3 and 14




K i1


x , y , z , xy , yz , zx T


3 K d f 3
kk d f 3 f 2 H A f 2 H

f 3 d kk
f 3 d kk
2 2G


in which

x , y , z , xy , yz , zx T

3.2 Finite Element Formulation and Numerical Process.

Based on the principle of virtual work, the following governing
equation can be derived for finite element analysis,

in which and : denote tensor-product and scalar-product,

respectively, and




in i1



where M is the total number of Gaussian integral points, A the

Euclidean norm of vector A, and ER0 the tolerant error that is
often chosen as 1 percent. After the iterative process is finished,
the derived incremental result is added to the result up to the (n
1th increment of loading and then the next increment of loading is started.

lead to the following relationship between the incremental stress

and strain
I4 M 1 : FH :


in which
I4 I2 I2


is a rank four identity tensor and

MB A 2

FAI4 B A 1 X


f 1 kk
3 2



f I A 3 BY I2
3 2 H 4

Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering


Grinding Damage Prediction and Verification

The numerical analysis was performed to simulate the material

response of hot pressed silicon nitride (HP-Si3N4) to single grit
grinding. Grinding damage of HP-Si3N4 was predicted with the
numerical analysis and compared with experimental results.
The typical features of the constitutive behavior of HP-Si3N4
under respective compressive and tensile loading conditions are
depicted as follows: no distinct yield phenomenon, little nonlinearity before fracture during tensile loading, high compressive
strength but low tensile strength with a ratio of the two strengths
between 5 to 10. In the following numerical analysis, n3 referring to Eq. 1 was chosen for simplicity, the other material
parameters are given as follows
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Fig. 2 Stress-strain correlation for HP-Si3N4 subjected to

simple tension and compression

G300 GPa, 0.27, 1 0.00052,

a,b,c 20,000, 384, 2.0 MPa
C 1,2,3 40,000, 600, 110 GPa,
a 1,2,3 50,000, 3000, 200, m2.0.
The constitutive behavior of HP-Si3N4 subjected to compressive
and tensile loadings was calculated based on the above material
parameters and is shown in Fig. 2. It is observed that the main
characteristics of the ceramics can well be described by the proposed model.
Fig. 4 Characteristic cube and finite element for the numerical
analysis of grinding damage

Fig. 3 Distribution of grinding load within grinding zone of a

single grit: a interaction between abrasive grit and workpiece
in grinding zone, b distribution of maximum grinding pressure q n ,max within grinding zone, c fractional variation of
grinding pressure on workpiece in a sine curve at the contact
point of a finite element

54 Vol. 122, FEBRUARY 2000

The material parameters and constants can be determined by a

set of elaborately designed tests. Youngs modulus and Poisson
ratio of ceramics may be obtained from stress and strain relationship of a simple compression test, while shear modulus and elastic
volumetric modulus can be calculated. These parameters may also
be obtained from materials handbook. Material constant in Eq.
20 is used to evaluate the effect of hydrostatic pressure on the
deviatoric response, e.g., inelastic parameters C r and a r . can be
determined with a set of failure tests under different hydrostatic
The deviatoric part of the material parameters and constants can
be determined based on the results obtained in deviatorically varying loading processes under a certain hydrostatic pressure. Using
the relationship between the damage and Youngs modulus as
well as Eq. 15, one may obtain a deviatoric stress-strain relationship on undamaged material, as well as the damage and its evolution to further determine C r and a r . Damage parameters a, b, c
and m in Eq. 16 are then determined using the damage and its
evolution obtained from the test results.
In this study, grinding damage of HP-Si3N4 induced by a single
grit is predicted using the CDM model. The grit tip is assumed to
be spherical with a radius R, as shown in Fig. 3a. It is assumed
that in the single grit grinding, the maximum grinding pressure
q n,max within its grinding zone is distributed in the way shown in
Fig. 3b, where L representing the contact length between the grit
and workpiece. As the grit passes through each point in the grinding zone, grinding pressure q n varies in a sinusoidal manner as
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Fig. 5 Contour plots of volumetric stress kk at the 60th increment of loading: a Y 0 cross section, b X 15 m cross
section, c Z 45 m plane top surface

shown in Fig. 3c, where the maximum value of the sinusoidal

loading corresponds to q n,max . As the grinding zone moves forward, the normal force on each element is simulated by moving
forward the sinusoidal curve.
In the numerical analysis, an eight-node isoparametric element
with 222 Gaussian integral points was adopted. The characteristic cube shown in Fig. 4 was used for the numerical analysis
with the symmetry of the problem considered. The cube was further divided into 216 (666) elements with 343 nodes in total
that were constrained in the pointing direction of the arrows. The
shaded portion of the upper surface of the cube represents the
grinding zone, which covers two elements in the Y direction and
four in the X direction. In the X direction, cut and uncut regions
are arranged on the workpiece surface in front of and behind the
grinding zone with the same length as the grinding zone so that
the boundary conditions can be more realistically applied. For
clarity, two elements are magnified and shown in Fig. 4 where t is
depth of cut. In the grinding zone, the tangential components q t
and q h of the grinding force are assumed to be proportional to the
respective normal components q n in the following way,

q t i 1 q ni q hi 2 q ni



where 1 and 2 are friction coefficients and can be determined

based on experiments. The numerical analysis was conducted on a
personal computer with 105 increments for the whole grinding
process. Each iteration of the numerical analysis took approximately 10 seconds and the governing minimum number of iteration was set to four in order for a steady and reliable analysis.
In the numerical analysis, the workpiece was assumed to have
the dimensions of a36 m, b30 m, and c45 m; and the
grinding zone had a length of L12 m which was further di(2)
vided into four identical parts. In addition, q n,max
1 2 0.143 were used for the numerical analysis. The workpiece material was hot pressed silicon nitride with the tensile and
compressive characteristics shown in Fig. 2.
Figures 57 show the contour plots of the volumetric stress kk
and deviatoric stress at the 60th increment of loading and the
damage induced by grinding. A grinding pressure peak value of
q n,max
5600 MPa was applied to the grinding zone. The numeri-

Fig. 6 Contour plots of von Mises equivalent stress at the 60th increment of loading: a Y 0 cross section, b X 15 m cross
section, c Z 45 m plane top surface

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Fig. 7 Contour plots of grinding damage percent in HP-Si3N4 ceramics: a Y 0 cross section, b X 18 m cross section, c
Z 45 m plane top surface

cal analysis showed that the volumetric stress kk and the maximum von Mises equivalent stress were as large as 2800 MPa and
3000 MPa, respectively, which occurred at the 60th increment of
loading when the maximum load was exerted in the grinding
zone. The maximum von Mises equivalent stress was located at
the intersection of Y 0 and X15 m at the upper surface,
which was approximately 3 m in front of the center of the grinding zone. Behind the grinding zone, both the volumetric stress kk
and the von Mises equivalent stress decreased sharply with the
former even approaching a positive value of more than 200 MPa
at the surface behind the grinding zone. The positive volumetric
stress may be attributed to the existence of the frictional traction
induced by the single grit. The grinding damage fields are shown
in Figs. 7a, b and c for the cross sections of Y 0, X
18 m, and the upper surface, respectively. It was predicted
that as much as 20 percent grinding damage occurred in the surface of HP-Si3N4, which is consistent with the experimental results obtained by Mayer and Fang 2 in which damage ranging
from 3 percent to 25 percent was reported for the ground surface
of silicon nitride. Damage was more in the upper surface and
decreased rapidly in the direction of depth. The geometry of the
damage zone in Y 18 m cross section agreed well with the
experimental observations conducted by Zhang et al. 20. Comparing the distributions of the stress and damage fields, one can
find that the shape of the maximum damage zone is similar to that
of the volumetric stress kk and the maximum von Mises equivalent stress. It should be pointed out that damage is mainly induced
by the von Mises equivalent stress field, i.e., the shear stress field,
rather than the hydrostatic compressive stress field in the grinding
zone. In fact, the hydrostatic pressure makes little contribution to
damage development. In most of the observations, damage is
identified as macrocracks, microcracks and/or microvoids. The
predicted grinding damage can also be compared with the pulverization damage suggested by Zhang and Howes 7 in which the
ceramic material in the grinding zone is reportedly pulverized into
finer grains. The pulverization is the consequence of the exertion
of the von Mises equivalent stress and hydrostatic pressure that
can generate a large number of microcracks in the grinding zone,
and hence can greatly alter the properties of the material, such as
strength and hardness. Other types of damage can be identified as
scattered microcracks and/or microvoids that may be localized or
coalesced into clustered microcracks and/or microvoids under a
certain grinding condition.
56 Vol. 122, FEBRUARY 2000

The numerical analysis also demonstrated that a higher level of

damage was identified underneath the grinding zone than away
from the grinding zone. The level of damage decreased as the
distance from the grinding zone increased. Due to the possibility
of damage localization and coalescence, median and lateral cracks
may be developed in the vicinity of the grinding zone.
Figure 8 shows the relationship between the maximum grinding
damage and the maximum grinding pressure for the single grit
grinding. It was found that the maximum grinding damage increased with the increase of the maximum grinding pressure. In a
grinding process, an abrasive grit must generate a contact pressure
large enough to break into the workpiece in order to accomplish
material removal, which constitutes what is so called break-in
pressure. The break-in pressure is characteristic of workpiece materials and contact conditions. When grinding a certain material
such as silicon nitride, a sharp grit would require a lower break-in
pressure than a blunt one to achieve material removal, assuming
other conditions are the same. In other words, a grinding wheel

Fig. 8 Relationship between maximum damage and maximum

grinding pressure

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Fig. 9 Relationship between relative depth of damage zone

and relative depth of cut

with fine grits will have a lower break-in pressure than that with
coarse grits. In fact, the grit-workpiece contact area is larger for a
blunt grit than for a sharp one. Due to the existence of friction
between the grit and workpiece, a larger contact area would require a higher break-in pressure because the workpiece material in
the contact region is usually confined by friction to have side
flows, which results in a contact pressure distribution with a friction hill 21. At the maximum grinding pressure of q n,max
5000 MPa, for example, 15 percent damage is induced by the
grinding process, while 5 percent damage can be expected at
q n,max3500 MPa.
Figure 9 shows the calculated correlation between the relative
depth of damage and the relative grit depth of cut for an HP-Si3N4
workpiece ground by a spherical grit with a radius R. In Fig. 9 D d
and t denote the maximum depth of damage and grit depth of cut,
respectively. It is observed that the relative damage increases with
the increase of the depth of cut at a decreasing rate. If the
HP-Si3N4 workpiece is ground by a single grit with a radius R
10 m at 1 m depth of cut, the depth of grinding induced
damage can be as large as 12 m. On the other hand, if grinding
is conducted at 0.1 m depth of cut under the same grinding
conditions, the depth of damage would be reduced to 4 m. This
result should be useful in assessing the depth of damage under
given grinding conditions or making a choice of grinding conditions for an allowable depth of damage.
A comparison between the calculated and experimental results
on the depth and semi-width of damage zone is shown in Fig. 10.
The experimental results were obtained based on the single grit
grinding with a conical shape. In the experiment, the conical grit
had an included angle of 126 degrees and a tip radius of 2.5 m.
In the numerical analysis, the grit was treated as a cone with a
zero tip radius. Additionally, the following parameters were used
( 1)
( 1)
for the numerical analysis: q n,max
4900 MPa, q n,max
1 0.143 and 2 0. A characteristic cube of the dimensions of
a36 m, b30 m, and c45 m referring to Fig. 4 was
chosen for the HP-Si3N4 workpiece. The grinding was simulated
at a depth of cut of 5 m. The calculated maximum surface damage was approximately 20 percent. If grinding damage D
0.025 percent or more is considered to be of significance, the
depth and semi-width of damage zone can be calculated with respect to grit depth of cut, as shown in Fig. 10. Any damage less
than 0.025 percent is deemed to be insignificant in practical applications because such a level of damage would not cause an
obvious change in material properties. Damage zone was measured using three destructive methods and scanning electron miJournal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering

Fig. 10 Depth and semi-width of damage zone for HP-Si3N4

ground by conical grit. a Depth of damage zone versus grit
depth of cut. b Semi-width of damage zone versus grit depth
of cut.

croscopy 20. It was the depth up to which the median crack

penetrates, and was the semi-width up to which the lateral crack
propagates. Figure 10a demonstrates a linear correlation between the depth of damage and grit depth of cut, which satisfactorily fits the experimental results. The calculated relation between semi-width W d of damage zone and depth of cut t was
obtained in the same way by setting grinding damage level at D
0.025 percent or more and is shown in Fig. 10b. Compared
with the experimental results, the calculation provided somewhat
a lower bound prediction on semi-width of damage zone. This
may be attributed to the following reasons. a In the experiment,
the size of damage zone was measured using scanning electron
microscopy. The measurement was directed towards the largest
penetration of damage zone, while the model prediction provided
an average result. b The damage zone within a ground workpiece might have been extended by the destructive inspection
techniques used, i.e., taper polishing method and fracture method.
Due to stress relaxation, an existing crack could be further extended by either method 22. c The parameters for the model,
e.g., the geometry of the conical grit and material constants, may
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be somewhat different from those for the experiment. In the experiment, a conical grit with a tip radius of 2.5 m was used while
in the calculation, the tip radius was set to zero.



Damage is related to the reduction of load-carrying area and

can result in the deterioration of material properties. A CDM
model is developed for the prediction of grinding damage of
brittle materials based on a simplistic mechanical representation.
The model does not require a yield criterion nor damage threshold. It simulates the cumulative damage of ceramic materials
based on the effects of the current states of effective stress and
damage, as well as hydrostatic pressure on the constitutive behavior of a workpiece material. Although using a scalar damage variable, the model can well describe the anisotropic response and
grinding damage of ceramic materials through the introduction of
the effect of hydrostatic pressure on deviatoric response and damage development. It also takes into account the nonlinearity in the
responses of ceramic materials through the introduction of inelasticity and damage. The model is verified by the single grit grinding experiments. As a future work, the model will be extended to
the damage prediction on ceramic materials for diamond wheel




The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support

from the National Science foundation through the grant DMI9500223. Help from Mr. Richard Monahan is appreciated.


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