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Module 19

Alexis Browne
Metacognition and Personal Application

1.) What are goals for studying?

Goals for studying are to learn the information and apply it to a test and real world
2.) What is a characteristic of learning?
You are able to teach and discuss the subject. You are engaged during lectures.
3.) What are strategies?
Methods use to aid someone while studying, reading or listening to lectures
4.) Describe a strategy to use BEFORE reading the textbook.
Preview the chapter headings and for questions based on headings. SQ3R
5.) Describe a strategy to use WHILE reading the textbook
HIT (headings, ideas, and terms), notes, and concept mapping
6.) Describe a strategy to use AFTER reading the textbook.
Immediate recall
7.) Do the textbook strategies that you are now learning affect your confidence?
If so how?
Yes, they make me feel less overwhelmed about trying to read large sections and
remember them later.
8.) Do the textbook strategies that you are now learning affect your motivation?
If so how?
Yes, it makes me less likely to put it off until the last minute.
9.) Prior to this quarter, how would you have described yourself as a student?
I felt that I am overall motivated like I was before. I just feel more confident with
how to read and study academic texts.

Has your description of yourself changed? If so, how?

I feel more confident in my ability to contain the information I read about. I feel
much better about organizing what Ive learned.
Tell me one thing that you would like to change about yourself as a

The attention span and drive to power through my assignments. I get distracted and
easily demotivated after an hour.
Which text book strategy that you have learned works best for you?
Notes/HIT. This helps me keep organized notes to study from. Immediate recall; this
helps me get it out on paper before I forget it.
Which textbook strategy that you have learned has been the least
Concept mapping. It ends up super messy, I worry too much about spacing and
layout that I dont feel like I pay much attention to what I am actually reading.
Identify one goal that you would like to work on using textbook
Applying them to more classes.

Tell how you plan on achieving those goals.

I want to sit down and use them more often other than the few times I have used
them for this class

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