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American Courage

Click. Click. Click. Americanism is like a slideshow in my mind. It is a crisp, clear

morning as the wind blows the chain against the steel pole. I hear the school children say in
unison, "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America" as Old Glory waves in
the sky. Click. I shutter as I see the white gloves lift the bugle and prepare myself for the final
goodbye at the veteran's graveside. Click. My heart swells with pride as I see the Olympian take
home the gold for our country. Click. I feel the tears run down my face as I am reminded of 9/11
and the threat that is still facing this country. Click. The clashing of the dishes as another meal
has been prepared at the local soup kitchen reminds me that the people of our country can come
together and lend a helping hand to those in need. The caption to these slides would illustrate
Americanism as much more than it is defined by Webster's Dictionary. Merriam-Webster states
that Americanism is the attachment to the traditions, interests, or ideals of the United States. I
would add that it is a zealous love for America that has provided courage for men and women to
stand together in the face of fear and adversity in hopes of providing a better tomorrow. Click.
The fifty-six men that sat in Independence Hall on July 4, 1776, had great courage and
believed that by signing the Declaration of Independence they could create a better life for not
only themselves but the rest of America for years to come. Today we may celebrate
Independence Day with a picnic, but it was no picnic for our Founding Fathers. It took personal
sacrifice and an unwavering belief in what America could one day become. Together, these men
laid the foundation of our government that is still in use today. Click.
These men showed courage in leadership hundreds of years ago that has been selflessly
defended by our troops and the sacrifice of countless lives. These images are greatly moving as
they depict families being separated, mental and physical wellness being put at risk, and even

possible death. These heroes put everything on the line because in their hearts they know that the
beliefs America was founded on are worth fighting for. It is this belief that gives them the
courage to face the unimaginable. Click.
Americanism has not only formed and defended our country but has fanned the flames
for a brighter future. On July 16, 1969, Apollo 11 blasted into space toward uncertain ground. As
Neil Armstrong descended the ladder, it was courage that propelled those first steps on the moon.
Armstrong words, One small step for man, one giant step for mankind, echoed throughout the
world. Click.
The whole world watched as Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, but I believe the
greatest acts of Americanism occur when no one is watching. Americanism shines as our citizens
work together in their commitment to the common good, giving of their time, finances, and
talents where ever they may be needed. Americanism affectionately reaches out to the world in
the desire a better future in spite of our individual differences. Click
It has been said a picture is worth a thousand words, but a slideshow of Americanism was
birthed with courage and sacrifice. This dream has been protected for generations by a diverse
peoples commitment to work together. Hand in hand, Americans passions have formed and
defended a new government, led the way in innovation, and achieved a better life for all
individuals. It provides us with the bravery we need to face our countrys future challenges and
the confidence that, together, we can continue in the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. Click.

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