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Kellys 2nd Grade Classroom Technology Rules

1. All school rules apply.

2. Only visit programs or websites assigned by Ms. Kelly.
3. Never download anything without permission.
4. Never change settings on devices or computers.
5. Be gentle with all devices. No banging, hitting, or breaking
6. Any personal devices must be turned off and away while in
the classroom.
7. Use a quiet voice while working alone.
8. Always carry devices with two hands and place gently on

9. Raise your hand and report if you ever see anything nonschool related.

have read
over all of the
10.Always save your work before logging off.
rules and I will follow them at all times while using technology in the
classroom. By signing this paper, I promise to abide by all school rules and
Ms. Kellys technology rules for the entire school year.

Students Full Name(Print):



Parent/Guardian Full Name(Print):



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