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Problem Statement

Googles mission is to organise the worlds information that can be universally

accessible and useful. How can Google fulfil their mission and further improve
their performance previously made in 2015?
1. Increase the number of people accessing Googles information and services
2. Expand Googles information and services by making it widely available on
various applications and devices by x% by 2xxx
3. Increase the productivity of services offered by increasing the relevance and
usefulness of Googles information

In 2015, Google had an operating income of $19.4 billion, a 71.11% share

of global searches and they also launched various products such as Gmail
and Google Maps
So whats next for Google?
Google has a mission to organise the worlds information and provide
useful services that are universally accessible.
To fulfil this mission, Google aims to attract a larger audience through
their services by improving search and making it convenient and
personalised. Google also hopes to expand their services to make it widely
available as well as increase the usefulness and relevance of Googles
information and services such as launching cloud applications like
Google Calendar and Google Docs. This has shown to make significant
gains in the market and Google only hopes to provide more of these
services across the world.

Google also aims to Another one of the Googles objective is to increase the
productivity of services through cloud applications such as Google Calendar,
Google Docs and Google Photos. Through these services, Google has been able
to make significant gains in the market.

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