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Storybird Integration Matrix

Nicole Lange
Colorado Academic


for Students





Have students
create a digital
storybird, that
allows them to
identify and
understand better
certain properties.
Have them
personify certain
properties such as
when dividing must
divide a fraction by
top and bottom, by
creating character
and possibly a story
plot. Then have
students display
their stories in front
of the class and
discuss their
specific property.
2. Communication
and Collaboration
a. Interact,
collaborate, and
publish with peers,
experts, or others
employing a variety
of digital
environments and
3. Research and
information fluency
b. Locate, organize,
analyze, evaluate,
synthesize, and
ethically use
information from a
variety of sources
and media

1. Number Sense,
Properties, and

2. Patterns, Functions,

Create a digital
storybird that

Analyze, understand,
create Students will
be required to first
analyze and examine
information regarding
their specific property
and therefore be able
to comprehend the
information that they
acquire and use this
information to create
and assemble a digital
storybird that they will
then present to their
fellow peers.

Evaluating Students

Students will evaluate

their own word problems
and number stories and
attempt to further and
create more advanced
work as the year

Having students
submit their word
problems and
number stories on
their storybirds from
home, during their
own time will allow
students to engage
outside of the

After students have

understood and

and Algebraic

involves the
equation. First
explain what the
equation is then
insert pictures
that allow
connection, and
allow students
that allows for
them to better
memorize it.
Finally, include
examples and
problems that
students can try
out on their own.
2. Design and
develop digital
age learning
experiences and
a. Design or adapt
relevant learning
experiences that
incorporate digital
tools and
resources to
promote student
learning and
c. Communicate
information and
ideas effectively
to students,
parents, and
peers using a
variety of digital
age media and

will be required to
view the information
provided within their
stories and
understand how to
access knowledge
about the quadratic
equation. They will
also be required to
evaluate what the
story is attempting to
teach and evaluate
how to use that
information to learn
about the quadratic

researched the
Quadratic equation
they will then be
allowed to make
their storybirds.

3. Analysis, Statistics,
and Probability
4. Shape, Dimension,
and Geometric
Reading, Writing, and Communicating
1. Oral Expression and

Have students
create a storybird
covering certain
hints and tricks they

Analyze, understand
Students will have to
examine and
distinguish the

This will force students

to constructively
respond to their
readings as well as the

Students will first

spend time
analyzing their
reading, and they

This will allow

students the
opportunity to work
on their storybirds

use when reading a

story aloud. Then
have students share
their stories with
their fellow
classmates, and
collaborate on
possibly other
expressions that or
tricks that could be
used when reading
out loud.
3. Research and
information fluency
d. Process data and
report results.
2. Communication
and collaboration
a. Interact,
collaborate, and
publish with peers,
experts, or others
employing a variety
of digital
environments and

2. Reading for All

3. Writing and

Create a storybird
story that
identifies the
specific writing
process, and the
specific steps that
are involved.
Include aspects
such as
rough drafting,
revising, editing,
rereading, and
creating a final
draft. Attach
video to class
website, where
students and
parents are able
to look back and
infer about certain
aspects of the
writing process.
2. Design and

information that they

acquire through
research and then be
able to comprehend
aspects of that
information and be
able to then restate, it
and individualize
those facts in a short
concise manner in
which they can then
report to their fellow

method in which they

read. It will also allow
them to view their
storybirds and the ways
in which they have
grown as readers
throughout the year.

Understand, Create
Recognize the writing
process and certain
aspects in which
children struggles. Be
able to create a
storybird that lays out
the specific steps of
the writing process
and assemble a video
that can be used later
on if students need
something to refer
back to.

Students will read over

their writings and not
only evaluate their work,
but also comprehend
the positive comments
that the teacher posts,
allowing them to
comprehend their
strengths within writing.

methods that they

use to read aloud,
then once they have
accumulated certain
methods, they will
create their

from home, or
complete their
stories and refer
back to them
whenever they are
in need of an oral
trick for reading

develop digital
age learning
experiences and
a. Design or adapt
relevant learning
experiences that
incorporate digital
tools and
resources to
promote student
learning and
b. Develop
technologyenriched learning
environments that
enable all
students to
pursue their
curiosities and
become active
participants in
setting their own
educational goals,
managing their
own learning, and
assessing their
own progress

4. Research and
Social Studies
1. History

Students will pick an

individual they
believe have greatly
impacted history as
we know it now and
be responsible for
researching and
becoming a
professional expert
on that specific
topic. Within a
digital storybird
students must
create virtual tour
for their classmates
in which they the
tour guide must
take their tourist on

Understand, Analyze,
create Students will
be required to select
information and
translate that info that
they have acquired
through research and
restate the info in a
way that make sense
to the objective. They
must also examine
and distinguish
characteristics and
events within their
persons life that they
deem important to
history. Finally they
must be able to

Only once students

have researched
their individual that
they must become
on expert on, will
they then be able to
design and create
their storybirds.

a walk through that

persons life. They
must include visual
related qualities and
describe their
individual reason for
picking that person.
3. Research and
information fluency
a. Locate, organize,
analyze, evaluate,
synthesize, and
ethically use
information from a
variety of sources
and media c. b.
Evaluate and select
information sources
and digital tools
based on the
appropriateness to
specific tasks d. c.
Process data and
report results

2. Geography

Create a digital
storybird covering
specific regions,
and areas on
Earth. Distinguish
aspects that set
the region apart
from others
including cultural,
religious, and
language pieces.
Add pictures of
the specific region
and have students
then share their
stories with the
class, so that
students can show
their parents..
2. Design and
develop digital
age learning
experiences and
a. Design or adapt
relevant learning
experiences that
incorporate digital
tools and

assemble and
construct a digital
storybird that not only
displays information,
but also add pictures
and a clear idea of the
individuals life.

Create, Evaluate
Create a digital
storybird that allows
students to gain the
information they need
about a certain region
on Earth. Evaluate
the most important
information to include
within the story and
the best methods
including pictures to
relay the information
to the students.

Students will have to

constructively analyze
their ability to
remember aspects
about geography, as
well as personally
decide if they need to
spend more time
practicing geography,
in order to become an
expert in an area.

Outside of
classroom time,
students will have
the ability to use the
storybird at home,
or whenever they
feel like practicing
certain aspects of
geography, and
commit it to

resources to
promote student
learning and
creativity b.
technologyenriched learning
environments that
enable all
students to
pursue their
curiosities and
become active
participants in
setting their own
educational goals,
managing their
own learning, and
assessing their
own progress

3. Economics
4. Civics
1. Physical Science
2. Life Science

Students will create

a digital storybird
covering one
system of the body.
muscular, Skelton)
It must include
pictures and display
that specific boys
system. Have
students in small
groups research the
covering the system
they are assigned
and combine many
sources together to
then present their
stories to the class.
Then place each
storybird on the
class website so
that students will be
able to refer to the
information and
parents will be able

Understand, Evaluate,
Analyze Students
will be required to
understand and
comprehend the
events that are
occurring within that
specific system of the
body while evaluating
and analyzing what
they believe to be
happening, They will
also be required to
draw connections to
learning techniques
regarding the most
productive way to
teach and display
their information
about their specific

Students will be able to

analyze their ability to
understand and
diagnose the human
body, and will be able to
understand what they
need to work on.

Students will be
able to show and
look back on their estorybirds and the
responses that they
created to certain
scenarios and use it
within their
homework regarding
anatomy, and life
sciences, outside of
the classroom.

to view the
students are
2. Communication
and collaboration
a. Interact,
collaborate, and
publish with peers,
experts, or others
employing a variety
of digital
environments and
media b.
information and
ideas effectively to
multiple audiences
using a variety of
media and formats
3. Research and
information fluency
c. Evaluate and
select information
sources and digital
tools based on the
appropriateness to
specific tasks

3. Earth Systems

Create a digital
storybird in which
the teacher
presents the rock
cycle. Personify
rocks and create
characters that
are rocks, in order
to show the life of
a rock. Include
pictures and
descriptions o the
event that happen
within each
section of the rock
cycle. Then
upload the digital
storybird onto a
class file or
website so
students will be
able to return to
and view the rock
cycle information.

Create, Analyze,
Understand Will
have to create a
digital storybird as
well as find and
convey information
such as the pictures,
detailed descriptions,
and narratives
regarding the rocky
cycle. Also will have
to analyze information
that will be put within
the storybird and
determine if students
are prepared enough
to be introduced to
the certain

Students will be first

taught the
information covering
the rock cycle, and
then they will be
encouraged to look
at the storybird that
the teacher has
created and use
that to learn from.

1. Facilitate and
inspire student
learning and
b. Engage
students in
exploring realworld issues and
solving authentic
problems using
digital tools and
resources c.
Promote student
reflection using
collaborative tools
to reveal and
clarify students
and thinking,
planning, and
creative processes
2. Design and
develop digital
age learning
experiences and
d. Provide
students with
multiple and
varied formative
and summative
aligned with
content and
standards, and
use resulting data
to inform learning
and teaching

Learning Disabilities EEOs

Create a digital
storybird that
includes notes of
lectures and
overall concepts
that you are
teaching in class
that day. This
allows students
with learning
disabilities to

Understand This will

allow students to
better understand the
material being
presented in class.
They will also be able
to translate and
recognize information
that they previously
might not have
understood during
their own time,

Students will be able to

access the information
taught in class on their
storybirds and then
constructively analyze
where they are in their
learning and methods in
which to improve.

This will allow

students to continue
their learning within
the safe
environments of
their homes, or
areas outside of the
classroom, where
they can consult
others or take more
time to comprehend
and issue.

information that
was discussed
that day and
possibly involve
their parents as
they attempt to
comprehend the
materials. This
story would also
include pictures of
specific topics,
with subtitles
allowing those
with hearing or
disabilities to be
able to read and
possibly connect
to the information
on a different
1. Facilitate and
inspire student
learning and
c. Promote
student reflection
collaborative tools
to reveal and
clarify students
and thinking,
planning, and
creative processes
3. Model digital
age work and
c. Communicate
information and
ideas effectively
to students,
parents, and
peers using a
variety of digital
age media and
4. Promote and
model digital
citizenship and

outside of class.

b. Address the
diverse needs of
all learners by
using learnercentered
equitable access
to appropriate
digital tools and

Physical Disabilities
Gifted/ Talented

Have students that

are gifted/talented
create a digital
storybird which will
be displayed on the
classroom website
that takes a concept
such as the rock
cycle that was
learned in class and
explore the concept
on a deeper level.
This will allow the
gifted students to
take a teaching
initiative and help
their fellow peers in
areas that they
understand, while
teaching a concept
more in depth than
what was taught in
2. Communication
and collaboration
a. Interact,
collaborate, and
publish with peers,
experts, or others
employing a variety
of digital
environments and
b. Communicate
information and
ideas effectively to
multiple audiences
using a variety of
media and formats
4. Critical thinking,
problem solving,

Understand This will

allow students to
better understand the
material being
presented in class as
well as go deeper in
thought and
understanding about
certain concepts.
They will also be able
to translate and
recognize information
that they previously
might not have
understood during
their own time,
outside of class.

Students will first be

assessed to
understand if they
are struggling in an
area fist before they
are asked to create
a gifted storybird.

and decision
d. Use multiple
processes and
perspectives to
explore alternative

Reflection: Overall this matrix allowed me to view the positive role storybirds would have within a classroom. They will only begin
to push the boundaries of what can be taught and the methods of which information can be displayed. This matrix also allowed
me to view the endless possibilities that these digital tools can provide with in a classroom and allowed me to view the
integration of them within the classroom as both an important and diverse field for teachers to incorporate within their
classrooms. The multitude of options such as incorporating characters, quotes, and adding pictures, and personal works of art
are some of the ways that the digital storyboard and video can allow students and teachers endless opportunities to further
students learning and expand their understanding process and storybird. I realized how this change up, and integration of
technology would allow students a diverse learning environment. Storybirds would also be easy to combine, or add to a class
website which in turn allows for parents and family members to glimpse into the learning within the classroom and become an
active encourager and provider of further knowledge in the ideas and lessons discussed. This matrix also forced me to consider
students and individuals with learning disabilities, as well as gifted/talented students. Often times it is easy to forget about these
individuals within the classroom and I truly see the significance of these digital tools as they allow students to delve deeper into
understanding and better comprehend how to diversely learn within each setting. I know though that through this matrix I have
only scratched the surface of what storybird can provide for the educational system and look forward to delving deeper into this
topic and discovering other useful tips and ways in which to become a more effective teacher for each and every student.

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