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Church of Abadar, Lesser Offer

Offer: 7 BP
Stated: have your country's alignment be non-chaotic, and build a temple to
Abadar within the first 5 years
Hidden: never let tax level be "none"
Delayed: none
Church of Abadar, Greater Offer
Offer: 12 BP
Stated: have your country's alignment be lawful, and build a temple to Abadar as
soon as realistically possible (within 12 months at latest)
Hidden: never let the tax level be "none" or the 2nd lowest level
Delayed: none
Church of Pharasma
Offer: 5 BP
Stated: never raise your tax level to the highest level
Hidden: never raise your tax level to the 2nd highest level
Delayed: after you gain official "kingdom" status, the church realizes it wants a
more direct presence, and decides it too wants a temple
(since this is more the church of the common people, I figured it wouldn't have the
resources to make a 'greater offer')
Church of Gorum, Lesser Offer
Offer: 5 BP
Stated: whomever fills the role of Marshal must be a follower of Gorum
Hidden: none
Delayed: once Ovirinbane is discovered, they demand it be returned to them
Church of Gorum, Greater Offer
Offer: 10 BP
Stated: whomever fills the role of Marshal must be a cleric or paladin of Gorum
Hidden: none
Delayed: as lesser offer and once war breaks out in Book 4, demands that armies
be raised and that diplomacy not used to diffuse the situation with Drelev (and later
Church of Erastil
Offer: 4 BP
Stated: Greater Freedom for farmers, first 2 farms only reduce consumption by 1
Hidden: none
Delayed: once Kingdom is established (size 11 hexes) request a temple, will
provide 5 addition bp
Merchants Guild of the One Eyed Witch
Offer: 10BP (Used only for Black Market)

Stated: A special tax free zone (including import and export duties) and a hands-off policy by the
local spymaster for a period of one year.
Game Mechanics: Instead of the +2 Economy benefit of a Black Market, the kingdom incurs a -3
Economy penalty for one year.
Lumber Consortium
70BP/year - A ten year contract with the Lumber Consortium for exclusive logging rights to a
woodland hex which lies within one hex of a water source capable of accommodating a large transport
ship. The Lumber consortium will have the option of renewing the contract at the end of the year. The
woodland hex must be cleared of all inhabitants and the kingdom must continue to secure the hex.
The Consortium will build a mill on the water. The Consortium will also build a pier on the water. The
kingdom may not build another mill in the kingdom but will have the option to purchase the mill if the
contract is not renewed. The kingdom agrees to purchase all lumber from the Consortium while under
contract, however the Consortium guarantees only locally harvested lumber will be sold to the
kingdom. Building an additional pier is subject to the approval of the Consortium and the use of the
pier by the kingdom will be subject to usage fees. The Consortium will build and maintain a road
through the woodland hex and the hex in which the water source is located. The 135 initial
lumberjacks will not be subject to military service for the kingdom and will work with representatives
of the Consortium in the case of violations of law in the kingdom's cities prior to incarcerating any
Consortium employee. The Consortium will appoint a separate Marshall with jurisdiction for the hex
under contract.
Game Mechanics: The kingdom may not build a mill and incurs a -2 Economy penalty monthly to pay
the Consortium for local lumber processing. The kingdom does not incur the base value for the Pier
and costs to the Consortium for the use of the Pier incur a -2 Economy penalty monthly. If the
kingdom builds a city in a hex adjacent to the wooded hex under contract, the kingdom incurs a -1
Unrest penalty monthly for the first year due to the unique nature of the Consortium relationship with
the kingdom, especially the presence of a separate Consortium law.
House Surtova Surtova will likely offer up to 20 BP, in order to maintain good relations with the PC
kingdom. They will want them to swear fealty to Brevoy, though not necessarily immediately.
Accepting their aid will strain relations with Lebeda and Orlovsky, but increase the amount offered by
Lodovka. Garess and Medyved probably would be unaffected.
House Lodovka They won't offer much unless they gain Surtova's favor first. Even if they do, they're
more strapped than some of the others and wouldn't offer more than 10.
House Medyved They have less income, but can offer direct assistance of military protection.
Accepting their aid can grant them a garrison of a Huge army (500 soldiers). This will likely not strain
relations unless Medyved and Surtova grow closer, which would upset Lebeda to have an enemy army
on their southern border. Alternatively Fabio offer 10bp and a small contingent of lumber jacks if
PCs refuse the lumber consortium offer.
House Orlovsky They can offer up to 40 BP, but Lord Orlovsky is known to be demanding and
ruthless. His attention is bound to come with strings of all sorts. Lebeda will almost surely match them
BP for BP, which will further strain relations with Surtova. Orlovsky's desire for the throne of Brevoy is
well-known, so he would use the financial benefits of his patronage to push the kingdom as an ally or
a pawn.

House Lebeda Lebeda is the richest of the houses, capable of offering up to 40 by themselves.
However, this amount may strain relations with Surtova and their allies. They will want the kingdom to
build a good trade infrastructure to better reach Pitax and Mivon. If they do, they're very likely to sign
a trade agreement that will add a decent bonus to Economy checks.
House Garess Garess is hurting financially, to a huge extent reliant on its arrangements with the
other houses. However, good relations with them might present an opportunity to enter the currentlyuntapped mines in their mountains. They may allow the kingdom entry, but not if it considers them
vassals of another House, because they fear an invasion for their resources by the others.
Nirion Surtova a charming man with slicked-back dark hair and angular features, he is a cousin to
King Noleski Surtova and is at the ceremony to make allies among the new colonies.
Offer: 10 BP and free fort garrisoned with Surtova's finest, can offer up to 20 BP
Stated: He wants a formal declaration of friendship and aid between the PC kingdom and House
Surtova, the permission to carry out Surtovan business in the kingdom unmolested
Noleski knows all about the Swordlords gambit for secure southern borders and possible allies in the
brewing civil war, and is prepared to turn the situation to his advantage. While he does seek allies, and
the PCs may have spotted him making earlier overtures with Baron Drelev earlier in the night, he also
wants Surtova to have a contingency should civil war break out and the PCs think about aiding the
Swordlords or Restov. Keep your friends close and enemies closer, after all.
Serani Orlovsky: a beautiful blonde-haired, rosy cheeked girl not a day over 20, she is the granddaughter of Lord Poul Orlovsky.
Offer: 10 BP and half the cost of a guildhall in the capital
Stated: She wants the Orlovsky's to have freedom to conduct business in the kingdom and first dibs
on new contracts in the kingdom, and wants the PCs to reject any Surtovan offers
Like the Surtovas, the Orlovskys want power and influence in the new barony, but more importantly
want to deprive the Surtovans of another political ally, and are willing to offer up to the full price of a
guildhall to ensure it.
Lady Nina Kitalla: a fragile old woman with dishevelled hair and an elegant but moth-eaten gown, she
represents old money in Brevoy and now uses her wealth to pursue her particular brand of
philanthropy. Astute PCs might note she has a particular air of the First World about her.
Offer: 5 BP
Stated: Lady Kitalla uses her wealth for various eccentric activities in her somewhat demented old
age, including her favorite: fae equality. She wants the PCs to extend all fae basic rights and
citizenship, and treat them equal to all others in the laws of the land. She wants assurances that the
PCs will not just take her money and then change the laws when convenient, and may seek a position
on the council if she thinks she can get it.
Might make for some interesting dilemmas for the PCs when obviously evil fey are permitted to walk
the lands unmolested because they can't prove any wrongdoing. N will be practically gleeful!
Of course, the Swordlords will be displeased with any deals struck with the Surtovans or Orlovsky,
seeing as they were the original architects of the expedition (and in my game, Lady Aldori pulled quite
a few strings to make sure their charter didn't end up in the hands of some ambitious young nobleman
from Brevoy).

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