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Summary/Synopsis of the movie

-John Forbes Nash or more recognized as Nash is a brilliant mathematician
who wins a scholarship to Princeton University where he hopes to develop an
original and break-through idea of his own. His idea scored him and other of
his two colleagues a job where they work as contractors for the U.S
government. He was given a class where he meets Alicia Larde, a smart
physics student who immediately finds him intriguing and interesting. Falling
inlove with Alicia, Nash marries Alicia and soon has a son, John Charles Nash.
Just when the world has fallen apart, John Nash, an excellent mathematician
now becomes a paranoid genius, showing characteristics of schizophrenia,
where hes crazy and addicted to breaking codes and for where he feels like
hes being watched and followed by men for a kill. Where then he is being
admitted to a mental hospital for help. Alicia, Princeton and Johns family and friends stand
by him. They give him love and provide a familiar environment.

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