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November 2016

RM H of SNJ Teen Adv i sor y

Cou n ci l New sl et t er

Next meet ing

December 11t h
Fr om2- 3 PM
sponsor ship
meet ing 3- 4

W ith Spar e Som e Love getting closer and closer , M r.

Car r igan m ade his annual visit to the House to show the TAC how
to m ake elevator pitches. As alw ays, M r. Car r igan's visit left the
council m uch better pr epar ed to secur e sponsor ships and r affles
dur ing the next few m onths. The TAC also m et Am elia, a gir l w ho
collected item s for the House and
talked about w hy she w anted to help out at such a young
age. A fam ily fr om the House also spoke about their tim e
w ith the RM H and r eceived one of the m any new ,
gener ously donated blankets. The m eeting ended w ith
another fun bonding activity and the Council splitting
Instagr am :
into com m ittees. After the m eeting, m em ber s stayed for a
@r m hsnj_teencouncil &
Fall-them ed in-house activity.

@r m hsnj

RM H-SNJ Teen Advisor y

Council & RM HSNJ
Tw itter :
@r m h_teencouncil &
@r m hsnj
Thanks to all w ho've
alr eady follow ed!
Please sum bit any event
photos to
keholm beck@gm
to be posted.

W hile m any w er e still r ecover ing fr om
Thanksgiving feasts and shopping on
Black Fr iday, a few m em ber s of the TAC
gather ed to cook a dinner for the fam ilies.
The kitchen w as full of laughs as
volunteer s both bonded as a gr oup and
m ade a top notch m eal.

Decem ber Deadlin es:

Spon sor sh ip Com m it t ee 1 spon sor sh ip
Raf f le Com m it t ee 1 bask et or 5 it em s

Nam e: Hailey Tabar
School: Clear view Regional High School
Gr ade: 9
Nom inator : Kelly M esisca
This m onth I choose Hailey Tabar to be highlighted. W hen w e w er e at the dinner , Hailey
spent the w hole dinner doing som ething and helping out. She w as alw ays in m otion,
w hether it w as cooking all nine pounds of gr ound beef w ith Ther esa, or chopping
vegetables w ith Am anda and Kr istina. She helped clean up after the dinner w as over , and
w hen it w as just Hailey, her br other Josh, and m e in the kitchen, w e w er e talking to som e
of the fam ilies staying at the House. I noticed that Hailey jum ped r ight in w hen it cam e to
explaining the Teen Advisor y Council to a new fam ily. She helped the fam ily or ient
them selves in the kitchen, and also kept up light conver sation w ith the fam ily. I'm
im pr essed by her positive and fr iendly attitude, and I think that's som ething ever yone
should take aw ay fr om her this w eek . Hailey r eally r em inded m e w hy I like being one of
the in-house activity coor dinator s: she r eally got involved w ith the activity and w as able
to talk w ith the fam ilies in the House. Even a sm all inter action like that show s how our
activities give back to fam ilies at the House.

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