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Part 1

Kepler Space Telescope Aliens
Using the Kepler Space Telescope, Nasa has
discovered a planet the size of earth in the habitable zone of another star.
Kepler-186f is 500 light years from us, which makes it difficult to study
the planets atmospheric composition. Therefore, it cant be known for
sure if it is habitable but the possibility is still there.
Space Travel Human Extinction
Stephen Hawking, world-renown scientist and
theorist, has stated that he believes the key to human survival is leaving
earth. He claims that colonizing elsewhere in the galaxy would lower our
potential for being wiped out by a natural or cosmic catastrophe.
Fermi Paradox Solutions
This source directly lists possible explanations as to
why we should, statistically speaking, see aliens but dont. Possible
answers include that other life forms are not advanced enough to reach us,
are advanced enough but choose not to reach us, or that we simply are
Space Exploration and Human Development
In the section of this essay titled Space research as
a technology generator, the author details all the ways by which humans
could potentially technologically benefit from going out and exploring the
universe. Rather than remain solely tied to the earth in fear of what well
discover out in the unknown, this section states that there are many
benefits to diving head first into harnessing and understanding the
universe, one such example being the potential for new sources of
renewable energy.
Mars Microorganisms
This source answers two popular questions about
life on mars, explaining if it exists and what evidence science has for it if
it does. In answering those questions, the source explains that scientists
currently believe life once existed on the red planet due to the discovery of
an asteroid from mars that hit Earth in Antarctica. The asteroid was made
of components of the martian atmosphere, and contained organic

Drake Equation Accuracy
This article makes the claim that the Drake
Equation is no longer relevant to science, stating that its arbitrary, doesnt
account for development over time, and is ineffective at truly determining
the possibility of detecting intelligent life. All in all, this article is an
example of educated skepticism, an argument against a function but not
an argument against alien life, simply stating along the lines of the notion
that we shouldnt get our hopes up, nor should we quash them

Nasa Space Exploration Funding
The United States leads the way in funding for
space exploration with a whopping (not really) .08% of the total Federal
Spending Budget of 2005 given to the space agency, and an even more
whopping (again, not really) .05% of the FSB being designated for NASA
in 2014. The rest of the world spends marginally less than this with second
place being a near-tie between Japan and Russia.
Major cuts to the government funding of NASA
could have adverse effects, worsening the economy by eliminating jobs
and making us more vulnerable to extraterrestrial threats. Asteroids are of
ample threat to Earth, and a good blow from one could cause extinction.
Effects of Alien Life
As seen throughout our own history, the process of
merging cultures can be quite tedious and can either work very well, or
crash and burn. With recent hopeful discoveries such as water on mars and
habitable planets in other solar systems, the very real possibility of
contacting aliens grows more defined, as does the daunting reality that if
contact is made, there is no guarantee that it will be easy nor pleasant.

Part 2

*Two separate charts for the sake of visual clarity*

Part 3

For this part of studio one, I chose the groups Astrophysicists, Philosophers of Science,
and World Governments from my conversation map because not only do I feel that these groups
have the most influence on the issue, but I also feel as though the distinction between
Philosophers of Science and astrophysicists is sometimes a blurry thing that needs clarification.
The first meme I made, which depicts an understanding of world governmental influences and
actions in congruence to my LOI, has 6 panels because the scope of any governments influence
is wide, wider, for example, than individuals or groups such as astrophysicists or Philosophers.
In the mind of the public and space agencies, governments can sometimes be seen as monetarily
stingy due to the preconception that all governments are corrupt or holding back just how
wealthy they are. Governments also dont place much emphasis on space, which they should
technically focus on more, or else the earth could be doomed. As for philosophers of science
(meaning, those who postulate and theorize according to the reality they observe in the universe),
to those they work with or are around constantly, they may seem overly contemplative or as if
their head is in the clouds, however, it is not without contemplation and thinking that one can
solve quantum equations. Lastly, for astrophysicists, life is less about watching the sky or being
as groundbreaking as einstein and more about programming results of study into a computer.
This programming is how data of the universe is recorded and understood, and lends merit to
both the accuracy and precision of an astrophysicists understanding and therefore, conveying, of
the universe.


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