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10 Journals
Daniel Kaller
Salt Lake Community College



Methamphetamine (meth) is a strong central nervous system stimulant that is used across
a wide variety of people. Methamphetamine is an illegal drug in the same class as cocaine and
other powerful drugs. Meth acts as a dopamine neurotransmitter is the brain, flushing all the
neurotransmitters releasing all the dopamine into the brain. Leading to damaging systems of the
brain that regulate emotions, leading to learning and cognitive impairment. It is made is a
chemical process by mixing a variety of household chemicals together. The end goal for the
cooks of the drug is to replace a hydrogen in aphedra with a alcohol (cH3) molecule.
It is a dangerous and potent drug, that primarily works as a stimulant, but further use can
lead to destructive characteristics on the body. Acute effects include; elevated heart rate, dilated
pupils, sweaty clammy palms, shortness of breath, and fidgety and unsettled behavior. Along
with acute effects there are even worse, and long lasting chronic effects. These include; anadonia
which is prolonged sadness due to a lack of dopamine in the brain, learning impairments or loss
of learning cognitions, and meth mouth which includes teeth decay and gum disease.
Prolonged meth use can have lasting effects on your health; this includes both physical
and mental health. Meth induced psychosis is a psychological disorder that can come about by
the consumption of the drug, causing the individual to display a number of psychotic behaviors.
An individual that is experiencing meth induced psychosis will experience a loss of
contact/control over their perception of reality, paranoia, delusions, hallucinations, and extreme



Cocaine is said to be the strongest and most dangerous drug today. There are three main
ways that users will take the drug, they will either snort/inhale the drug through the nose, they
will inject the drug directly into the blood stream using needles, or they will digest it orally
primarily by rubbing it on the gums. After taking the drug, cocaine reaches the brain very quickly
no matter the way it is taken; it then blocks the reuptake in the synapse of the neurotransmitters
dopamine, nor-epinephrine, and serotonin. Because the drug is blocking the reuptake the
transmitters are unable to reabsorb and recycle, causing a flood of dopamine giving the user a
feeling of euphoria.
Cocaine has many effects of the body, some acute effects are; Constricted blood vessels,
dilate pupils, increased blood pressure, increased body temperature, increased heart rate, severe
headaches, gastrointestinal complications, and decrease in appetite. Chronic effects include; loss
of smell, risk of heart attacks, decreased appetite, injecting can cause allergic reactions, ingesting
can lead to to bowl gangrene. Aside of all these symptoms one of the most known effect is the
very strong power this drug can have on people and addiction. Cocaine can have severe effects
on the pleasure center in the brain, leading to people having very deep cravings for the drug.



Heroine is an illegal, highly additive drug processes from morphine, a naturally occurring
substance extracted from the seed pod of certain varieties or poppy plants. Heroin is a very
powerful pain killer, when entering the brain heroin turns back into morphine acting on natural
morphine (endorphins) receptors. Depending on the users preference and the purity of the heroin,
there are several methods of abuse; smoking, snorting, or injecting.
There are three different ways that users smoke heroin. First it can be smoked in a pipe,
usually coming in a tar or powder form. The tar can also be placed on a tin foil sheet and heated
from the bottom and smoked through a straw, this process is called on the street chasing
dragon. It can also be mixed with marijuana joint or a cigarette. While there are many ways to
smoke heroine, snorting the drug seems to be a very straight forward process. First the powder is
divided into lines that can vary in size depending on the user, then the user will snort the drug
through a straw, only pure heroin will work for this process. For impure heroine or tar, injecting
it is a good way to administer the drug. First the drug is dissolved and diluted on a spoon then
injected with a needle, either going into a muscle, under the skin, or it can be injected directly
into a vein or mainlining.
After the initial rush of taking heroin, the body experiences a slowdown in heart rate and
respiration rate and the user becomes extremely drowsy, most users call this experience the
nods. When users begin to nod this is when serious problems can occur, users will nod off
and fall asleep, leaving there bodies incapable of functioning leading them to not breathe. When
a person foes overdose if the medication Naloxone is applied the individual will immediately
respond and wake up.


LSD and Hallucinogens

LSD, or Lysergic acid Diethylamide, is one of the worlds most widel known
hallucinogenic drug. Hallucinogenic compounds have been found in some plants and mushrooms
for centuries according to the national institute of drug abuse. Its estimated that as many as 6,000
plant species around the world have some psychoactive properties. Hallucinogens are classified
by how closely the molecular structure resembles three neurotransmitters in the brain; serotonin,
norepinerephrine, and acetylchlone. LSD falls into the category of hallucinogens resembling the
chemical make up of serotonin, along with psilocybin, morning glory seeds, DMT, and harmine.
LSD is so potent that effective doses have to be measured in micrograms, the typical
street dose of LSD ranges from 50 to 150 micrograms the effective dose can be as small as 10
micrograms. Users will experience what are known as trips which last anywhere between 6-12
hours. LSD is generally taken orally, either as a pill or on a piece of paper. known as blotter,
often can be colored with pictures of mystical symbols and signs, or cartoon characters. Liquid
dripped onto a sugar cube and it can also be absorbed through a users skin. Street forms of LSD
may contain different color additives or flavors, but the drug itself is odorless, tasteless, and
colorless. On the streets its sold in single doses often called hits



Marijuana, also called; weed, grass, marry, marry jane, herb, tree, green, bush, or cush, is
a mixture of dried shredded leaves and flowers of the cannabis sativa from the hemp plant. Users
typically smoke the drug, but it can also be made into oils, edibles, and extracts. Methods of
smoking include rolled marijuana cigarettes or joints, it can be put in a bong, pipe, to smoke it,
it can also be vaporized using a vaporizer. Weed cam also be baked into cookies, brownies,
candies, or drinks to accomplish the same result as smoking the product.
When marijuana is consumed and it enters the brain it reacts with the already existing
endocannabinoid system in the brain. Binding to the neurotransmitters, allowing for a cause of
action potential, resulting in the user to feel the high associated with the drug. The
endocannabinoid system controls the users; pleasure, memory, thinking processes, concentration,
movement, coordination, sensor, and time perception. Cannabinoids mimic neurotransmitters,
binding and taking control of endocannabinoids receptors in the brain.
Marijuana is a schedule 1 drug, this means that the federal government has classified this
drug as having no known medical benefit, and has very serious addictive characteristics. The
irony in this classification is the patent that the U.S. government has, patent no. 6,630,507,
stating the potential use of non-psychoactive cannabinoids found in the plant species of cannabis
sativa. These cannabinoids are said to protect the brain from damage or degeneration caused by
certain disease such as cirrhosis. So while the government has scheduled marijuana as having no
known medical purposes, they have also patented the medical benefits of the drug.



In order to make an alcoholic beverage you need an organic material with a sugar content
left undisturbed in a warm container for certain amount of time, this is called fermentation. Once
the sugar has fermented the remaining substance will then have a alcoholic potency. A standard
alcoholic beverage is any drink that contains about 14 grams of pure alcohol. When it enters the
brain It first releases the cerebral cortex from its inhibitory control over sub cortical systems in
the brain, kind a double-negative effect. As the BAC level increases, the depressive action of
alcohol extends downward to lower regions of the brain. Neuronal inhibition is linked to the
effect of alcohol on the GABA receptors in the brain.
`Acute physiological effects include toxic reactions to the substance including; antidiuretic
hormone (ADH)- a hormone that acts to reabsorb water in the kidneys prior to excretion from the
body, antidiuresis- a condition resulting from excessive reabsorption of water in the kidneys. A
large amount of alcohol can lead to blackouts, Amnesia concerning events occurring during the
period of alcoholic intoxication even though consciousness had been maintained at that time. It
also severely impairs the ability to drive or deal with traffic, particularly among young people.
In a major study conducted in a community in northwestern Ontario, Canada, and reported
in 1991, more than 50 percent of the most recent occasions of physical violent were found to be
preceded by alcohol use on the part of the assailant and/or the victims themselves. Other
studies show from 50-60 percent of all murders being committed when the killer
had been drinking. About 40 percent of all acts of male sexual aggression against
adult women and from 60 to 70 percent male-instigated domestic violence occur
when the offender has been drunk.


Alcoholism is the addiction to the consumption of alcoholic liquor or the mental illness
and compulsive behavior resulting from alcohol dependency. Most adults consider moderate
alcohol use as not harmful, however about 18 million adults Americans have an alcohol use
disorder. This means that their drinking causes distress and harm to their selves, way of life, and
family structures. Alcoholism causes cravings, loss of control/not being able to stop drinking,
physical dependency/withdrawal symptoms, and a tolerance. First syndrome is the alcohol abuse,
which is a syndrome characterized primarily by the continued use of alcohol despite the drinks
knowledge of having a persistent physical problem or some social or occupational difficulty.
Second syndrome is the alcohol dependence, which is a syndrome in which the alcohol abuse
involves a variety of significant physical, psychological, social, and behavioral problems.
Physiological effects very across a wide spectrum of problems, some include; liver
disease, which is when fat deposits accumulate in the liver as a result of chronic alcohol abuse,
alcohol hepatitis- which is a disease involving inflammation of the liver, Alcoholic cirrhosis
which is a sisease involving scarring and deterioration of the liver cells. Chronic alcohol
consumption can also result in a number of cardiovascular problems, effects include
inflammation and enlargement of the heart muscle, poor blood circulation to the heart, irregular
heart contractions, fatty accumulations in the heart and arteries, high blood pressure, and stroke.


Anabolic Steroids
Anabolic steroid drugs are based on alterations in testosterone molecule. The goal being
to emphasize the anabolic function while retaining as little of the androgenic function as
possible. Steroids act on the limbic system, causing irritability and mild depression, Also leading
to mania, delusions, and violent aggression. Mood swings, and an increase in aggressive
behavior are common psychological stereotypes associated with steroid use. Testosterone
significantly increases manic behavior and feelings of aggressiveness, although the effects on the
individual are far from uniform.
There are many different forms of anabolic steroids there are also what are known as
human growth hormones, these are naturally occurring hormones promoting growth, especially
in the long bones of the body. They are becoming more and more popular due to availability and
price. Users are at a higher risk of developing acromegaly, which is a condition leading to coarse
and misshapen head, enlarged feet and hands, and damage to various internal organs.
Androstenedione is not an anabolic steroid; it is a dietary supplement for performing enhancing
purposes. It is not considered an anabolic steroid because it is not based on the specific structure
of testosterone, although the body converts the substance into testosterone through the liver.
Even with the increase in testosterone, there is still no change in body composition or strength.
And then there is Creatine, Creatine is a dietary supplement that is also used as a performance
enhancing agent. Creatine is a nonprotien amino acid synthesized in the kidney, liver, and
pancreas. It has been found to enhance the retention of water by muscle cells, causing them to
expand in size.



Tobacco is a agricultural crop used most commonly for smoking cigarettes. The main
ingredient in tobacco is Nicotine, Nicotine main effect is the stimulation of the Central Nervous
System. It effects the Acetyl Choline nicotine receptors, releasing adrenaline. And it inhibits
activity of the gastrointestinal system. Nicotine promotes greater level of concentration, reduces
muscle tightness, improves short term memory, helps sustain performance in tedious tasks. Aside
from these acute affects having positive impacts on productivity, long-term and chronic effects
out way the shorterm benefits like; heart disease, respiratory disease, and cancer.
Smoking shortens life expectancy by at least 10 years. Because smoking causes
respiratory disease, lung cancer, and other cancers, you are at a greater risk of having life
threatening illness. Over 480,000 deaths related to tobacco use in the united states alone, over 6
million deaths related to tobacco worldwide. Majority of problems come from cancers that can
develop from the use of tobacco. Lung cancer from the tar blocking the ciliary cells in bronchial
tubes leading to lungs, the lungs are susceptible to attack. Carcinogenic compounds enter the
lungs and simulate the formation of cancerous cells. Other cancers include; Bladder cancer,
larynx cancer, and lip cancer.



Prescription Drugs
There is a larger variety of prescription drugs, but three main classifications; stimulants,
opioids, and depressants (benzos). Most of us take prescription drugs only for the reason the
doctor intended. However there is a large population that when perscirbed a prescription,
they later get hooked or dependent on the drug, this leads to addictive tendencies towards
perscition medication. In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in prescription
drug misuse or abuse. This increase has led to a corresponding increase in ER visits because
of accidental overdoses as well as admissions to drug treatment programs for drug
Opioids are prescription medications such as; codeine, morphine, fentanyl, hydrocodone,
oxycodone, oxycontin. When used as prescribed these medications can have effective
positive impacts on people with chronic pain, and for other uses across the medical field,
however, when used long-term, opioids may lead to drug abuse with physical dependency
and or addiction. It is very easy for individuals addicted to the drug to have life threatening
overdoses due to high levels of consumption, especially when mixed with other substances
that depress the CNS.
Stimulant drugs include amphetamines like; Adderall, Methylphenidate, Ritalin, and
Concerta. These drugs are often prescribed to treat children, adolescence and adults
diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. (ADHD). These individuals have a
hard time paying attention or concentrating on given tasks. So the stimulant acts as an
impulse control to help aid the individuals actions in a more constructive way.



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