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Lesson Title:

Letter Writing Day 3

Grade/Subject: 3

Lesson number:3

Common Core Learning Standard(s):

With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by
planning, revising, and editing.
Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as
the basis for the answers
Learning Objectives associated with the content standards: Students will be able to proofread their
classmates as well as their own letters producing a final copy.
Student Friendly Daily Learning Target ( I can statements or pose as question) I can revise a letter
checking for spelling, capitalization, and format giving feedback to my classmates.
Academic Language Demands
Academic Language Supports
Vocabulary: revise, proofread, grammar, publish, Vocabulary: Words will be visible throughout
lesson for reference.
Language function: Words necessary for the
Language function: The words will be used
editing process.
continuously as students are completing the
Syntax or Discourse (circle one): Before the
action thereby connecting both the use and
students actually engage in the actions of these
definition for the students.
words, the teacher will go over the definitions.
Syntax or Discourse (circle one): Students will
Definitions will be left displayed throughout
understand these words before, during, and after
they are used because of the repetition.
Monitoring Student Learning: Formal and Informal Assessments prior to, during & after learning
Description of formal/ informal assessments: Informal assessment will be students proofreading a
partners work. The students will trade letters with a partner and discuss what they would edit and
why. They also will share what they liked about their partners piece to provide positive
reinforcement. Formal assessment will be the final copy letters the students turn in at the end of the
lesson that I will evaluate for format, grammar, punctuation, context, etc.
What is being assessed: The students are being assessed on their ability to follow directions, writing
skills, and understanding the fundamental process of how to write a letter.
Assessment accommodations:
Instructional Resources and Materials:
Final Copy Stationary for the students to choose from

Motivation/Hook/Anticipatory Set: Teacher will show example of a letter that was poorly written in a
funny context. (from animal friend to another) with spelling ,grammar, and letter mistakes.
Instructional strategies and learning tasks that
support diverse learners :
Teacher Action

Student Action /Engagement

Show letter from Hippopotamus to Pig to class

emphasizing the mistakes that can be seen.

Students will follow along with the letter being


Students will be asked turn and talk with the

person sitting beside them about the mistakes in
the letter.

Students will share the mistakes they noticed in

the letter in the discussion with their partner.
Students and their partners will read through
eachothers work looking for mistakes in
spelling, grammar, punctuation and letter
formatting. They will share what they enjoyed
while they were reading.

Tell students to trade letters with a classmate

and try to notice similar mistakes in the letter
they have been given but also think of things
they liked in their partners letter as well.
Ask for volunteers to share their letters with the

Volunteers will read their letter aloud to the


Closure: Students will rewrite their letters to turn in.

Accommodations/Modifications to requirements in IEPs and 504 plans:
*none known
Differentiation (non IEP students: e.g., English Language learner , gifted, struggling readers,
underperforming students , those with gaps in knowledge, etc):
Strategic grouping will be key for this lesson.
ELL students will be paired with students that are especially proficient with grammar.
Struggling readers will be paired with strong readers.
Technology Integration to Support Learning:

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