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Ms. Phillips

Monthly News
Dont Miss!
This month in school we

Started our science unit about plants

Practiced addition with double digits
Did our first Readers Theater about fairytales

All About You! 10/6

Pizza day 10/8
Fieldtrip Form 10/12
Halloween Party 10/31

Student Spotlight!
This months spotlight is on Suzie S. She has two brothers and one
sister. She is most excited to learn about subtraction and is
always excited to have math time and music class.

Health Focus: Sleep

Sleep can affect many parts of our lives, especially for children. In the
classroom, children who get more sleep have better focus and do
better academically. Daytime sleepiness and low sleep quantity are
related to attention issues in children.
Ehto, J. E., & Uusitalo-Malmivaara, L. (2014). Sleep-related factors: associations with poor attention and
depressive symptoms. Child: Care, Health & Development, 40, 419-425.

Community Involvement
This week, Izzys mom shows us how to say some Spanish words.

Please- Por favor

Thank You- gracias
Good morning-Buenos das.


Ms. Phillips

Monthly News
Dont Miss!

This month in school we

Grew plants from seeds

Did our first unit math test
Wrote our own fairytales

Im Thankful For 11/2

Technology Day 11/8
Culture Day Party 11/9

Student Spotlight!
This months spotlight is on Grant H. He has a dog named Jack
and two fish. He loves learning about history and hopes we will
talk about the civil war.

Health Focus: Sleep

Sleep can affect our lives, especially for children. In PE, children
need sleep to have the energy to be physically active. Lack of sleep
can cause daytime sleepiness which makes activity difficult.
Holley, S., & Hill, C., & Stevenson, J. (2011). An hour less sleep is a risk factor for childhood conduct
problems. Child: Care, Health & Development. 37, 563-570

Community Involvement
This week, Tims grandma teaches us some common Hindi words

Welcome! -Aapka swaagat hai!
How are you? -Aap kaisey hain?

Monthly News

Ms. Phillips

Dont Miss!
This month in school we

Finished our science unit about plants

Practiced subtraction with double digits
Took our second fluency test

Goals for 2018 12/8

Holiday Party 12/10
Last school day 12/15

Student Spotlight!
This months spotlight is on Lucy W. She has 3 cats at home and
loves all of them. She hopes we do lots of reading in class and
always carries around her favorite book of the week.

Health Focus: Sleep

Childhood obesity is a common problem in our country.
Children whose bedtimes are delayed, even by an hour, are at a
higher risk for obesity. This is because less sleep results in
higher hunger levels in children.
Arun, R., & Pina, P., & Rubin, D.,& Erichsen, D. (2016) Association between sleep stages and
hunger scores in 36 children. Pediatric Obesity, 11

Community Involvement
This week, Toms Stepdad teaches us some common French words.

Please-S'il vous plat

Thank you-Merci

Monthly News

Ms. Phillips

Dont Miss!

This month in school we

Started our science unit about matter

Practiced using expanded form
Finished our 7th math unit

First Day of School 1/15

Conferences 1/18
Pet Day 1/19

Student Spotlight!
This months spotlight is on Collin P. He loves to grow plants and
is excited for Spring to get here. He hopes that we will learn even
more about plants.

Health Focus: Sleep

It is very important that children get enough sleep for their emotional
wellbeing. Children who get enough an hour less sleep than average can are
at high risk for conduct issues and may act out. It has also been shown that
these issues can continue into adolescence and adulthood.
Holley, S., & Hill, C., & Stevenson, J. (2011). An hour less sleep is a risk factor for childhood conduct problems. Child:
Care, Health & Development. 37, 563-570.

Community Involvement
Thomas sister helps us learn some common German phrases this week

You're welcome-Bitte

Monthly News

Ms. Phillips

Dont Miss!

This month in school we

Talked about goods and services

Practiced repeated addition
Took our third fluency test

My Family Tree 2/6

Technology Day2/8
Valentines Party 2/14

Student Spotlight!
This months spotlight is on Jill C. She plays soccer and softball.
She hopes that this year will be really great and that she will get a
puppy for her birthday.

Health Focus: Sleep

There are many ways to make sure that children get enough sleep.
It is important that bedtimes are set and that the activates that
happen before bed are calming, such as a bedtime story. Also,
technology has been shown to negatively affect sleep, so having a
no technology policy before bed can improve sleep.
Calamaro, C., & Mason, T., & Ratcliffe, S. (2009). Adolescents Living the 24/7 Lifestyle: Effects of
Caffeine and Technology on Sleep Duration and Daytime Functioning. Pediatrics, 123.

Community Involvement

Sals dad teaches us some Japanese

Goodbye- Saynara

Arun, R., & Pina, P., & Rubin, D.,& Erichsen, D. (2016) Association between sleep stages and
hunger scores in 36 children. Pediatric Obesity, 11. doi: 10.1111/ijpo.12064
Calamaro, C., & Mason, T., & Ratcliffe, S. (2009). Adolescents Living the 24/7 Lifestyle:
Effects of Caffeine and Technology on Sleep Duration and Daytime Functioning.
Pediatrics, 123. doi: 10.1542/peds.2008-3641
Ehto, J. E., & Uusitalo-Malmivaara, L. (2014). Sleep-related factors: associations with poor
attention and depressive symptoms. Child: Care, Health & Development, 40, 419-425.
Holley, S., & Hill, C., & Stevenson, J. (2011). An hour less sleep is a risk factor for childhood
conduct problems. Child: Care, Health & Development. 37, 563-570. doi:10.1111/j.13652214.2010.01203.x
All pictures are public domain from Pixaby.

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