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360 Portfolio Cover Letter Peer Review Sheet

Writer: Susan Cao

Assessor: Steven Loon

Please read two or three of your peerss cover letters. Give the most specific advice that you can
with regard to these questions:
1. Does the letter directly address ALL of our student learning outcomes?
2. All SLOs are addressed, but sometimes its not clear which SLO is which without
looking up the list (especially with collaboration).
3. Does the letter support its claims about how the portfolio demonstrates the writers
achievement of our SLOs with specific evidence from actual portfolio documents?
Heres an example of specific evidence: In the third paragraph of my memo, I
acknowledge that Nat Geo doesnt have a lot of the current-events content that many
educators like to see on college campuses, but I argue that Nat Geos implicit
environmental and social point of view makes up for this perceived lack. This shows that
Im able to consider and present fairly the merits of different viewpoints.
4. The evidence is pretty specific for the most part. Just cite SLO5 again when using the
group charter to prove SLO5. Additionally, introduce the peer review before citing SLO6.
5. Were you doubtful about or unpersuaded by any of the writers claims about a particular
6. No claim stood out in particular.
7. Is the letter organized logically and efficiently, or could you suggest ways to improve the
organization (topic sentences, transitions, P order, thesis)?
8. The introduction and conclusion are fine. However, you may want to separate the body
paragraph into multiple paragraphs to make the letter more organized.
9. Does the cover letter use letter formatting?
10. The citations could be more consistent, but aside from that, the formatting looks fine.
11. Are the letters sentences effective and clear?
12. Some sentences in the body paragraph are structured oddly. For example, when you say

that your displaying of rhetorical focus and persuasion effectively shows how you
formally address iFixit and showcase guides/deadlines, it sounds like youre using the
claims to prove the evidence when you mean to do it the other way around.

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