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in a way that is suggested but not communicated directly:

The report implicitly questioned his competence

He feels secure only with associates who obey him implicitly.

implied but not directly stated
When the suspect opened the front door, she gave the police tacit consent to search her home for
the weapon.
In order to take the school field trip, you will need more than your parents tacit consent.

acceptance of the truth or existence of something
"there was no acknowledgement of the family's trauma"

recognition of the importance or quality of something

suggested though not directly expressed.
"comments seen as implicit criticism of the policies"

always to be found in; essentially connected with./part of sth

"the values implicit in the school ethos"
the dangers implicit in this kind of work
Implicit in the notion of a game is the idea of taking a risk.

complete and without any doubts:

implicit trust
All her life she had implicit faith in socialism.

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