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Diffusion occurs in everyday life. For example, whenever someone sprays perfume you will
eventually smell it across the room. This is an instance of diffusion.
Diffusion is correctly defined as the movement of particles from a region of high concentration
(many particles in a small area) to a region of low concentration (few particles in a small area).
When the particles are released in the surroundings, they randomly move until there is an
even distribution of the particles throughout.

Diagram showing the diffusion of particles

Diffusion is mostly seen in liquids and with gases. This is because solid particles are held
together very closely and cannot move very far. When molecules can move freely, they tend to
spread themselves out as evenly as possible.
Diffusion not only occurs in everyday life within the environment, it also occurs within the
bodies of living organisms.
-The oxygen and nutrients from a mother is transported across the placenta via diffusion to the
fetus during pregnancy.
-Carbon dioxide needed for photosynthesis is diffused from the atmosphere into plants
through pores called the stomata.
Many other instances of diffusion occur in both plants and animals. The rate at which
diffusion occurs depends on the concentration gradient. The concentration gradient is the
gradual difference in concentration between two regions. The greater the difference in the
concentration, the steeper the concentration gradient and the faster diffusion will occur faster.
Space 1

Space 2



Space 3

Space 4



Diffusion will occur faster from space 2 to space 1 than

from space 4 to space 3.

Osmosis is defined as the movement of solvent particles (usually water) from a region of high
concentration to a region of low concentration through a partially permeable membrane. It is
often regarded as a form of diffusion in which only water molecules move. So, water moves
from an area where it is in high concentration (abundant), to an area where it is in low
concentration (less abundant) until both areas have the same concentration of water.
Consider the diagram below where large solute particles are unable to pass through the
membrane, it only allows water to pass through. Osmosis occurs until there is an equal
concentration on either side (until equilibrium is met).

The Figure above shows Osmosis.

The arrows represent the direction in which water molecules will move across the semipermeable membrane.
Water has a natural tendency to move from a place where it is in higher concentration to a
region where it is of a lower concentration. This tendency is measured as the water potential.
Osmosis can be loosely defined as the movement of water molecules from a region of higher
water potential to a region of lower water potential. Pure water has the highest water potential.
The presence of solute particles (dissolved particles) will reduce the water potential. Because of
this, the more solute particles that are present, the lower the water potential of the solution.
Cell membranes are often compared with a visking tube as they only allow certain substances
to pass through them. This is termed as selective permeability or partially permeable.
The body is made up of approximately 70% water. The cytoplasm of cells contains a lot of this
water. This means that a lot of osmosis occurs within the body as the concentration of the
cytoplasm may vary from time to time. Different solutions will have different effects on red
blood cells as it regards to osmosis. A hypotonic solution has higher water concentration than
the contents of the cell. A hypertonic solution has a lower water concentration than the cell

Osmosis and animal cells

Because animal cells have no cell wall, they are not strong enough to withstand the pressure
caused from swelling. Water therefore moves by osmosis into the cell and the cell becomes
swollen and bursts, dispersing the cell contents when the cell is exposed to a hypotonic
solution. The bursting of a cell is called lysis of the cell. In a hypertonic solution, water
will leave the cell and enter the surrounding solution. In this case, the cell will most likely
shrink and become shrivel (flaccid). An isotonic solution has equal concentration of water
outside and inside the cell so there is no net movement of water. The cell remains normal.
Osmosis and plant cells
In the case of plants, many prefer the water concentration being greater outside the plant.
Unlike an animal cell, plant cells have a cell wall. This means that the plants cell will become
turgid in hypotonic solution, but will not burst as water moves in the plant. As water moves in
the plant and the concentration of water in the plant gets greater, eventually equilibrium is
reached (equal concentration of water inside and outside the cell). After this point, any water
coming in the plant cell is released at an equal rate thereby achieving an osmotic balance. This
water movement inside plants is essential for building pressure, called turgid pressure.
Turgidity is important in plants as it helps them to stay upright and keeps the leaves firm. In a
highly concentrated solution, plant cells will become shriveled. If the surrounding solution is
highly concentrated, plasmolysis will occur. Plasmolysis occurs when the cell membrane
surrounding the cytoplasm shrinks further and further away from the cell wall. This often
results in the death of the cell as the cell membrane usually gets damaged while it gets torn
away from the cell wall.

Many times the movement of ions requires movement against a concentration gradient,
this is called active transport. Energy is used because substances must be moved against
their natural tendency to diffuse in the opposite direction. Many times plants (roots) require
more minerals from their surroundings although they have a greater concentration of minerals
inside their cells already. This movement of ions is called active transport.

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