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Laura Lpez Fernndez.

Group Members: Jose Miramontes, Luca Franco, Alexis Lpez, Jorge

Lpez, Jose Garca, and Laura Lpez.

Name of Lab: How do plants grow?

Who will do what (experiment) : We will buy a snake plant.

- Jose Miramontes will use clay soil.
- Luca Franco will test the light in the plant.
- Alexis Lpez will be the control type.
- Jorge Lpez will test the change from soil to sand.
- Jose Garca will test the water in the plant (more water)
- Laura Lpez will test the water in the plant (less water)

Who will do what (put he lab together):

- Jose Miramontes will be in charge of the graphs.
- Luca Franco will be in charge of the Edition
- Alexis Lpez will be in charge of the Methods/Materials
- Jorge Lpez will be in charge of analyzing data and conclusion.
- Jose Garca will be in charge of the write up.
- Laura Lpez will be in charge of the Introduction and write up.
We will all take photos and videos during the experiment to attach them
to the Project.

We will work together via Google docs.

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