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Charles Graham, Jr.

322 Congress Ave.

Hampton, VA 23669
Phone No: 757-291-4719
November 10, 2016
Dr. Blaine David
Medical Doctor
National Institutes / Drug Abuse
6001 Executive Blvd # 3105
Rockville, MD 20852
Dear Dr. David:
It has come to my attention that performance enhancement drugs have become extremely popular in
sports and now is beginning to destroy the integrity of many sports worldwide. Over the past two and a
half years I have done a substantial amount of research on this topic. Most recently, I have been focusing
on both the short-term and long-term effects from the use of PEDs. Performance enhancing drugs have
become a tool for many athletes; athletes feel they are much needed to stay competitive in their particular
sport, but they come with a variety of negative health effects as well. However, these drugs are illegal and
using them takes away from the integrity of sports. Being a current collegiate student-athlete, I have
always felt that hard work and faith in God is the best medicine for any athlete. They should always be
mindful that in many states using steroids is a misdemeanor and having the possession of steroids is a
Athletes who use steroids or performance enhancing drugs in sports have a major advantage over all of
their competitors, which isnt fair, meaning they shouldnt be able to compete. For example, lets say two
athletes are in a sprinting race that is 200 meters long. One athlete is competing cleanly without the use of
steroids and another athlete who is doping are about even for 150 meters of that race, however the athlete
using steroids gets an extra boost of energy and ends up defeating the clean athlete by 20 meters because
they never get tired. The athlete consuming steroids is almost guaranteed to win each and every time. This
proves steroids make people stronger and more energetic. Although the use of steroids gives you good
results or you may set many records in the process, it will only hurt you in the future. PEDs destroy and
break down the human body overtime. For women, you will begin to gain lean muscle just like a male and
even potentially grow facial hair. For men, they generally start to grow breast, gain lots of lean muscle,
and in the process their genitals start to decrease.
In todays world not only are professional athletes using steroids, it is trickling down to high school
athletes as well. In my opinion, I think that all athletes should be required random drug testing once they
reach the high school level. I believe random drug testing is the best way to keep our sports clean and
leagues honest. Also, if an athlete has a great career and then it comes out they were using steroids it
would be very embarrassing to them and their fans, destroying ones reputation and potentially ending their
career or a lengthy suspension from their sport. When I sit back and think, I just feel steroids arent worth
it and if you work hard you can accomplish the same goals, you just have to be patient and trust the

I hope to get a response to this letter or email in the near future. Thank you for your time.

Charles Graham, Jr.

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