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Study Guide

S.S.- Unit 3 Colonial America

Answer Key
1. Why are the thirteen British Colonies divided into three different regions?
Because of their geography and climate
2. What did William Penn want for his colony?
For all Christians to be free to worship in their own way and live in peace
3. What physical feature stopped colonies from moving west?
The Appalachian mountains
4. What was a growing industry in the New England colonies?
Shipbuilding and cod fishing
5. The economy of the Southern Colonies was based on _____________.
6. What is a free market economy?
It is where the people, not the government decide what to produce
7. What helped the Middle Colonies send crops to nearby towns?
Long, wide rivers
8. What were slaves lives like in the colonies?
They were treated as property instead of people and made to work extremely hard, even until
death sometimes
9. What 3 continents created the triangular trade route?
England (Europe), Africa, and North America
10. What is an indentured servant?
A person who agreed to work for a certain number or years in exchange for passage to North
11. What is an artisan?
A person who is skilled at making something by hand
12. What was the main reason the people settled in Plymouth and Massachusetts?
For religious freedom
What were the groups that settled there?
The Quakers and the Puritans
13. Who were Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson?
They were dissenters that disagreed with Puritan leaders
14. Why were the Middle Colonies and the Southern Colonies good for farming?
Because of the rich, fertile soil
15. Many families in the Middle Colonies were laborers.
16. Many colonists in the Southern colonies worked as farmers.
17. Define debtor, free enterprise, proprietor, indigo, export and import. Use glossary in your book.
18. What role did women and girls have in the colonies? They were to sew, cook, clean, take care of the
house, and the children.
How was that different from the men and boys? The men and boys would work in the fields and tend
to the animals, or as artisans in the cities.

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