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Washington, D.C. street design conspiracy theory

Washington D.C. is absolutely infested with occult and astrology


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The Washington, D.C. street layout is the subject of much conspiracy theory,
usually asserting the Freemasons or the Illuminati designed the street layout of
Washington, D.C. to deliberately incorporate occult symbols, including an inverted
pentagram with the bottom pointing directly at the White House.
Ed Decker (an anti-Masonic Christian) writes this: "The satanic pentagram under
which the White House sits is an open door through which Satan has access to our
president."[1] Jesus Is Savior hosts a video by Texe Marrs making the same claim
about a pentagram in the street design pointing to the White House, and further
finding other symbols like a hexagram, a "Knights Templar" (actually a Maltese)
cross, and a Masonic square and compass logo in the streets, and a street layout
around the U.S. Capitol building resembling an owl or a pagan goddess statue. This
webpage and video also claim buildings like the Washington Monument, Pentagon,
and the Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials are all pagan or occult building designs
enabling dark forces to have free rein in that city.[2] Jack Chick makes the same claim
about obelisks, like the Washington Monument, in his anti-Masonic tract "The Curse
of Baphomet" (an obelisk is a Masonic symbol of a male sex organ right out of Baal
worship - and God hates it!)[3]
Another site, Freemasonry Watch, has much the same material and adds that the
neighborhoods of Dupont Circle, Logan Circle, and Scott Circle each have six streets
intersecting, placing the stamp of 666 on the city.[4] (Dupont Circle is D.C.'s
historically gay district, providing further evidence of the effectiveness of this!)
Other promoters of this conspiracy theory include the usual suspects, Peter J. Peters,
Alex Jones, and David Icke. Hail, hail, the gang's all here. The video D.C. Street
Sorcery[5] seems to take this claim further, finding that "many occult symbols have
been designed and overlaid, one upon another" and is promoted by Peters with the
claim, "The purpose is to control not only the country of the United States and its
people, but the entire world through sorcery."[6]
Somewhat more mainstream sources incorporating this conspiracy theory include the
three hour DVD Riddles in Stone: The Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C., and

My sweet Satan...

Some dare call it


What THEY don't want

you to know!
Area 51
Before It's News
David Icke
Illuminati (game)
Perpetual Prisoner
Sheeple wakers
George Lincoln Rockwell
Hugo Chvez
John Todd
Pamela Geller

the bestselling novel The Book of Fate by Brad Meltzer.[7] Dan Brown also makes
extensive use of this insanity in The Lost Symbol.


The claims about the D.C. street layout are easily refuted just by looking at an actual map of
the city. Conspiracy literature will show Rhode Island Ave., Vermont Ave., Massachusetts
Ave., Connecticut Ave., and K Street making up five lines of a pentagram. A look at the actual


street map[8] shows that Vermont and Connecticut Avenues do not extend south of K street
so there is no point below that, and ergo, no bottom point of any pentagram pointing at the
White House. Further, Rhode Island Ave. does not extend west of Connecticut Ave. so not
only does this alleged "pentagram" not have five points, it doesn't even have four. It is purely

Political scandal!
It was all
into the city from
the beginning!

the product of someone's overactive imagination.

As to whether Masonic symbols such as the square and compass can be found in the street
layout, this would seem to be conceivably possible given that many of the Founding Fathers
were Freemasons. In actuality, the city's street layout was designed by Pierre Charles
L'Enfant, a French-born architect appointed by George Washington and Thomas Jefferson to
design the city. L'Enfant's design somewhat resembled that of Karlsruhe, Germany. But even if Freemasonry was
an influence on the street layout, so what? Most street intersections everywhere resemble a Christian cross - is
this evidence of a Christian conspiracy to control the world?
There is also the question of whether symbols and buildings can somehow harbor or channel demonic forces,
witchcraft, or other supernatural powers, solely because of their design. This is one nutter belief piled on top of
another; one has to first believe in the supernatural, and then believe that man-made things can have the power
to harbor or channel that supernatural, and then further believe that this can somehow place an entire city under
occult control or provide a direct line of communication between Satan and the President of the United States.
This is all patent bullshit.
Finally it should be remembered that Washington was a planned city. The street designs were intended to be laid
out on a diamond shaped grid with both numbered streets and streets named after letters intersecting them.
Traversing the whole city are streets named after various states and figures in American and local history,
running on diagonals. As a result things that look like pentagrams, Masonic t-squares, and compasses in an
overhead view were inevitable. Finally, there have been many changes and revisions to L'enfant's design as the
city has grown over the years.

See also


Denver Airport conspiracy theory



1. Decker, Ed. The Question of Freemasonry , Lafayette, LA: Huntington House, 1992, as quoted in Woodrow, Ralph.
Reckless Rumors, Disinformation, Doomsday Delusions, Palm Springs, CA: Ralph Woodrow Evangelistic Association,
2. "Satanic Occult Symbols in Washington D.C."
3. "The Curse of Baphomet" , 1991
4. Freemasonry Watch

DC Street Sorcery
Scriptures for America website, main page
A Capital City With The Devil in the Details?
Google Maps - Washington DC

, Washington Post

Category: Conspiracy theories

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