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3) How to search and find new competent people (new hires) on

new emerging markets (Spain)?

To search and find new competent people on a new emerging market

such as Spain first of all you have to get a bit familiar with the culture.
Due to the big differences in culture around the world. Once you have a
basic idea of its culture you have to identify what type of service are
you going to offer and depending on that you would focus on a specific
group of people. For the characteristics of this company we are going
to look for people with the following requisites:
Usually men, older than 23 years old.
With a minimum experience transporting people of three years
and with a valid driving license with a minimum of 8 points.
Drivers will be required for psychometric, toxicological exams and
a personal interview.
Drivers with a criminal record will not be accepted.
With a valid DNI and life insurance.
Drivers with perfect Spanish and a basic level of English (B1)
Open mind men willing to give conversation.
Once we have chosen our candidates they must do a training course,
where we will show them the basic treatment we want for our
customers, give them conversation, open the door when they arrive,
etc. We will also explain them how the company works and what are
our ideals. We are looking for this type of requisites to try to have our
clients as satisfied as possible and willing to repeat their experience,
avoiding problematic personal we have more chances on being
successful with our service. Once we have hired our staff it would be
convenient, in about 6 months, to make sure that we have selected the
right staff doing a series of tests. We should access customer surveys
to see how they feel with the company, ask workers how they feel
about the company and finally check how many of the employees we
have selected continue to remain with the company. So that with all
this information try and improve the company.

In conclusion I believe that the most important thing to internationalize

a company is to understand the culture of the country to which you are
going to enter. Knowing the customs helps you to focus the company
correctly towards the direction you are looking for. I have chosen these
requirements to hire our employees focusing on the client, trying to find
the way on how he will be more satisfied with the service and giving
him confidence with the driver.

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