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Three vampire lines: Beast line, Rake line, and Infernal line

Beast line: Kanchelsis children who express the beast in them.

Str: +10, Dex: 6,Char: +4, Int: +2, Wis: +2 (every hundred years of life they gain +2 two both str and
Alter form(The Beast): Can take on forms of dire wolf, or dire bear as 12th level caster
Normal vampire fast healing
Resistance: 10 cold, 10 electricity
Haste: Can become Hasted at will as long as it has fed.
Turn resistance: +4
Cause fear: A beast vampire can cause the mightiest to cower in fear just by looking into his eyes. This
is similar to a gaze attack, except that the vampire must use a standard action, and those merely succeed
on a will save or fall instantly under the cause fear spells cast level 12th
Children of the Beast: same as children of the night only all creatures are dire
Drain blood: same as vampire
energy drain: same as vampire
create spawn:same as vampire
Rake line: Kanchelsis children who express the rake.
Wis: +6, Cha: +10, Int: +2, Dex:+2, Str: +4 (every hundred years of life they gain +2 wis and dex)
Alter form(The Rake): Can take the forms of wolf, or bat as 12th level caster
Normal vampire fast healing
Resistance: 10 cold, 10 electricity
Spider Climb
Turn resistance: +4
Charm: Rake line vampires can cause another to fall in love with them by looking to their eyes. this is
similar to a gaze attack, except that the vampire must use a standard action, and those merely succeed
on a will save or fall instantly under the charm person/monster spells cast level 15th
Dominate: same as normal vampire only 15th level caster for it
Children of the night: same as normal vampire
Drain blood: same as vampire
energy drain: same as vampire
create spawn:same as vampire
Infernal Line: These children are given life by the darkness in Kanchelsis heart, then tortured in hell for
50 years personally by Asmodeuos.
Int:+10, Cha:+6, Wis:+2, Dex: +4, Str: +2 (every hundred years of life they gain +2 int and cha)
Alter form(Infernal): Can take the forms of either a fiendish wolf, or fiendish bat as 15h level caster
Normal vampire fast healing
Resistance: 10 cold, 10 electricity
Greater Magical Darkness: as long as fed can create greater magical darkness as a standard action. As if
casted by a 15th level caster
Turn resistance: +4
Dominate: same as normal vampire
Children of hell: same as children of night only all the creatures are fiendish.

Drain blood: same as vampire

energy drain: same as vampire
create spawn:same as vampire
Blind sight: 120 ft
Touch of hell: Because of their time being tortured in hell they have developed certain dark powers to
help them survive. 5 times a day a vampire may use these spell like ability and gains new spells at
different levels: level 1: no light(book of vile darkness), Devils tongue(book of vile darkness), Bestow
wound(book of vile darkness)/ level 5: Abyssal might (book of vile darkness),Hells power(book of vile
darkness), Corrupt summon(book of vile darkness), Loves pain( book of vile darkness)/ level 10: Claws
of Bebilith (book of viles darkness), Hell fire(book of vile darkness),

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