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Michael Josephson
Professor R. Kane
English 115 Friday
16 December, 2016
Presentation Participation Report
Our group was comparing the CSUN games room to the state mental ward of the film One Flew
Over the Cuckoos Nest. In our group we productively worked together to bring our presentation
to the classroom. This included constant contact between all parties using text messaging, phone
calls, and emails. On Monday each of us went as a group to the games room and analyzed it for
about one hour. We looked to see how and what impacted certain situations, who and what were
the central powers, the authority and demeanor of the space, and arrived with a group conclusion
of what we felt was fit to describe the space to the class. We used google slides and were all able
to simultaneously work on the presentation for in class. We improvised and helped each other as
needed since they program is cloud based and everybody contributed their parts. Also each of us
individually planned what we were going to say according to our individual parts of the project
as well as the way we structured our presentation.
Randy: Described the central powers and purpose of the game room
Jose: Compared the space in the film to the space of the game room
I described the central powers of the ward in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
Nate: introduces us to both locations and created an interactive design of the game room
Bryan: Concludes the presentation
Overall this group was easy to work with due to the great skills in communication. We had fun
working together and are proud of our presentation.


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