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Mock Report Card Assignment

Charlotte Bayliss
Student: Not Yet Within/Approaching
Social Responsibilities/Work Habits
Is friendly, considerate and helpful
Produces quality work
Listens and maintains focus
Takes care of personal belongings and school materials
Follows classroom and school rules and routines
Follows directions
Solves problems in a peaceful way
Manages time effectively
Tries new things and takes risks

Term 1

Language Arts Oral Language

Engages in speaking and listening activities for a variety of purposes
Stays on topic to demonstrate deeper understanding
Uses descriptive words to explain, inquire, and compare
Retells stories/experiences in a logical sequence
Uses strategies such as asking questions and making connections when
interacting with others
Demonstrates use of structures and patterns of language (rhyme, word,

Term 1
Not yet meeting

Language Arts Reading and Viewing

Engages in reading/viewing activities for information and pleasure
Reads appropriate texts with fluency and accuracy
Uses a variety of word strategies to make sense of reading
Makes sense of reading/viewing using a variety of thinking strategies (such
as predicting, connecting, questioning)
Demonstrates understanding of material read in a variety of ways
Uses structures and patterns of language to make meaning (story elements,
book features)
Reflects on own reading/viewing to progress as a reader

Term 1
Not yet meeting
Not yet meeting
Not yet meeting
Not yet meeting

Language Arts Writing and Representing

Uses writing/representing to share personal experiences, feelings, idea,
Discusses writing/representing before, during, and after writing activities
Uses writing strategies before (generating ideas), during (referring to word
banks) and after(adding details)
Uses the conventions of writing (spaces between words, capitals, spelling,
Reflects on own writing/representing to progress as a writer

Term 1
Not yet meeting

Uses mathematical language to communicate understanding
Understands and applies concepts taught
Uses problem solving strategies
Recognizes, continues and creates patterns of increasing complexity
Able to demonstrate an understanding of number concepts
Represents, compares, describes and estimates quantity

Term 1

Not yet meeting

Not yet meeting


Not yet meeting

Not yet meeting
Not yet meeting

Understands concepts taught this term
Communicates scientific observations using, oral, visual or written

Term 1

Social Studies
Understands concepts taught this term
Communicates understanding using oral, visual or written representation

Term 1

Health and Career

Is aware of own interests and strengths
Sets goals for personal growth
Identifies and uses problem-solving strategies to make appropriate choices
Understands the importance of healthy life choices and personal safety

Term 1

Fine Arts
Visual Arts: Demonstrates skill development
Visual Arts: Creates communicates and responds through visual arts
Music: Demonstrates skill development
Music: Creates, communicates and responds through music
Dance/Drama: Creates, communicates and responds through dance/drama

Term 1

Physical Education
Participates in activities
Demonstrates skill development
Demonstrates safety and fair play

Term 1

Comments, Goals and Ways to Support Learning:

Approaching is a polite and helpful student. Approaching learns best in small focused groups.
Approaching enjoys answering and asking questions in class discussions and is always eager to share his
stories and connections. Approaching practices his nightly reading and has recently begun showing an
interest in graphic novels. Approaching struggles to complete assignments and tasks without direct
support, and is often off task or engaged in social interactions with his neighbouring students.
Approaching avoids work that requires reading or written responses and his literacy abilities are not yet
within the expectations of learning for this age and grade group. Approaching is receiving additional
language support 3 days a week. It is my hope that with continued support at school, practice at home,
and his newfound affection for graphic novels we will begin to see growth in Approachings ability to
read and communicate though writing. It is important to recognize that in situations where support is
available to scribe for him, Approaching demonstrates good oral language skills. He is able to form
complete and clear sentences, and uses his imagination to create developed ideas. Approaching is eager
to be accepted by his peers and struggles in some social situations. Approaching is often out of his desk,
visiting other students at inappropriate times, can be heard talking to himself at times, making
inappropriate sounds, and occasionally he makes inappropriate comments to other students.
Approaching is a good-hearted, kind student and often offers to help with additional tasks around the
In the area of Social Responsibilities/Work Habits this student:

Required direct support to complete tasks

Keeps his desk well organized
needs reminders of interpersonal skills necessary to build positive relationships
requires ongoing support with effective conflict resolution strategies

In the area of Language Arts this student:

has well developed oral language skills

demonstrates a diverse vocabulary
expresses ideas clearly orally
finds reading and writing challenging
is receiving help from the learning- assistance teacher with literacy
needs practice using oral language to summarize, make inferences, and draw conclusions from
requires ongoing support communicating understanding of the elements of Character, Setting
and Plot in story
is developing understanding of the role of the elements of beginning, middle, and end in story

In the area of Math this student:

demonstrates understanding of number concepts, including, skip counting, pattern recognition

and use, place value and number facts to 20.
has a growing understanding of addition strategies when working with 2 and 3 digit sums
requires ongoing support with addition of 2 and 3 digit sums involving regrouping
is limited by his inability to decode the instructions or check written cues
is confident when using math concepts and proud of the work he has achieved this year in Math

In the area of Science this student:

demonstrates curiosity about the natural world

demonstrates an understanding of biodiversity in his local ecosystem
shows awareness of how human beings and the environment are interconnected
continues to build understanding of how her own actions impact the environment and other
is able to make observations about living and non-living things in the local environment

In the area of Art this student:

can apply learned skills, understandings, and processes in new contexts

expresses feelings, ideas, and experiences in creative ways
requires more time and practice with application and/or engagement of curricular content
creates artistic works collaboratively and as an individual, using ideas inspired by imagination,
inquiry, experimentation, and purposeful play
continues to explore shape, pattern, contrast and 3-dimentional form

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