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The Energy of Fingers

Click here to go In ancient times, the art of Wu Hsing or Five Elements Chinese
Palmistry was privy only to the Monks who used their knowledge to cure
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and disease among their followers. Using elemental traits,
Elements Chinese disharmony
gives an insight to the pattern of human nature as well as his strengths
Palmistry Index. or weaknesses. They believed that each finger embodied a different
element and displayed and generated the characteristic of that element
in the person. The ancient art has been passed through the ages giving
us the ability to understand human nature, with its strengths and
limitations, including our own, so that we can adjust, tolerate and
understand one another and reach an harmonious balance in our lives.

For a personal
Fingers indicate the way a person subconsciously reacts to their
experiences of life and the strength of that element in the person. The
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structure quality and appearance all reveal various qualities but the most
revealing is how they lean or how the energies of the element interrelates to each other.
In Wu Hsing Palmistry or Five Elements Palmistry, each finger is
influenced by different elements. These elements influence each finger
with its inherent quality.

The Index Finger is influenced by the Water Element. Water relates to

Emotions or Emotional Energy.
The Middle Finger is influenced by the Earth Element. Earth should be
the longest and provides the Element of stability, groundedness and
The Ring Finger is the Fire Finger. The element of Fire denotes action,
initiative and order.
The Pinky or the Little Finger is attributed with the energy of the Air
Element. Air is an element that generates inventiveness,
communications and mental freedom.
Each finger has an average ideal height, structure and quality to assure
that all the positive qualities of the pertaining elements are present in
harmonious balance. Any malformation in height, or straightness
detracts from the positive energy flow.

When accessing how a person will react to any situation, or his inherent
drive or motive, being aware of how his digits fall or in what direction his
elements flow can provide valuable insight to his instinctive reaction to
life in general. The Thumb is always accessed on its own as it is
accessed differently.

The Pathways of Energy in Fingers


Wide spaces between each finger shows a confident open minded

and extroverted person. His energies flow freely, uninhibited and

2. When the Water Finger flows or clings to the Earth Finger it indicates
a person who is controlled and conventional in his emotions and will
be less spontaneous and will lean towards tradition or convention in
his thoughts and action.

3. When the Fire Finger falls close to the Earth Finger or leans towards
it, the actions of such a person will always tend to be cautious and
stable with a view towards future security.


If both the Water and Fire Finger always attach themselves to the
Earth Finger then such a person is cautious in action and emotions
and though he may desire independence, he is hampered by his
innate desire of cautiousness and tradition.

5. When the Air Finger parts distinctively away from the other Fingers it
indicates an individual who looks for physical and financial
independence and will express himself or herself freely.


Should the Water Finger move independently away from the other
fingers then you will find that such a person will be creative or
requires great freedom in his thoughts and emotions and cannot be
hemmed in by tradition or convention.


When all the fingers flow towards the Earth Finger then such an
individual is preoccupied with attaining wealth or knowledge and can
also become introverted.

When the height of each finger is in its correct perspective as shown in

the diagram then the energy of each element is present in its full force,
irrespective of how the fingers flow. However if any finger is beyond its
average height then there is an access and their will be disharmony
within the person. Likewise if any one finger is shorter than its average
height then a diminishing of the energy of the Element is present which
can cause disharmony within the person or a quirk in his or her

Sexual Energies through Fingers

A very interesting phenomena about fingers in the art of Cheirognomy
(study of shape and structure) which has been studied and confirmed by
modern science, is in the height of the Fire and Water Finger in relations
to sexual energy.
When looking at the hands with the palms facing upwards, a Fire Finger
that is longer than a Water Finger shows a healthy and active sexual life
for a Man. When it is shorter than the Water finger, then there is a
physical weakness in the Fire or the Yang energy. Modern Science has
explained it as a decrease of the Male hormone Testosterone during the
formation of the foetus in the Mothers womb. For a Woman, a longer
Water Finger is ideal for a normal, healthy sexual Female sex life, as a
woman with an abundance of Fire or Yang energy will consume or over
balance her Yin energy. And modern Science explains it as an over
powering dose of the Male hormones which will manifest itself in more
male characteristics and tendencies. In Shou Hsiang, the Yang Fire
Element is the energy of force and creativity and the Water Element is
the receptive Element of nurturing and femininity or Yin Energy


1-1-1979 - 23 years old - Earth Sheep

Ric is a Right Handed Earth Sheep who has lofty ideals which will need
to be tampered with a good dose of practicality to ensure it will not
cause him to become disillusioned.
He has an interesting combination of hand type. His left hand is of the
Air type whereas his right hand is the Water type.
People with this combination are best suited for professions or
businesses that deal with mental development like teaching, philosophy,
counseling and guidance. They will also be creative and do well in
advertising, the arts, music or creative practical skills like cooking,
carpentering, architecture or interior designing. His birth Earth Element
will draw him towards dealing with practical or Earth products like stone
work or even gardening. Looking at his eyes you can see the gentleness
of a visionary and a dreamer and his eyebrows shows his strength of
purpose. His choices of careers will be vast but in whatever he chooses,
he will want to be the best and unique. He will be meticulous, detailed
and will seek perfection in his work.
Rics left Air Finger stands sharply independently away from his other
digits which reveals his quest for independence and freedom but the Air
Finger on his active or Right Hand is controlled and normal which
indicates the quelling of such drastic desires and the taming of his spirit
into conformity.
At 23, romantic Eric is now experiencing the excitement and
responsibilities of adulthood. He is going through a good period now
after a difficult past 3 years of self-doubt and uncertainties and he
should take positive steps forward as I predict that the next 6 years will
be good for him. To capitalize on this good run of luck, he must develop
his self-confidence, use his inner strength and take firm practical steps
into his future while keeping focused on one goal.

Woman of Strength

12-10-1966 - Fire Horse

This Fire Horse possess an Earth Hand which indicates an immediate
conflict of her assertive and dynamic nature which will always be ruled
by and controlled by her better judgment and practical common sense.
She calls herself Woman of Strength but she is not all that strong as

she will not take undue risks but rather seek for refuge in safe bets. She
should call herself Woman of Wisdom instead because all her moves
in life are planned by careful thought and deliberation, always moving
towards what will ensure her personal security. This is wisdom.
What makes her feel that she is strong is her ability to endure hardships
and the ups and downs of her life. As she an Earth person, in her
practical handling of her Lifes journey, she endures and prevails stoicly,
rising above all adversity.
Her independently separated Air Finger indicates her search for financial
independence. She is unafraid to speak her mind and is quick in action
once she decides. The tip of her Air Finger tips towards the Fire Finger
and this indicates that she can be quick and firey in her verbal retorts.
She should control this as her sharp tongue and caustic wit can nurture
hidden enemies.
All in all she is a Lucky, sensual woman who can be trusted. She is also
very dependable in her responsibilities and will shoulder family
responsibilities with strength and commitment.
However, I must warn her that she will be sailing into rough waters
during her ages of 36 and 37. She needs all the strength and level
headedness she can muster to see her through.
She should avoid wearing red, orange and yellow. Blues, Turquoise and
Blacks will be best for her.

About Palmistry
A new fortnightly series on palmistry begins this week. Palmistry, called
cheiromancy, predates astrology as a predictive art. When man noted
the changing lines on the palm and the similar yet different shapes of
hands (cheirognomy) and palm lines, they endeavoured to analyse their
meanings. MADAM ZORRA, a practicing face fen shui master,
incorporates the Shou Hsiang (hand analysis) into the Jen Hsiang
(people analysis) for an accurate reading. Palm lines change constantly
and this has given rise to the belief that they through our course of
action, for better or worse.
You can send in a photocopy of your left and right palm, or send in a
scanned image, stating if you are right or left handed, with your date of
birth, for an analysis in this column. An included photograph will be an
advantage. Use a pseudonym to remain anonymous. Send it to Madam
Zorra, C/o WeekEnder, Star Publications (M) Bhd, Menara Star, 15,
to For enquires, call 012-429 1199.

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