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"stock" is a general term used to describe the ownership certificates of any com

pany, in general, and "shares" refers to a the ownership certificates of a parti

cular company. So, if investors say they own stocks, they are generally referrin
g to their overall ownership in one or more companies. Technically, if someone s
ays that they own shares - the question then becomes - shares in what company?

1. #!/path/to/shell
Usually anything following (#) is interpreted as a comment and ignored but if it
occurs on the first line with a (!) following it is
treated as being special and the filename following the (!) is considered to poi
nt to the location of the shell that should interpret the script.
When a script is "executed" it is being interpreted by an invocation of the shel
l that is running it. Hence the shell is said to be running non-interactively, when the shell is used "normally" it is said to be runni
ng interactively.

2. We use
>>to append stdout to a file, for instance, if we wanted to append the date to t
he end of a file we could redirect the
output from
like so:
date >>
One can redirect standard error (stderr) to a file by using
, if we wanted to redirect the standard error from commandA to a
file we would use:
commmandA 2>
3. command line args ($0, $$)

4. Chmod change attributes from a file/folder

chmod 666 means that all users can read and write but do not execute
chmod 777 allows all actions for all users
chmod 744 allows only owner to do all actions, group and other are allowed o
nly to read
permission to: owner
1 1 0
what to permit: r w x

1 1 0
r w x

1 1 0
r w x

- 1: enabled, 0: disabled

what to permit - r: read, w: write, x: execute

permission to - owner: the user that create the file/folder
group: the users from group that owner is member
other: all other users

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