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at the
School Locations
Collaborative Moderation Tuesday
Curriculum Achievement
Standards across
our schools leading to greater confidence and consistency in professional judgements about

student achievement.
12:00 12:30pm
12:30 1pm

Teachers travel to afternoon destination


1-1.10 pm

Welcome [Executive Leader and Host School Learning Area Coordinator]

Purpose of Moderation and Process
Validate assigned grades
Develop teachers shared understanding of Achievement Standards
Increase confidence in analysing evidence of student learning
Continue to improve quality of assessment design & pedagogy

Table Moderation [Lead by Table Leaders]
Benchmarking moderation to gain a collective understanding through
unpacking the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standard for the year level.
Verb and Noun Activity -Ensures a common understanding of the
Achievement Standard [and Performance Standards ][Document4]
Table Moderation process - Align groups thinking
Six copies of a students assessment folio from the year level are
provided for each table by the Host School Learning Area Coordinator
Collaborative Moderation process occurs
The Moderator Record Sheets[Document2] are used to make notes with the
table leader completing a table summary on the Moderator Record Sheet

1:10 1:50 pm

1:50 - 2:50pm

2:50 3:15pm

3:15 3:30 pm

Paired Collaborative Moderation

Teachers work in pairs at their table to moderate two sets of folios -to adjust
or validate judgements about the standard of a students learning; and record
their on balance judgement
Teacher pairs are given a Teacher Set of folios, provided by another
teacher pair at the table, to undertake collaborative moderation
Teachers read one folio, make an on balance judgment and record any
personal notes using the Peer Review Sheet[Document3]
Swap the other folio with their partner, read, and make an on balance
judgment and notes using the peer review sheet.
Rotate folios and repeat the process for the second Teacher Set of folios
Making a total of all six Teacher Sets of folios moderated at the table

Constructing Feedback Determining the Grade/Feedback/Commitment
to Action [Lead by Table Leaders]
A moderation strategy designed to quality assure a large number of portfolios
Work in pairs with your partner to reach consensus about a shared onbalance judgement[for the two folios]about both the quality of learning
demonstrated against the Achievement Standard and the A E grade and
provide justifications on the Peer Review Sheet[Document3] for each folio.
Completed Peer Review Sheets and folio are returned to the teacher
Teachers make a commitment to action to action in their site/class

Plenary [Host School Learning Area Coordinator and Executive Leader]

Host School Learning Area Coordinators will organise

Teachers bring
-USB for sharing of resources & IT

devices and a set of 3 student assessment folios at the

designated year level with Student Portfolio cover sheet

[Document1] on the front of each folder:

Red folder for high A

Yellow folder for A/B

Green folder for C/D

In each folder 3 4 assessment tasks including:

Student work
Task sheet attached to each work sample
AC Achievement Standard for work samples

Table numbers &lists of table participants

Documents for the moderation process and IT access
Table Moderation
6 plain manila folders containing a folio of students work
from the identified benchmarked year level
6 copies of -Verb and Noun Sheets[Document4], Moderator
Record Sheets for table moderation[Document2], DECD A-E
Reporting Guide[Document5]
Paired Collaborative Moderation
12 x Peer Review Sheets[Document3]

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