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// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// This is the input file of ADAPT BUILDER WITH WALL COORDINATES.
// 132-column text file.
// All units in N-mm.
// All real numbers are given in scientific notation, to differentiate them from
integer numbers.
// Real numbers are defined with 6 significant digits (mantissa) plus the sign f
"1206 01"
"MAY 30,1999"
//ID TOP/BOT X1 Y1 Z1 X2 Y2 Z2
1 1 5248.423455 3029.967648 3000.000000 5248.423455 5274.922005 3000.000000
1 2 5248.423455 3029.967648 0.000000 5248.423455 5274.922005 0.000000
2 1 7763.660216 5274.922009 3000.000000 5248.423455 5274.922005 3000.000000
2 2 7763.660216 5274.922009 0.000000 5248.423455 5274.922005 0.000000
3 1 7763.660216 3029.956812 3000.000000 7763.660216 5274.922009 3000.000000
3 2 7763.660216 3029.956812 0.000000 7763.660216 5274.922009 0.000000
4 1 10312.595983 5274.922005 3000.000000 7763.660216 5274.922005 3000.000000
4 2 10312.595983 5274.922005 0.000000 7763.660216 5274.922005 0.000000
5 1 10312.595983 5274.922005 3000.000000 10312.595983 3029.956812 3000.000000
5 2 10312.595983 5274.922005 0.000000 10312.595983 3029.956812 0.000000
7 1 57342.804104 25504.675356 3000.000000 57342.853425 22589.706479 3000.000000
7 2 57342.804104 25504.675356 0.000000 57342.853425 22589.706479 0.000000
8 1 57342.804104 25504.675356 3000.000000 55412.874139 25504.675356 3000.000000
8 2 57342.804104 25504.675356 0.000000 55412.874139 25504.675356 0.000000
9 1 49952.921065 22589.701637 3000.000000 49952.921065 25504.718713 3000.000000
9 2 49952.921065 22589.701637 0.000000 49952.921065 25504.718713 0.000000
10 1 51882.851030 25504.718713 3000.000000 49952.921065 25504.718713 3000.000000
10 2 51882.851030 25504.718713 0.000000 49952.921065 25504.718713 0.000000
11 1 51882.925342 22589.701637 3000.000000 51882.900275 25504.718713 3000.000000

11 2 51882.925342 22589.701637 0.000000 51882.900275 25504.718713 0.000000

12 1 40422.943288 24359.684634 3000.000000 40422.979823 26524.664461 3000.000000
12 2 40422.943288 24359.684634 0.000000 40422.979823 26524.664461 0.000000
13 1 42902.851690 26524.664461 3000.000000 40422.979823 26524.664461 3000.000000
13 2 42902.851690 26524.664461 0.000000 40422.979823 26524.664461 0.000000
14 1 42902.851690 26524.664461 3000.000000 42902.850335 24359.685854 3000.000000
14 2 42902.851690 26524.664461 0.000000 42902.850335 24359.685854 0.000000
15 1 35211.780497 24359.687580 3000.000000 35211.780497 26524.659622 3000.000000
15 2 35211.780497 24359.687580 0.000000 35211.780497 26524.659622 0.000000
16 1 37691.754018 26524.659622 3000.000000 35211.780497 26524.659622 3000.000000
16 2 37691.754018 26524.659622 0.000000 35211.780497 26524.659622 0.000000
17 1 37691.754018 26524.659622 3000.000000 37691.754018 24359.687580 3000.000000
17 2 37691.754018 26524.659622 0.000000 37691.754018 24359.687580 0.000000
18 1 5248.423454 21164.726692 3000.000000 5248.423454 23409.693036 3000.000000
18 2 5248.423454 21164.726692 0.000000 5248.423454 23409.693036 0.000000
19 1 7763.534414 21164.726692 3000.000000 5248.423454 21164.726692 3000.000000
19 2 7763.534414 21164.726692 0.000000 5248.423454 21164.726692 0.000000
20 1 7763.534414 21164.726692 3000.000000 7763.879907 23410.504798 3000.000000
20 2 7763.534414 21164.726692 0.000000 7763.879907 23410.504798 0.000000
21 1 10313.697427 21164.726691 3000.000000 7763.534414 21164.726692 3000.000000
21 2 10313.697427 21164.726691 0.000000 7763.534414 21164.726692 0.000000
22 1 10313.697427 21164.726691 3000.000000 10312.783941 23409.697879 3000.000000
22 2 10313.697427 21164.726691 0.000000 10312.783941 23409.697879 0.000000
6 1 55412.874139 22589.706479 3000.000000 55412.874139 25504.675356 3000.000000
6 2 55412.874139 22589.706479 0.000000 55412.874139 25504.675356 0.000000

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