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Good Governance

1. Number of People Involved
a. Intrapersonal Communication this occurs when the sender and he receiver of the

message is one and the same person. This could involve self-rationalizing, daydreaming
or conscience examination.
b. Interpersonal Communication requires two people interacting with each other.
c. Group Communication the process involves several people.
d. Mass Communication takes place indefinite number of people which some would
term as faceless audience. The use of television, radio, newspapers, magazines and
billboards falls under his category.
2. Levels of Source and Receiver
a. Downward message flows from top to bottom, from higher to lower authority. This
is best exemplified in a work setting when leadership is autocratic and the workers
group is shy, timid or afraid.
b. Upward very opposite on downward. The group below feels free to initiate and
suggest new programs and projects which are welcomed by management. Illustrations
of upward communication are: feelings of employees about their jobs, about the
organization or about their immediate supervisors, prospect from promotion,
complaints, suggestion, clarification of roles, function, tasks.
c. Horizontal communication across rather than along the formal chain of command.
Individuals communicate with others who are on the same level. The middle
managers group together to discuss common problems. The following, activities
utilize horizontal communication: coordination of work assignments, sharing
information and plans, joint problem solving, conciliation, negotiation, settlement of
differences, development of interpersonal relation.
d. Circular communication starts in any point or level; moves on the another point or
level, moves back and forth in either formal or informal progression or retrogression.
e. Cross- Channel/ Diagonal Communication the direction of information flow takes
this type of communication in inter-unit exchanges, or in co-orientation activities.
Again, communication flows across the chain of command.

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