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Please read all pages of the syllabus so you know what to expect in this course.

ANCILLA COLLEGE is a Liberal Arts institution of higher learning sponsored by

the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ. The Colleges religious tradition is Roman
Catholic; its climate ecumenical. In a caring environment, Ancilla serves a diverse
population, as we transform and empower students to achieve high academic
goals, lifelong learning, successful careers and values-centered lives.

Academic Term:
Course Title:
Class Meets:

Spring 2017
COM 115 Fundamentals of Public Speaking (3 credit hours), Section 4



Jodie Bowers
574-936-8898 ext: 357 I will respond within 24 hours. Please allow appropriate time when
seeking feedback or answers to questions on assignments.
Office Hours

Monday: 10:50AM-12PM

Office: 219

Wednesday: 10:50AM-12PM

Tuesday: 10:50AM-12PM &

Thursday: 10:50AM-12PM &
Or by appointment though generally speaking, if Im in my office my door is open.
Text: Fraleigh, D.M., & Tuman, J.S. (2014). Speak Up! An Illustrated Guide to Public Speaking. 3rd ed.

Boston: Bedford/St. Martins.

o ISBN: 978-1-4576-2394-3
Course Home: Moodle Use of your Moodle account is required for this class. Grades will be posted in
the online gradebook; and class and assignment materials, forums, announcements, and changes in the
syllabus will be posted here.
Recording Device: You will be expected to record your speeches in order to submit them on Moodle.
Smartphones, tablets, laptops, & video cameras with clear video and audio are all acceptable recording

Students will learn a variety of techniques for speech preparation and presentation applicable in professional
and private life. Emphasis will be given to developing well-structured messages, clear organization of content,
analytical skills, self-confidence, listening skills, nonverbal communication, delivery skills, and persuasive
techniques. The course is designed progressively and each speech will build upon previously learned skills. In
other words, you have more time to practice, plan for, and apply what you learn to the speeches that require
more work.

Spring 2017
This course will require you to prepare and deliver a number of presentations. Additionally, you will complete a
number of activities through lessons on Moodle and participate in class discussion forums. This syllabus will
explain the nature, importance, and purpose of these assignments, the course policies and procedures, and my
expectations of students in the course.


1. Critical Thinking & Quantitative Reasoning: Demonstrate competence in understanding, evaluating, and using
both qualitative and quantitative information to explore issues, solve real-life problems, and develop informed
2. Communication: Written and Oral: Understand and communicate effectively with others using a variety of
contexts and formats, which include writing, speaking, reading, listening and interpersonal skills.
3. Global Awareness: To acquire the knowledge, values, and dispositions to act in an informed manner,
demonstrate empathy, engage in effective intergroup communication, and build community across social,
cultural, political, environmental, geographic, and economic boundaries.
4. Technology & Information Management: Demonstrate ability to utilize technology effectively in support of a
records and information.
5. Personal Responsibility & Professional Development: Ability to understand and manage self, to function
effectively in social and professional environments and to make reasoned judgments based on an
understanding of the diversity of the world community.
The assignments, class activities, and readings all play their own roles in ensuring that we meet the above Ancilla
College Academic Competencies as well as the following Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs):
Student Learning Outcomes

Assignment/Assessment title or number

Points available

Conduct and use effective audience


Audience Survey & Analysis Activity

Persuasive Speech Assignment

50 points
200 points

Research and organize content for a

speech topic

Having sufficient material and well-organized content as

defined in the speech rubrics for all speeches/presentations

400 points total over

5 speeches

Determine source credibility and

illustrate their own credibility in

Choosing trustworthy sources and developing strong

credibility statements for all speeches/presentations

400 points total over

5 speeches

Write formal speech outlines and

prepare speaking notes from formal

Outlining Activity
5 speech outlines

10 points
40 points

Deliver a speech using effective verbal

and nonverbal skills

Successfully deliver all five presentations

400 points total over

5 speeches

Demonstrate mastery over speech


Writing On The Wall Activity

Successfully deliver all five presentations

10 points
400 points total over
5 speeches

Illustrate listening skills and evaluate

strength of presentations

Complete peer evaluations

Discussion Forums & Participation

50 points
140 total points

Incorporate ethical speech guidelines

in presentations

Choosing appropriate content, language, topics, and

visual aids for all presentations Audience Survey &

400 points total over

5 speeches
50 points


Spring 2017
Create effective visual aids for use in

Develop a well-designed visual aid for informative and

persuasive speech

30 points total

Compose a well-designed persuasive


Incorporate logos, ethos, and pathos into persuasive speech

while also following other required guidelines

200 points

Course Details (This is a really good section to read. )

Students will be held to a high standard of performance. To receive an A in this class your presentations must
be significantly better than that which passes for acceptable work. More precisely, an A speech is one that
shows originality, careful research, tight reasoning, well-thought out persuasive appeals, and skillful delivery.
Additionally, A speeches will deal with non-trivial subject matter and will constitute a genuine contribution to
the knowledge and beliefs of the audience. Do not assume that you can do simply what is assigned to receive a
high grade in this class. Doing only what is assigned gets you, at most, a C.

Video Files
You are required to upload your videos to YouTube to ensure everyone in the course, including me, are able to
view them. YouTube will facilitate this process. You will then provide the link to your video in your outline which
will be then submitted to Moodle. Please review your speech video files prior to submitting for a grade. Videos
that are not audible or are muffled will not be graded and will need to be resubmitted.

Outlines: Outlines are a critical element to preparing a well-developed speech and/or presentation. Outlines
serve as helpful brainstorming and writing tools that will aid you in future classes and your career. For these
reasons, you are required to turn in outlines for every speech so you become well practiced in the art.
Outlines are not English papers. Please do not submit an essay as your outline. You will receive 0 points
for that portion of the assignment.
Outlines are due, along with your speech video file, on the posted due date.
Do not submit PDF outline files. I am unable to digitally comment on this type of file.
Outlines may be submitted for extra credit in the outline peer evaluation forum on Moodle (more info
will be posted on Moodle).
Speech Presentations: You will present five individual presentations. These will include a self-introduction, a
hero speech, a special occasion speech, an informative speech, and a persuasive speech.
Speeches are due on posted due dates in Moodle (dont forget your outlines and video links too) No
Speeches are submitted via YouTube to me and to the assignment dropbox and speech forum on
Moodle for peer evaluation.
Do your best to simulate a professional speaking space. In other words, no selfie style videos or
poorly lit video files or I will kindly ask you to resubmit your files.
All major speeches require an audience of at least three (3) people (family or friends). Pan across
audience before beginning speech and upon ending your speech to show your audience.


Spring 2017
Work Weeks: Course content is divided up among weekly (sometimes bi-weekly) work weeks. Each work week
will consist of at least 1 reading assignment, PowerPoint(s) presentations to complement the reading
assignment, 1 activity, 1 discussion post (that requires 2 responses to your peers), and 1 quiz. Some work weeks
may consist of more, but that will be the minimum for each work week.
Peer Evaluations: We will use peer evaluations as a way to ensure that you are keeping up with the reading and
can apply critical listening and critical thinking skills during presentations. You will be expected to complete peer
evaluations for each of your classmates for two speeches (informative and persuasive).
Evaluations will be done in an open forum discussion format on Moodle
Students will provide constructive peer evaluation to 1 speech in the forum board on Moodle
Evaluations will be objective and based on concepts from course learning objectives
Evaluations will have substance. I liked it or I didnt like it is not enough to help your peer recognize
where they need to improve or what they did well.
Evaluations will be respectful and provide useful commentary to the speaker.
Any evaluation not meeting the above stated criteria will be deleted and the student responsible for the
post will receive a zero for that assignment.

Survey & Audience Analysis:

Students will use Survey Monkey to create an online survey covering topics in your persuasive speech. You will
provide a link to your survey for you classmates to complete. The purpose of this assignment is to practice
surveying your audience to analyze their views on your persuasive topic. It is much easier to tailor a speech to an
audience, so you are more persuasive, if you know your audiences opinions and knowledge level of your topic.
Participation/Attendance Grade This is an online course, but interaction with your peers and instructor are
just as crucial to your success in this course as they are in an on-campus setting. Not to mention, it is a
communication course, so naturally you will all be expected to communicate. You will be counted as present

for the week when two of the following have been completed: discussion boards, weekly activity, and
Outline Reviews & Extra Credit: A discussion thread will be available for each learning unit where you may
post your outline draft. I reserve the right to determine which outlines are eligible for extra credit. Outlines that
will not qualify would be turned in past the designated due date, missing a section of their outline, lacking
references (when needed), have incomplete sections, etc. Your draft does not have to be final, but should be
complete so that constructive and helpful reviews can be given.
Extra credit will range between a 5-10 point boost on that speechs final grade.
Your course grade will be determined by your performance in assignments, presentations, peer evaluations, and
overall participation in the course. See Moodle for a breakdown of total course points possible including all
activities, discussion posts, quizzes, and speeches. (Points and assignments are tentative and may change
throughout semester- instructor will notify you.)


Spring 2017
Self-Introduction Speech
Special Occasion Speech
Informative Presentation
Hero Speech
Persuasive Presentation
Class Activities
Discussion Boards
Total Course Points



Total Points


Late Work policy: All assignments and speeches should always be turned in on time. Late speeches will
receive a 30% penalty if turned in within a week of the original due date. They will not be accepted a
week after the original due date unless arrangements have been made with me.
If you have late assignments, please turn them in. If you fall behind, do not give up or become
discouraged. Please reach out to me through email/phone or visit during office hours and I will do my
best to guide you to the best plan to stay on track in our course.


Attendance each week is expected and essential to your success in class. Since much of the learning in this class
will result from interaction with others, attendance and participation are vital for your success. Attendance in
the online session will be taken by completing assignments, discussion posts, and quizzes weekly. See Moodle
for details. Online weeks are Monday to Sunday. Please plan your schedules accordingly.
If you must be absent because of extenuating circumstances (i.e. illness, family emergency, etc) you must notify
me in advance of your absence as soon as possible. If you communicate with me in advance I will be better
equipped to help you stay on track due to excusable absence or late assignments, but ultimately it is your
responsibility for obtaining the material that you miss and staying on track with the class schedule.

Academic integrity means that students may not submit work that is not their own in any manner (research
papers, exams, oral reports, computer reports, etc.). This includes plagiarism and cheating. Permitting other
students to use ones work as their own also violates the principle of academic integrity. As specified in all
syllabi, Ancilla College stresses the importance of academic integrity. Because all colleges and universities value
academic integrity highly, they treat violations very seriously. Sanctions for offenses can range from failure on
the assignment or the course to dismissal from the College. Sanctions will be determined by the Instructor or, in
repeat or more serious offenses, the Dean of Academic and Student Services.
Any repeated violation of this policy can result in dismissal from Ancilla College. All honor violations will be
reported to the Dean at the time they are detected.
Plagiarism on any assignment will result in a minimum of a 0 for the assignment. Plagiarism includes the

Copying someone elses work and not mentioning him/her in your work
Paraphrasing someone elses work and not mentioning him/her in your work


Spring 2017

Collaborating with another person and not mentioning him/her in your work

When in doubt, CITE your work. The risk is not worth it.
If you have any disability that may require accommodation, or if you have questions related to accommodations,
please contact the Center for Student Achievement (CSA) ADA office as soon as possible. The CSA Lab is located
in room 204 or can be reached at (574) 936-8898, ext. 302.
Please be advised that in order to receive services you must: submit documentation in the form requested by
CSA staff. The documentation needs to be approved by CSA staff, and all paperwork involved in the process
must be completed. This must be done no later than the first week of classes. Documentation must be
submitted and approved at least one week before testing, if accommodations are needed. Documentation
received later than these deadlines may not be approved and accommodations may not be granted.

Assignments: All written work must be computer-generated, double-spaced, and 12-point (max) font with 1inch
margin. They are to be turned in by midnight of the assigned due date, or by due date described in the
assignment description.

E-mail: Email is the preferred method of communication and is the easiest way for me to get back to you
quickly. I try very hard to respond quickly, but expect at most 24 hours for a response. I suggest checking your
email often. Missing an email might mean missing out on extra credit or important information pertaining to
class. If e-mail is not a reasonable means of communication for you, please talk to me and we will work out an
alternative. If you e-mail me and have not heard back within 24 hours, please send your e-mail again.

Moodle: Moodle is the web platform of this this class. You must become familiar with our class site in order to
turn in assignments and participate. Please explore Moodle on the first day of class and send any questions you
may have to me. Each student is responsible for getting to know how Moodle works. Moodle does not make
your assignments late, you do. Please know I am available to help, so please approach me with any questions
BEFORE assignments are due for best results.

Respecting Others and Yourself: Log onto Moodle as if you are walking into an on-campus class ready to
engage in discussion and course work. With that in mind, remember that the posts and comments you make and
read come from classmates (even though we cannot see each other) that are a valuable asset to the learning
experience.. Please respect others opinions. Sometimes we may not agree... Making objective comments and
basing discussion on reasoning found in our learning materials is key to a respectful classroom environment.
Hateful, racist, or other inappropriate comments have no place in my classroom. Any offensive post will be
deleted and the offender will lose participation points.

Classroom Etiquette: The Ancilla College Code of Conduct is detailed in the Ancilla College Catalog/Student
Handbook, available on the college website.

Your learning is my #1 priority.

Therefore I may make changes to the syllabus (including policies and

assignments) and course schedule during the term based on the needs of the class. Any changes will be emailed
to students and posted on Moodle..


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