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Read the following article and then answer questions 120.

Write your answers in the

spaces provided. For multiple-choice questions, choose the best answer and blacken
ONE circle only.
Wearing thin







1 A growing number of countries are taking steps to regulate the fashion industrys
use of super-thin models in fashion shows. The governments of Spain, Italy, Brazil and
India have developed laws aimed at keeping ultra-thin models out of shows. This is a
positive step, and other countries appear likely to follow suit. The move follows the
announcement that Italian fashion designer Donatella Versaces daughter is suffering
from anorexia nervosa a dangerous eating disorder and news of the eating
disorder-related deaths of two Latin American fashion models.
2 For many years, people have criticised the fashion industry for promoting the idea
that women must be thin to be beautiful. However, their complaints have fallen on deaf
ears. Fashion designers continue to use ultra-thin models to display their clothes
because they think skinny models gaunt frames make clothes look better.
Unfortunately, this means that many clothes are designed to suit unnaturally thin body
shapes, causing many normal-sized women to feel that they are too fat to be
fashionable. Critics believe that this effect on womens self esteem can lead to
increased risk of eating disorders and unhealthy weight loss.
3 To make things worse, the message that thin equals beautiful is not limited to
fashion shows. It is being constantly reinforced by the media. Every day, women are
exposed to thousands of advertisements featuring skinny fashion models and messages
about the importance of losing weight so as to appear more attractive. In addition,
many clothing shops and boutiques only display the smallest sizes, and do not stock
larger sizes. Whats more, the sizes that they do stock are likely to run small, meaning
that even a normal-sized woman may have difficulty fitting into a large-sized garment.
4 The small sizing of fashionable clothes is especially evident in Hong Kong. The
Hong Kong Eating Disorders Association (HKEDA) carried out a survey of 600 Hong
Kong women aged sixteen and over. Nearly half of the women surveyed said they had
trouble finding clothes that fit (even though most of the women were of average size).
Furthermore, around two thirds of those women reported feeling embarrassed or
ashamed when clothes did not fit them, and more than eighty per cent said they had
tried to lose weight just so they could find clothes that would fit. Twenty-eight of the
women said that the unavailability of larger clothing sizes had caused them to consider
committing suicide.
5 The belief that thin is beautiful is obviously very damaging to womens mental
and emotional health. It is also harmful to their physical health as it encourages
unhealthy weight loss and increases the risk of developing a potentially fatal eating
disorder like anorexia nervosa. The HKEDA is working hard to help Hong Kong
women avoid eating disorders, but its task is made much harder by the irresponsible
actions of the local fashion and slimming industries.
6 Unfortunately, due to the nature of Hong Kongs legislative system, it is unlikely

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that the Government will be able to pass any laws to restrict the use of super-thin
models in Hong Kong. However, the HKEDA hopes that the members of the local
fashion industry will follow the international trend away from super-skinny models,
and begin to act more responsibly. Specifically, the association is encouraging wider
availability of larger-sized clothes and the use of medium-sized instead of extra smallsized clothing in shop displays.
7 It is not easy to battle ____ the negative preoccupation with weight. However,
Patricia Wong, a former anorexic, is determined to help women reject the ideal that
the fashion industry wants everybody to believe in. In her book, Big Beautiful Women,
Wong seeks to show women in Hong Kong that keeping fit and having a balanced diet
are preferable to forcing themselves to meet the impossible standards of thin models in
magazines and slimming-industry advertisements. She also encourages women to shift
their focus away from body shape to self-confidence and inner strength. Wong says if
people feel comfortable with their body shapes, self-confidence will follow and with it
will come beauty.

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According to paragraph 1, very thin models ......



has a daughter who is a fashion model.

is a fashion designer from Italy.
is suffering from a dangerous eating disorder.
wants to keep ultra-thin models out of fashion shows.

According to paragraph 2, people who complain about the fashion industry think
A. fashion designers are very self-conscious about their
body shapes.
B. the use of very thin models has serious negative
C. most women are too fat to wear fashionable outfits.
D. fashion models must be thin.


According to paragraph 1, Donatella Versace ......



usually die from anorexia nervosa.

are very common in Spain, Italy, Brazil and India.
are taking positive steps against eating disorders.
are banned from fashion shows in some countries.

In line 11, they refers to ......


normal-sized women.
super-skinny models.
fashion designers.


In paragraph 2, which phrase means been ignored?


According to paragraph 3, many clothing shops


display advertisements featuring skinny models.

do not stock fashionable clothes in larger sizes.
employ very skinny fashion models.
stock a wide range of clothing in many different sizes.


In line 21, what does they refer to?


In paragraph 3, which word means item of clothing?

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Read paragraph 4 and decide whether the statements below are True, False or the
information is Not Given. Blacken ONE circle only for each statement.

The HKEDA surveyed 600 Hong Kong teenagers.

False Not Given

10. Many of the surveyed women experienced difficulty

finding clothes to fit them.

11. Women said they were made to feel embarrassed by

sales staff in fashion boutiques.

12. It is common for Hong Kong women to try dieting in

order to fit into clothes.

13. Some women thought about killing themselves because

they could not fit into fashionable clothes.

14. Find an adjective in paragraph 5 that means causing death?

15. According to paragraph 5, which of the following is NOT caused by the belief
that thin is beautiful?

increased risk of developing of an eating disorder

mental and emotional damage
unhealthy weight gain
weight loss

16. According to paragraph 6, the HKEDA hopes that

A. Hong Kongs fashion industry will follow the
example set by Spain, Italy, Brazil and India.
B. more shops selling plus-sized clothing will open in
Hong Kong.
C. the Government will create laws that force the
slimming industry to act more responsibly.
D. the Government will create laws to regulate the use of
very skinny models in Hong Kong.

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17. Look at the word nature in line 38. The word has different meanings. Read the
dictionary entry for nature below and decide which meaning corresponds to the
meaning in line 38.
nature (Noun)
A. Everything in the physical world that is not controlled by humans, such as
wild plants and animals, earth and rocks, and the weather.
B. Someones character.
C. The qualities or features that something has.
D. A particular kind of thing.

18. In line 45, there is ONE word missing. What is it?

19. According to paragraph 7, which of the following statements are TRUE?

1. Patricia Wong used to suffer an eating disorder.
2. Big Beautiful Women tries to convince women that a good character is not as
important as appearance.
3. The fashion industry wants you to believe that eating a healthy diet is
preferable to being skinny.
4. Patricia Wong believes that if you feel confident about yourself, you will
look beautiful.
5. Patricia Wong is a writer.
A. 1, 2 and 4
B. 1, 3 and 4
C. 1, 4 and 5
D. 2, 4 and 5

20. Which of the following alternative titles would be the most suitable for the

Clothing stores receive serious complaints

Eating disorders on the rise in Hong Kong
Fashion world in shock over model deaths
Fighting the skinny myth

Pearson Education Asia Limited 2008


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