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Book 2B Lesson Worksheet 10A (Refer to §10.


10.1A Introduction to Square Roots

(a) If x2 = n, then x is a square root of n.

e.g. 32 = 9. So, 3 is a square root of 9.
(b) Every positive number n has two square roots n (positive ! ‘ ’ is called
square root) and − n (negative square root). the radical sign.

e.g. 3 has two square roots 3 and − 3 .

Example 1 Instant Drill 1

Write down the square roots of each of the Write down the square roots of each of the
following numbers. following numbers.
(a) 5 (a) 7
(b) 16 ( )2 = (b) 64 ( )2 = 64
Sol (a) The square roots of 5 are 5 and − 5 . Sol (a) The square roots of 7 are ( ) and
(b) The square roots of 16 are 16 and
( ).
− 16 , i.e. 4 and − 4.
(b) The square roots of 64 are

1. Find the square roots of each of the following numbers.

(a) 2 (b) 4

(c) 6 (d) 17

(e) 36 (f) 81

(g) 95 (h) 121

Ex 10A 1−4

2. Without using a calculator, find the value of 3. Without using a calculator, find the value of
3+6. 5 2 − 32 .
3+6 = ( )

Ex 10A 5−10

10.1B Finding the Values of Square Roots Using a Calculator
Example 2 Instant Drill 2
Find the value of 2 , correct to 3 decimal places. Find the value of 11 , correct to 3 decimal places.
Sol Sol
: 2 : 11
2 = 1.414, cor. to 3 d.p. 11 =

Find the value of each of the following numbers, correct to 3 decimal places if necessary.
[Nos. 4–5]
4. (a) 256 (b) − 0.25 5. (a) 12.3 (b) −
: 3

Ex 10A 11−20

6. Find the value of 400 − 100 .

Ex 10A 21, 22
! Level Up Question
7. The area of the square ABCD as shown in the figure is 49 m2. A D
(a) Find the value of x.
Area of ABCD = ( )2
(b) Find the perimeter of ABCD.
B xm C

New Century Mathematics (2nd Edition) 2B

10 Pythagoras’ Theorem

Consolidation Exercise 10A "

[In this exercise, unless otherwise stated, give the answers correct to 3 significant figures if necessary.]

Level 1
1. Write down the positive square root of each of the following numbers.
(a) 1 (b) 25 (c) 64

2. Write down the negative square root of each of the following numbers.
(a) 4 (b) 81 (c) 100

3. (a) Find the values of (−13)2 and 132.

(b) Hence, find the square roots of 169.

4. Find the square roots of each of the following numbers.

(a) 9 (b) 16 (c) 36

Without using a calculator, find the values of the following expressions. [Nos. 5−
5. 4 6. 49 7. 121

8. 39 − 14 9. 4 2 + 48 10. −

Find the values of the following expressions. [Nos. 11−


11. 256 12. − 361 13. 520

14. 0.25 15. 14.1 16. − 10

17. 2× 3 18. − 19. 324 − 25

20. Given that the area of a square is 16 m2, find the length of its side.

21. In the figure, if the area of ABC is 81 cm2, find the value of x.

22. In the figure, if the area of the parallelogram KLMN is

108 cm2, find the value of a.

Level 2
Find the square roots of each of the following numbers. [Nos. 23−
23. (a) 0.36 (b) 1.21

25 289
24. (a) (b)
169 144

Find the values of the following expressions. [Nos. 25−

1 2 2
25. 26. 1 27. 2−
5+ 4 5 9

7 5 −1 6+ 8
28. 6+ 29. 30.
8 2 13

4− 9 6.1 + 3.3
31. 32. − 33. − 9 2 + 40 2
16 7

34. The area of a square tile is 1.44 m2. Find the perimeter of the tile.

35. In the figure, the rectangle ABCD is composed of two identical

squares ABNM and MNCD. If the area of ABCD is 21.78 cm2, find its

Book 2B Lesson Worksheet 10B (Refer to §10.2A−B)

[In this worksheet, unless otherwise stated, give the answers correct to 3 significant figures if necessary.]

10.2A Pythagoras’ Theorem

In ABC as shown,
if ∠C = 90°,
c !The side (AB)
then a2 + b2 = c2. b which is opposite
to the right angle
[Reference: Pyth. theorem] B a C is called the

Example 1 Instant Drill 1

Find c in the figure. Find x in the figure.
c x
6 8

Sol 62 + 82 = c2 ! Pyth. theorem Sol ( )2 + ( )2= ( )2 ! Pyth. theorem
c2 = 100
c = 100 ! c represents the
= 10 length of a side.

Find the unknown in each of the following figures. [Nos. 1–4]

1. 7 2.
12 10

9 y

( )2 + ( )2= ( )2 ! Pyth. theorem


Ex 10B 1, 2, 5, 7, 8

3. 13 4. 15

5 m
( 2
) +( 2
)=( ) 2
! Pyth. theorem

Ex 10B 3, 4, 6, 9

Find the unknown in each of the following figures. [Nos. 5–6]
(Leave the radical sign ‘ ’ in the answers.)
5. 6. 3
y 2

( )2 + ( )2= ( )2 ! Pyth. theorem


Ex 10B 16, 17

10.2B Applications of Pythagoras’ Theorem

I. Applications to Other Simple Geometric Figures

Example 2 Instant Drill 2

The figure shows a rectangle ABCD. Find the The figure shows a square PQRS. Find the length
length of the diagonal BD. of the diagonal PR.
A 21 cm D P S
For a rectangle, For a square,
(i) opposite sides are equal (i) all sides are equal
20 cm 5m (ii) interior angle =
(ii) interior angle = ( )°
( )°
B C Q 5m R

Sol In BAD, ∠BAD = 90°. Sol In PQR, ∠PQR = ( )°.

AD2 + AB2 = BD2 ! Pyth. theorem ( )2 + ( )2 = PR2 ! Pyth. theorem

BD = AD 2 + AB 2 PR =
2 2
= 21 + 20 cm
= 29 cm

7. In the figure, EFGH is a rectangle. Find the perimeter of EFGH. E H

10.9 cm
6 cm


Find the
length of FG

Ex 10B 10, 11, 18, 19

Example 3 Instant Drill 3
In the figure, BCD is a straight line. Find the Refer to the figure. Find the lengths of PR and QR.
lengths of AC and AD. P
38 cm
24 cm
15 m

B 9m C 12 m D R 7 cm
Sol In ABC, Sol In PRS,
AC2 + BC2= AB2 ! Pyth. theorem ( )2 + ( )2= ( )2 ! Pyth. theorem
2 2 =
AC = AB − BC
2 2
= 15 − 9 m
= 12 m
In ACD, In ,

AC2 + CD2= AD2 ! Pyth. theorem ( )2 + ( )2= ( )2 ! Pyth. theorem

AD = AC 2 + CD 2
= 12 2 + 12 2 m
= 17.0 m, cor. to 3 sig. fig.

8. In the figure, BCD is a straight line. 9. In the figure, QRS is a straight line and
AC = 2.5 cm. Find the lengths of CD and AB. PR ⊥ QS. Find the length of QS.
6m 10 m
2 cm 4m
3 cm C
∠PRQ =
∠PRS =

Ex 10B 12−15

II. Applications in Real Life
Example 4 Instant Drill 4
In the figure, a ladder MN leans against a vertical The figure shows an inclined road EF. Find the
wall. Find the length of the ladder MN. length of this road.
10 m
1.6 m D F
50 m
1.2 m Sol ∠EDF = ( )°
Sol ∠NOM = 90°
MO2 + NO2= MN2 ! Pyth. theorem
2 2
MN = MO + NO
2 2
= 1.6 + 1.2 m
The length of the ladder MN is 2 m.

10. The figure shows a garden XYZ such that the 11. A man leaves point A and runs 2.3 km due
footpaths XY and YZ are perpendicular to each west to point B, and then runs 1.5 km due
other. Find the length of the footpath XY. south to point C. Find the distance between A
X and C.
74 m 2.3 km

Y Z 1.5 km
70 m

Ex 10B 21, 22

! ‘Explain Your Answer’ Question
12. The figure shows a rectangular park ABCD. If a fence will be A 48 m D
built along BD and the cost is $50/m, is $3 000 enough to build
20 m
the fence? Explain you answer.

BC = = m B C

∠ =( )° Use Pythagoras’ theorem

to find the length of BD
( 2
) +( 2
) =( ) 2
! Pyth. theorem

Total cost of building the fence =

$ (> / = / <) $3 000

$3 000 (is / is not) enough to build the fence.

! Level Up Questions
13. Refer to the figure. Find x. A
Recall that
(ab)n = anbn. 52

B 3x C

14. It is given that the area of PQR in the figure is 240 cm2.
Find QR.
16 cm

New Century Mathematics (2nd Edition) 2B

10 Pythagoras’ Theorem

Consolidation Exercise 10B "

[In this exercise, unless otherwise stated, give the answers correct to 3 significant figures if necessary.]

Level 1
Find the unknown in each of the following figures. [Nos. 1−9]
1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

In each of the following, find the length of the diagonal PR. [Nos. 10−11]
10. 11.

Find the unknown in each of the following figures. [Nos. 12−15]
12. 13.

14. 15.

Find the unknown in each of the following figures. [Nos. 16−17]

(Leave the radical sign ‘ ’ in the answers.)
16. 17.

18. Find the perimeter of ABC in the figure.

19. In the figure, ∠D = 90°, DF = 77 m and EF = 85 m. Find

(a) the perimeter of DEF,
(b) the area of DEF.

20. In an orienteering, Paul leaves the starting point X and walks 380
m due south to point A. Then, he walks 430 m due west to point B.
How far is he away from the starting point X finally?

Level 2
Find the unknown in each of the following figures. [Nos. 21−
21. 22. 23.

24. In the figure, ∠B = 90°, AB = 3BC and AC = 25 cm. Find BC.

25. In the figure, ∠E = 90° and EF = DF. If DE = 18 cm, find
the perimeter of DEF.

26. In the figure, ∠L = 90° and LM = 5 m. If the area of LMN is 30

m , find its perimeter.

27. Find the perimeter and the area of the quadrilateral PQRS in
the figure.

28. In the figure, ∠U = 90°. V is a point on UW such that

UV : VW = 1 : 6. Find
(a) UW,
(b) TV.

29. In the figure, ABCD is a trapezium. Find the perimeter and the area of

30. It is given that PQR is a right-angled isosceles triangle and its hypotenuse is s cm.
(a) Express the area of PQR in terms of s.
(b) If the area of PQR is 24 cm2, find the perimeter of PQR.

31. In the figure, the heights of buildings AB and PQ are 150 m and
194 m respectively. Two buildings are 117 m apart and a straight
wire is hung between the tops of them. Find the length of the

32. Tom wants to bend a metal wire to form a quadrilateral PQRS as

shown in the figure. Is a metal wire of length 220 cm long enough
to form the quadrilateral PQRS? Explain your answer.

33. In the figure, a ship leaves pier A and sails 3.7 km due north to pier
B, and then sails 6.5 km due west to pier C. Finally, the ship sails
5.1 km due north to pier D. Find the distance between piers A and

Book 2B Lesson Worksheet 10C (Refer to §10.3)

10.3 Converse of Pythagoras’ Theorem and its Applications

In ABC as shown,
if a2 + b2 = c2,
then ∠C = 90°. b

[Reference: converse of Pyth. theorem] B a C !If a2 + b2 ≠ c2,

then ∠C ≠ 90°.

Example 1 Instant Drill 1

Determine if each of the following triangles is a Determine if each of the following triangles is a
right-angled triangle. If it is, state which angle is right-angled triangle. If it is, state which angle is
the right angle. the right angle.
(a) P 8 Q
(a) A
Consider a triangle of
15 sides a, b and c, 6
9 where c is the longest. 11
Check if a2 + b2 = c2.
B 12 C
(b) D
(b) X 25
14 7
Z E 24
Y 13
Sol (a) BC2 + AC2 = 122 + 92 Sol (a) PQ2 + QR2 =
= 225
2 2
AB = 15 PR2 =
= 225
BC2 + AC2 = AB2 PQ2 + QR2 (= / ≠) PR2
ABC is a right-angled triangle,
where ∠C = 90°. ! converse of
Pyth. theorem

(b) XY2 + YZ 2 = 102 + 132 (b)

= 269
2 2
XZ = 14
= 196
XY2 + YZ 2 ≠ XZ 2
XYZ is not a right-angled triangle.

Determine if each of the following triangles is a right-angled triangle. If it is, state which angle is the right
angle. [Nos. 1–6]
1. L 2. G

29 8 14
N 20 M

3. A 4. S
5.6 9 U

6. Y
5. P 75
31 65
80 W

Ex 10C 1−11

Example 2 Instant Drill 2
Refer to the figure. Refer to the figure.
37 cm
12 cm 8.9 cm
3.9 cm
35 cm
8 cm
(a) Prove that ABC is a right-angled triangle.
(a) Prove that XYZ is a right-angled triangle.
(b) Find the area of ABC.
(b) Find the area of XYZ.
Sol (a) AB2 + BC2 = (122 + 352) cm2
Sol (a) XY 2 + YZ 2 =
= 1 369 cm2
AC2 = 372 cm2
XZ 2 =
= 1 369 cm2
AB2 + BC2 = AC2
ABC is a right-angled triangle.
" converse of Pyth. theorem
(b) AB2 + BC2 = AC2
Identify the base (b) + =
∠B = 90°
and the height
∠ =
Area of ABC first.
Area of XYZ
= × BC × AB 1
2 = ×( )×( )
1 2
= × 35 × 12 cm2 =
= 210 cm2

7. Find the area of PQR in the figure. P 11 m Q

9.6 m
14.6 m

Is PQR a right-
angled triangle?

Ex 10C 12, 13

! ‘Explain Your Answer’ Question
8. Consider a triangle ABC, where AB = 41 cm, BC = 40 cm and AC = 9 cm. Is AC perpendicular to BC?
Explain your answer.
Is ABC a right-
angled triangle? If it is,
which angle is the right

! Level Up Questions
9. Consider a triangle of sides a, b and c, where b : c = 12 : 13 and a = 10 cm. It is given that the
perimeter of the triangle is 60 cm.
(a) Find b and c.
(b) Is this a right-angled triangle? Explain your answer.

10. Refer to the figure. Is BCD a straight line? Explain your answer. A

Find ∠ACB and 41

∠ACD first. 4

B 5 D
3 C

Book 2B Lesson Worksheet 10D (Refer to §10.4A−B)

10.4A Rational Numbers

(a) If a number can be expressed in the form (where a, b are
integers and b ≠ 0), then the number is called a rational
(b) All integers, fractions, terminating decimals and recurring
decimals are rational numbers.
3 • 2 3 −3
e.g. 2, − , −4.6 and 0.1 are rational numbers. ! 2= ,− = ,
7 1 7 7
− 46 • 1
−4.6 = , 0.1 =
10 9

1. Express each of the following rational numbers in the form , where a, b are integers and
b ≠ 0.
(a) 4 (b) 1
(c) − (d) 0.25

(e) 3.8 (f) 70%

Ex 10D 9−14

10.4B Irrational Numbers

(a) Numbers that cannot be expressed in the form (where a, b
are integers and b ≠ 0) are called irrational numbers.
(b) All non-terminating and non-repeating decimals are irrational
e.g. π, 2 and are irrational numbers. ! π = 3.141 592 653 ,
2 = 1.414 213 562 ,
(c) A square root which is an irrational number like 2, 3 is 1
called a surd. = 0.577 350 269

Example 1 Instant Drill 1
Consider the following numbers. Which of them are Consider the following numbers. Which of them
rational numbers? Which of them are irrational are rational numbers? Which of them are
numbers? irrational numbers?
• • • • π
−9.02, 7 4. 2 0 7 , 3π, 5.178 209 8, − 5 3.14 , −65%,
• •
Sol −9.02 and 4. 2 0 7 are rational numbers. Sol are rational numbers.
7 , 3π and 5.178 209 ⋯ are irrational numbers. are irrational numbers.

2. Determine if each of the following numbers is a rational number or an irrational number.

(a) 9 (b) −5.7
15 integers, non-terminating
(c) (d) 4.306 306
2 fractions, and non-
terminating decimals, repeating
(e) 0.003 514 (f) −π recurring decimals decimals
• • •
(g) 178. 5 (h) 5. 6 0 2
Rational numbers Irrational numbers
8 3
(i) − (j)
4 11

Ex 10D 1−8

! Level Up Question
3. Determine if each of the following numbers is a rational number or an irrational number.

(a) 7π2 (b) 1 + 2. 2 Note that not all the numbers
with a radical sign ‘ ’ are
irrational numbers.
(c) 36 (d) 32 + 4 2
e.g. 9 = 3, which is a
rational number.
(e) 15 − 7 (f) 2+6 3

New Century Mathematics (2nd Edition) 2B

10 Pythagoras’ Theorem

Consolidation Exercise 10D "

Level 1
Determine whether each of the following numbers is a rational number. [Nos. 1−
1. 2 016 2. − 3. 19

4. −0.5 5. − 100 6.

Express each of the following numbers in the form , where a, b are integers and b ≠ 0.
[Nos. 7−
10 3
7. −8 8. 9. −2
3 4

10. 3.14 11. 9 12. 22.5%

In each of the following figures, arc BC is drawn with centre O. Find the irrational number represented by
point C. [Nos. 13−
13. 14.

15. 16.

Level 2
Determine whether each of the following numbers is a rational number. [Nos. 17−
π +1
17. 0.2 +
18. 32 + 4 2 19.
20. 6 − 16

In each of the following, use the symbol ‘ ’ to indicate the point representing the given number on a
number line. [Nos. 21–24]

21. 32 22. 40 23. − 13 24. − 18

# Book 2B Lesson Worksheet 10E (Refer to §10.5)

[In this worksheet, do not use a calculator.]

10.5A Properties of Surds

(a) For any two positive numbers a and b,
a a
(i) ab = a ⋅ b (ii) =
b b
(b) A surd is said to be in its simplest form if the number inside the radical sign
does not have a square number factor (except 1).
e.g. (i) 2 and 4 3 are surds in their simplest form.
(ii) 8 = 4 × 2 , where 4 is a square number.
The surd 8 is not in its simplest form.

Example 1 Instant Drill 1

(a) Express 12 as a product of the prime factors. (a) Express 99 as a product of the prime factors.
(b) Hence, simplify 12 . (b) Hence, simplify 99 .
) 99
2) 12
Sol (a) 12 = 2 × 2 × 3 Sol (a) 99 = ( )×( )×( ) )
2) 6
=2 ×3 2 3 =
(b) 12 = 22 × 3 Apply (b) 99 = ( )×( )
2 ab = a ⋅ b =
= 2 × 3
=2 3

4 3
1. Simplify 3 × 2 . 2. Simplify 50 .
Express 50 as a
product of prime
factors first.

3. Simplify 147 . 4. Simplify 243 . 243 = 3( )

= 3( )

Ex 10E 1−3

Example 2 Instant Drill 2
3 6
Simplify . Simplify .
4 49
Express the
denominator/numerator as 6 ( )
3 3 a product of prime factors. Sol =
Sol = 49 ( )( )
4 22
= a a
22 Apply = .
b b

27 8
5. Simplify . 6. Simplify 4 . 8
25 9 Convert 4 into an
improper fraction

Ex 10E 4, 5

10.5B Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of Surds

(a) If the numbers inside the radical signs of surds in their simplest
form are equal, then these surds are called like surds.
e.g. 2 , 3 2 and 8 (= 2 2 ) are like surds.
(b) Surds that are not like surds are called unlike surds. ! 8 = 23
e.g. 2 and 7 are unlike surds. = 22 × 2
=2 2
7. Determine if each of following pairs of surds are like surds.
(a) 3, 7 (b) 3 ,4 3
(c) − 9 5 , 9 6 (d) 5 , 10
(e) 2 , 18 (f) 27 , − 12
Simplify the
surds first.

In addition and subtraction of surds, like surds can be combined. ! Unlike surds cannot be
combined in addition
e.g. (i) 3 2 + 2 = (3 + 1) 2 = 4 2 and subtraction.
(ii) 7 3 − 5 3 = (7 − 5) 3 = 2 3

Example 3 Instant Drill 3
Simplify each of the following. Simplify each of the following.
(a) 4 7 + 2 7 (a) 10 5 − 6 5
(b) 2+ 8 (b) 8 3 − 27
(c) 75 − 9 3 (c) 175 − 3 7
Sol (a) 4 7 +2 7 Sol (a) 10 5 − 6 5
= ( 4 + 2) 7 = [( )−( )] 5
=6 7 =

(b) 2+ 8 (b) 8 3 − 27
27 = 3( )
= 2 +2 2 = 3( )
= (1 + 2) 2
=3 2
(c) 75 − 9 3 (c) 175 − 3 7
=5 3 − 9 3 ! 2
75 = 5 × 3 =
175 =
= (5 − 9 ) 3 =5 3
=− 4 3

8. Simplify each of the following. 9. Simplify each of the following.

(a) 10 11 + 6 11 (a) 28 + 63
(b) 7 3 − 12 3 (b) 80 − 20

Ex 10E 6−9

10. Simplify each of the following.

(a) 4 a + 9a (b) 81x − 25 x

Ex 10E 10

Use the following two properties to perform multiplication and
division of surds.
(i) a ⋅ b = ab
a a
(ii) =
b b

Example 4 Instant Drill 4

Simplify each of the following. Simplify each of the following.
(a) 5×4 2 (a) 8 3 × 5 2
(b) 10 6 ÷ 2 3 (b) 6 21 ÷ 3 7
Sol (a) 5×4 2 Sol (a) 8 3 ×5 2
=4× 5 × 2 =( )×( )×( )×( )
a ⋅ b = ab .
= 4 10 =
(b) 10 6 ÷ 2 3 (b) 6 21 ÷ 3 7
10 6 ( )
a a =
= Apply = ( )
2 3 b b
6 . =
=5 2

11. Simplify each of the following. 12. Simplify each of the following.
(a) 3 6 × 5 3 (a) 12 18 ÷ 4 6
(b) 72 × 45 (b) 88 ÷ 11

Give the
answers in their
simplest form.

Ex 10E 11, 12 Ex 10E 13, 14

13. Simplify each of the following.
(a) 24a × 6a (b) 60a 3 ÷ 5a

Ex 10E 16, 17

10.5C Rationalization of the Denominator

The process of changing the surd (irrational number) in the denominator into
a rational number is called rationalization of the denominator.

Example 5 Instant Drill 5

1 4
Rationalize the denominator of . Rationalize the denominator of .
3 7
Sol 4 4 ( )
3× 3 = 3 Sol = × 7 ×( )=7
7 7 ( )
We can remove the sign ‘ ’ of 3 in
the denominator by multiplying both =
the numerator and denominator by
1 1 3
= ×
3 3 3
= ! 3× 3 =3

Rationalize the denominators of the following expressions. [Nos. 14–17]

14. 3 3 ( )
6 15. = ×
11 11 ( )

9 45
16. 17.
13 8 Simplify 45 and 8 firs

Ex 10E 18−20

Simplify each of the following and rationalize the denominator of the result. [Nos. 18–19]
18. − 2 ÷ 28 19. 51 ÷ 15

Ex 10E 21, 22

! Level Up Questions
20. Simplify 6 3 + 8 2 − 4 3 .

21. Simplify 26 × 27 ÷ 39 .

22. Simplify 5 ÷ 10 × 7 and rationalize the denominator of the result.

New Century Mathematics (2nd Edition) 2B

10 Pythagoras’ Theorem

# Consolidation Exercise 10E "

[In this exercise, do not use a calculator.]

Level 1
Simplify the following expressions. [Nos. 1−17]

1. (a) 2 × 72 (b) 32 × 52

2. (a) 20 (b) 27

3. (a) 0.09 (b) 1.44

25 9
4. (a) (b)
16 49

1 5
5. (a) 2 (b) − 3
4 9

0.2 0.06
6. (a) (b) −
1.8 6

7. (a) 3 2 + 5 2 (b) 2 6 − 6

8. (a) 8 5 − 20 (b) 2 3 + 75

9. (a) 72 + 98 (b) 150 − 54

2 50 12 108
10. (a) + (b) −
2 2 4 5

11. (a) 25a + a (where a > 0) (b) 6 a − 100a (where a > 0)

12. (a) 4 3 × 2 (b) 5×2 3

13. (a) − 6 × 8 (b) 18 × (− 48 )

14. (a) 55 ÷ 11 (b) − 40 ÷ 10

15. (a) 2 6 ÷ 8 2 (b) −3 20 ÷ (−6 5 )

6 24 84 12
16. (a) × (b) ÷
2 3 6 2

17. (a) 26k × 13k (where k > 0) (b) 51k 3 ÷ (− 17 k ) (where k > 0)

Rationalize the denominators of the following expressions. [Nos. 18−19]

2 7
18. (a) (b)
3 7

11 5
19. (a) (b) −
6 12

Simplify each of the following and rationalize the denominator of the result. [Nos. 20−21]

20. − 7 ÷ 21

21. 30 ÷ 42

22. (a) Rationalize the denominator of .
(b) Using 2 ≈ 1.414, estimate the value of .
5 2

Level 2
Simplify the following expressions. [Nos. 23−31]

23. (a) 252 (b) 294

25 59
24. (a) (b) 1
324 121

25. (a) 2 + 128 + 50 (b) 300 − 48 − 7 3

26. (a) 12 − 75 + 108 (b) 6 5 + 162 − 20

27. (a) 2 × 15 × 60 (b) − 216 ÷ 8 ÷ ( 2 3 )

28. (a) 14 × 3 7 ÷ (4 2 ) (b) − 18 ÷ 50 × ( −6 3 )
72 14 × 42
29. (a) (b)
5 × 40 48

30. (a) 11( 5 + 1) (b) ( 10 − 6 )(− 30 )

31. (a) ( 2 + 5 ) 2 (b) ( 7 − 8 ) 2

32. Let 2 = a and 3 = b. Express 12 + 18 in terms of a and b.

33. Let 5 = p and 7 = q. Express 35 − 140 in terms of p and q.

Simplify each of the following and rationalize the denominator of the result. [Nos. 34−37]

1 6 7 1
34. (a) + (b) −
6 3 4 7

72 1 75 2
35. (a) + (b) −
2 2 5 3

1 9
36. (a) 32 − (b) + 20
18 45

37. (a) 5 × 40 ÷ 27 (b) 2 6 ÷ (−4 15 ) × 7


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