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1. According to the demographic demographic health survey Indonesia (IDHS) estimates

that each year there are 108 100 thousand maternal mortality rate in the world
The result of demographic health survey Indonesia (IDHS) estimated that there are 108
per 100 thousand maternal mortality rate in the world. ( pay to attention to the
arrangement of world)
2. Based on the data from the health center dayun 2014 target member of 100 pasangan
implants and attainment of reproductive implants age use contraception implant 20
Based on the data from the Health Center Dayun in 2014, the target member of implant
was 100 couples in reproductive age and the attainment of the using of contraception
implant was 20 people.(need to use preposition )
3. contraceptive implants in the working area health center dayun
Contraceptive implants in the working area of Dayan Health center.
4. type of the research is quantitative analytic
The type of this research was quantitative analytic ( use past tense if the activity that
already happened)
5. data is collected using questionnaires, sample taken 100 pus. Analys of data using
statistical test of chi square. The results of this research shows that there was relation
Data was collected by using questionnaires, the sample taken was 100 PUS. The data was
analyzed by using chi square test. The results of this research showed that there was
relationship between ... ( use past tense )
6. the result of this study is the relationship significant knowledge and attitudes towards the
use of contraceptive implants with P values <0.05. thus it is necessary to must does a
counseling and conseling about the implant.
The results of this research was the relation between knowledge and attitude towards the
use of contraceptive implant with P values <0.05. thus it is necessary to do the improving
of counseling and conseling about implant ( pay attention to the use of tense)

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