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Students policy


What kind of policy?

Choose a topic and a domain in which your policy should apply;

Think what principles should underlie the policy (e.g. a smoking-free

student campus, free parking places for students in the campus, etc.)

Draft the content

Draft the policy statement first;

Then the content of your policy document: the guidelines for complying
with the policy statement (what should, must, may be done);

Think if your policy should be mandatory of advisory;

If mandatory, are there sanctions for non-compliance? Draft them!


Where/to what situations should your policy apply?

Who is the target audience for it?/who should observe your policy?

Are there limitations/situations in which it doesnt apply?

Authority and responsible party

Who is the authority governing the policy (other related documents) and
who is responsible for applying it or making sure it is observed?


Are there concepts or terms that need to be clearly understood?

If yes, provide a definition for them;

Title and effective date

Find an appropriate title for your policy;

Decide on a date when it becomes effective;

Start writing you document!

Pay attention to include all necessary information:

Title and purpose of the policy;

Effective and revised dates;

Authority governing the policy;

Scope of policy;

Responsible party;

Definitions of terms or unusual concepts used in the document;

Policy statement;

Policy content;

Non-compliance with the policy;

Ideally, in this order;

Edit and proofread

Check for details:

Are your sentences correct?

Did you include all information?

Check spelling and punctuation.

You should have about 500 words.

Do not plagiarize!!!!! Copied text is easily detected.

A plagiarized document will bring you no points, only a penalty!

Preparation for evaluation

Written test (quiz) 13th of January, 4pm, according to a pre-established

schedule communicated in due time; - 5p.

Policy document (you can work in pairs); - 3p.

Homework; - 1p;

Extra 1p;

Homework for 1 point

Find a short text (approximately 250 words) written in English (an article
published online, from a book, etc.) on a topic related to science and

Summarize the text in maximum 100 words;

Provide on a printed page both the original text (with reference to where it
was published, title of article, URL, etc) and your summary;

Summary is individual work and should be handed in with the policy

document, on the 16th of January

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