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Senin, 14 Desember 2015



IOSBC NEWS [Bandung, December 14th 2015] - Public Relation of International
Office Student Buddy Club (IOSBC) was holding a training about how to write an
event report on Friday (11/12). The training held at the 1st floor of Bangkit Building
exactly in International Office room. The trainer was Jaka Eka Sembodo who is
Chariman of Aksara in 2015. This event was held to improve IOSBC member skills in
writing an event report.

the event started on 2:00 pm with an opening speech by the coordinator of IOSBC's
Public Relations, Nanda Tri Mahar. Then followed with matter of writing a report by
Jaka. Things that he explained was about how to make a straight news which is
starting to collecting, processing, and disseminate the information. Besides, the
trainer also gave the opportunity to ask about the training.

"I'm pleased to join this training, by following this event I get a new experience on
how to write a good reportage", said Suci one of the participant.

The training works smoothly and enthusiastically. in the last session, participant was
chalenged to write a reportage in ten minutes. Then, Jaka as the trainer giving an
advice about which part that should be developed more.

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