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Treatment of Love and War :

The themes of Arms and the Man are two love

and war and these two themes have been
welded into a single whole with great skill.The
dramatist has shown that it is the romance of
war that leads to the romance of love. Further,
the dramatist's treatment of these two themes is
characterized by realism. The contrast between
realism and idealism is constantly stressed, and
this results in a number of entertaining

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Raina: Romance of War:

Shaw's views on war are expressed in the play

through the mouth of Bluntschli. As the play
opens,we are introduced to Raina, a pretty, young
lady with her head full of romantic views of love
and war, result of her reading Byron and Pushkin.
She stands on the balcony of her bedroom admiring
the beauty of her betrothed, Sergius, Who is out on
the front fighting the Serbs. Soon her mother enters
the room to inform her that Sergius, has become
the hero of the hour as a result of his splendid

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victory in the battle of Slivnitza. He made a heroic

cavalry charge on the artillery of the Serbs and put
them to flight. He did so on his own initiative
ignoring the orders of his Russian commander.
Raina is in ecstasy, and in raptures kisses the plots
of her lover, her betrothed and her knight. She feels
that she has been a 'prosaic little coward', in her
doubts about the heroism of Sergius, and that she is
unworthy of him. Sergius' reported heroism in war
feeds her romantic love of him. She is full of
idealistic notions of love and war.
Realistic attitude towards War:

However, her romantic notions of war and

soldiering receive a rude shock with the arrival of

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the fugitive Bluntschli. He is blunt in everything he

says, blunt as is suggested by his name itself. First
she is told the truth about Sergius cavalry charge. It
was something foolish and rash and Sergius ought
to be court martial led for it. He and his regiment
nearly committed suicide, only the pistol missed
fire. Her heroic ideals of war, thus, receive a rude
shock. Further, we are told that it is the duty of a
soldier to live as long as he can, and that he must
run away to save his life. He bluntly tells her that
all soldiers are afraid to die, and further that it is
their duty to live as long as they can. The
conclusion is that most soldiers are born fools, and
they are all cowards at heart. Bluntschli himself

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runs away and enters the bedroom of Raina to save

his life.

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