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Short Film making

Topic: Ragging and its consequences
The team
Protagonist: Ravikanth
Junior Student: Tanveer
Senior: Naveen
Seniors friend: Akash
3rd Senior: Gangadhar
Teacher: Deepak

The movie opens with the narrators intro
Narrator:Ragging is a damaging form of interaction of
the seniors in college or school with the juniors or
Though many of Indian colleges have taken up strong
measures to prevent ragging, it is still striving high in
many colleges across the country.
This is a story, which will show you this awful practice
closely. We shall also see the consequences. As the end
may not always justify the means.
In this scene the protagonist (fresher) is shown entering
inside the college. He sees another student carrying
bag like himself.
Both of them intersect at their hostel room.
Junior student to protagonist
Junior student: Hi
Protagonist: Hello

Junior student: Is this your room too?

Protagonist:Yeah, looks like we are room-mates.
Hi, my name is Ravikanth.
Junior student: Im Tanveer.
Suddenly senior enters the room.
Senior: Well, what do we have here? Are you both first
Both replies yes
Senior: Im in the second year, my name is Naveen. I
am your third roommate.
Junior Student: Hello, my name is__
The Senior snaps the conversation
Senior: Did I ask your name? Then why are you telling
me your name? Listen, let me set some ground rules.
I am your fellow senior so have some particular rights.
I will never mistreat any of you. Let us all have fun &
enjoy the college.
For that you must obey me
Both nods
Senior: Firstly, greet every senior you meet. You have
to call your seniors sir. Okay?
Both of them approves in a hesitating manner

Senior: Be nice to me and I will be nice to you. Do

obey me okay?
okay both replies
Seniors Friend Enter the room.
Senior Friend: Hi Naveen, whats going on? Oh, so
you have two roommates.
Senior: Yeah, both are freshers.
Seniors friend to protagonist and junior student
Senior Friend: Hello, and welcome to the college.
Junior Friend: Hello sir, nice to meet you.
Protagonist: Hello
Senior Friend: It is hello sir
Protagonist: Oh sorry. I mean hello sir.
Senior while handing the protagonist money
Senior: Here take this money, and bring one chips and
one milk-shake.
Protagonist: Okay.
One week passes

Scene 2
Protagonist and his friend are walking in the campus,
they are going to their room while talking.
Junior friend: I heard that some of the student in our
class got ragged by three seniors, yesterday
Protagonist: This is really wrong.
Junior friend: I heard Naveen was involved too.
Protagonist: I didnt like that guy from the first day.
Junior friend: By the way,have you studied for
tomorrows test?
Protagonist: No, I will study today and finish the topic.
Both enters the room
Senior: Oh, you are here. I was waiting for you both. I
was waiting. Bring xerox of these notes, okay?
Protagonist: I have an important test tomorrow, ask
Tanveer for xerox.
Junior Friend: Okay Ill bring xerox.
Protagonist starts studying, suddenly the senior starts
music in very high volume.

Protagonist: Can please stop this music, I am trying to

study here.
Senior: Hey, its a nice song, just listen.
Protagonist: I have a test tomorrow; I have to study.
Please stop the music.
Music stops
Senior Friend: Hey Ravikanth, all of us are pretty
hungry. Bring 2 chips.
Protagonist: Sorry I have to study, bring it yourself.
Senior: You are telling us no? Hey take his books!
Senior and his friend grabs the book of protagonist.
Senior friend: Bring those chips, then only you will get
your books.
Protagonist: Fine give me money.
Senior: Bring the chips, we will give you the money
Scene 3
Protagonist failed the following test and was called by
the teacher in the office.

Teacher: You are the only one who got, less than 10
marks in the class. May I ask why?
Protagonist: Sir, I was trying to study but my
roommate didnt let me.
Teacher: Then change your room.
Protagonist: Hostel in charge says that we cant change
our room till next semester.
Teacher: This time, I am excusing you. But next time I
will call your father.
Protagonist: Okay, sir
Scene 3: The room
Senior: Hey bring me some chips.
3rd Senior enters the room
Senior: Ravikanth, you come here and lets play a
Protagonist: Listen, I will not play any game, because
of you and your friend, I got failed in the test.
Senior: How dare you talk to me like that, come here
Protagonist moves nervously
Senior: Slap yourself

3rd Senior: Hey what are you doing? You are bullying
our junior?
Senior: I am just reminding him of his place. Slap
yourself now!
Ravikanth slaps himself
3rd Senior: Just stop this, okay?
Senior: Let me teach him properly, how to talk to their
Senior pours water on Ravikanths head and starts
Time passes and due to the constant seniors bullying
and the mental tension. The protagonist fails in the
major test.
After failing in the major test the protagonist got into
depression. This feeling of depression got greater each
day and one day he reached his limit.
*protagonist committed suicide by hanging himself in
the room*

Scene 4
As the senior approaches the room he sees a crowd in
front of the room.
Senior: What is happening?
3rd senior: Its awful, Ravikanth comitted suicide. He
left a note.
Senior reads the note in a shock
He murmurs
3rd Senior: It says that you are responsible for his
The senior trembles with fear
Senior: I didnt know but I dont
*SFX police sirens*
3rd senior looks out from the window
3rd Senior: The police are here.
Senior: No way
The senior runs away from the room. Running with
guilt and fear.
He enters an empty room and hides there.
He, then notice Ravikanth sitting there in the room!

The senior is struck with shock, as he has seen a ghost

Senior: A ghost!!, help me!! someone
Please, I am sorry. Please forgive me.
Suddenly everyone enters the room and unveil the
situation. The protagonist didnt die!
3rd Senior: It was all a part of the plan. Me,
Ravikanth,&Tanveer devised this plan together, in order
to make you realise your mistakes, and never do these
mistakes again. You only think about yourself, at least
think what worse things he experienced because of you.
Protagonist: We did not say anything does not mean
that we dont feel anything. Ragging is a plague to our
society, people like you think it a tradition to be
followed. But what good is a tradition when it is
damaging lives of people.
Narrator: As of 2016, there have been 28 deaths due to
ragging and numerous other cases.
It is a long standing disease that we have to kill.
Please, neither do ragging or promote it.
Fight against it.


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